PROJECT EMPHASIS. Supports comprehensive open space planning; incorporates aesthetically pleasing and ecologically informed design.
PROJECT EMPHASIS. Protects habitat for rare, threatened, and endangered species or the preservation of high quality, viable habitat for plant and animal species.
PROJECT EMPHASIS. This project protects water quality, preserves floodplain and streamside forest, and provides passive outdoor recreational benefits.
PROJECT EMPHASIS. Protects habitat for rare, threatened, and endangered species; preserves high quality, viable habitat for plant and animal species; preserves and protects water quality, natural stream channels, functioning floodplains, wetlands, and streamside forests.
PROJECT EMPHASIS. This project protects water quality, preserves high-quality wetlands, and provides passive outdoor recreational opportunities for the general public.
PROJECT EMPHASIS. This project protects high quality habitat for plant and animal species, preserves wetlands and forested areas, and provides passive outdoor recreational and educational opportunities for the public.
PROJECT EMPHASIS. The emphasis of this project is to preserve and restore water quality, natural stream channels, functioning floodplains, wetlands, and/or streamside forests. Preserves or restores other natural features that contribute to the quality of life and to the state's natural heritage. Preserves or restores floodplain and streamside forest functions.
PROJECT EMPHASIS. Supports comprehensive open space planning; Incorporates aesthetically pleasing and ecologically informed design. Enhances educational opportunities and provides physical links to schools and afterschool centers. Preserves or restores water quality, natural stream channels, functioning floodplains, wetlands, and/or streamside forests. Preserves or restores other natural features that contribute to the quality of life and to state's natural heritage.
PROJECT EMPHASIS. Increases habitat protection and preserves headwater streams.
PROJECT EMPHASIS. Preserves existing high quality wetlands or other scarce natural resources.