Prohibit Sample Clauses

Prohibit a participating State from issuing citations and imposing reasonable fines and penalties pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations of the State on any motor carrier, motor private carrier, freight forwarder, broker, or leasing company for failure to: (A) Submit accurate documentation and information as required under the UCR Agreement; (B) Pay the UCR fees required; or (C) Operate as an interstate motor carrier without being compliant with UCRA.
Prohibit. (1) the requesting of employment eligibility verification documents from any individual prior to making an offer of employment;
Prohibit unauthorized physical access to systems as well as employ facilities protection measures to deter, prevent and track unauthorized access.
Prohibit a member of a local legislative body from requesting or introducing a legislative measure; or
Prohibit reverse engineering, disassembly, decompilation, or other attempt to derive source code of the Products, except and as to the extent permitted by applicable law.
Prohibit. (1) the requesting of employment eligibility verification documents from any individual prior to making an offer of employment; (2) discrimination on the basis of citizenship status or national origin in the hiring and firing process; and
Prohibit a Subject to be enrolled simultaneously in this Study and another clinical trial without prior written approval of CRO; 2. 2.2 Zabránit tomu, aby byl subjekt bez předchozího písemného souhlasu CRO zahrnut zároveň v tomto klinickém hodnocení a v jiném klinickém hodnocení; . – site: 4202
Prohibit monitor and prevent use of guns, weapons, knives or alcohol or illegal drugs as defined by law or tobacco products on the premises during use period and provide adequate proof to School District officials of its ability to do so;
Prohibit discrimination with respect to participation, reimbursement or indemnification of any provider who is acting within the scope of his/her license or certification under applicable state law, solely on the basis of such license or certification. This provision shall not be construed as an any willing provider law, as it does not prohibit the Managed Care Plan from limiting provider participation to the extent necessary to meet the needs of the enrollees. This provision does not interfere with measures established by the Managed Care Plan that are designed to maintain quality and control costs;
Prohibit any Person from engaging in the collection of Source Separated materials for Resource Recovery or Recycling for the purpose of raising funds for a charitable, civic or benevolent activity after notice to the Franchisee and permission from the Franchisee or the City, providing said Person or organization is not organized or operated for any Solid Waste Management purpose;