Professor Vocational Credential, Master’s Degree, and 14 years experience Vocational Credential, Bachelor’s Degree, and 16 years experience
Internships The Hospital may establish internships for the purpose of meeting future projected nursing shortages and/or providing career opportunities where there are no internal qualified candidates for job postings. In such circumstances, the implementation and guidelines of such an arrangement will be determined locally by the Hospital and the Union subject to the following: Internships are designed to develop the Hospital’s staff in order to fill positions for which there are currently no qualified internal candidates and/or for which shortages are predicted within a five (5) year period. Internships enable hospitals to maximize the use of qualified internal staff to meet their human resources needs, while at the same time providing career development opportunities for their employees. To provide direction to the local parties in developing and implementing internship(s) the Ontario Nurses’ Association and Participating Hospitals have agreed to the following principles: