Proofs and Discrepancies Sample Clauses

Proofs and Discrepancies a) The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of this Exhibit A.
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Related to Proofs and Discrepancies

  • MEET AND DISCUSS A. Upon request of either party, the Chancellor and/or designees of the Chancellor shall during the term of this Agreement meet with a committee appointed by the Association for the purpose of discussing matters necessary to the implementation of this Agreement.

  • NOTICES AND DISCLOSURES Behavioral HealthCare Parity This plan provides parity in benefits for behavioral health services. This means that coverage of benefits for mental health and substance use disorders is generally comparable to, and not more restrictive than, the benefits for physical health. Financial requirements, such as deductibles, copayments, or benefit limits that may apply to a behavioral health service benefit category, such as inpatient services, are not more restrictive than those that apply to most medical benefits within the same category. Different levels of financial requirements to different tiers of prescription drugs are applied without regard to whether a prescription drug is generally prescribed for physical, mental health, or substance use disorders. Other requirements are imposed that are not expressed numerically, such as preauthorization, concurrent utilization review, and retrospective utilization review. These are applied to behavioral health services in comparable ways as medical benefits.

  • Complaints and Disputes 28.1. If the Client wishes to report a complaint, he must send an email to the Company with the completed “Complaints Form” found on the Website. The Company will try to resolve it without undue delay and according to the Company’s Complaints Procedure for Clients.

  • Results and Discussion Table 1 (top) shows the root mean square error (RMSE) between the three tests for different numbers of topics. These results show that all three tests largely agree with each other but as the sample size (number of topics) decreases, the agreement decreases. In line with the results found for 50 topics, the randomization and bootstrap tests agree more with the t-test than with each other. We looked at pairwise scatterplots of the three tests at the different topic sizes. While there is some disagreement among the tests at large p-values, i.e. those greater than 0.5, none of the tests would predict such a run pair to have a significant difference. More interesting to us is the behavior of the tests for run pairs with lower p-values. ≥ Table 1 (bottom) shows the RMSE among the three tests for run pairs that all three tests agreed had a p-value greater than 0.0001 and less than 0.5. In contrast to all pairs with p-values 0.0001 (Table 1 top), these run pairs are of more importance to the IR researcher since they are the runs that require a statistical test to judge the significance of the per- formance difference. For these run pairs, the randomization and t tests are much more in agreement with each other than the bootstrap is with either of the other two tests. Looking at scatterplots, we found that the bootstrap tracks the t-test very well but shows a systematic bias to produce p-values smaller than the t-test. As the number of topics de- creases, this bias becomes more pronounced. Figure 1 shows a pairwise scatterplot of the three tests when the number of topics is 10. The randomization test also tends to produce smaller p-values than the t-test for run pairs where the t- test estimated a p-value smaller than 0.1, but at the same time, produces some p-values greater than the t-test’s. As Figure 1 shows, the bootstrap consistently gives smaller p- values than the t-test for these smaller p-values. While the bootstrap and the randomization test disagree with each other more than with the t-test, Figure 1 shows that for a low number of topics, the randomization test shows less noise in its agreement with the bootstrap com- Figure 1: A pairwise comparison of the p-values less than 0.25 produced by the randomization, t-test, and the bootstrap tests for pairs of TREC runs with only 10 topics. The small number of topics high- lights the differences between the three tests. pared to the t-test for small p-values.

  • DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE 21.01 The Employer may warn, suspend, demote or discharge employees for just cause. If the conduct or performance of an employee warrants disciplinary action, such action shall be confirmed in writing. A copy of all such documentation shall be provided to the employee(s) involved and forwarded to the office of the Union at the time they are issued.

  • DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE CASES 13:01 An employee who is discharged by the Employer shall, as soon as may be practicable thereafter, be given written notice thereof and a copy of such notice shall, within seven (7) working days after such discharge, be forwarded to the President of the Union, which said Notice shall contain the reason for the discharge of the said employee.

  • Uses and Disclosures Pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, Contractor may receive from the Exchange Protected Health Information and/or Personally Identifiable Information in connection with Contractor Exchange Functions that is protected under applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Contractor shall not use or disclose such Protected Health Information or Personally Identifiable Information obtained in connection with Contractor Exchange Functions other than as is expressly permitted under the Exchange Requirements and only to the extent necessary to perform the functions called for within this Agreement.

  • Notice and Disclaimer 2.1. The Data is the property of Xxx Xxxxxxxx and is protected by applicable copyright law. In no event shall User publish, retransmit, display, redistribute, or otherwise reproduce any or all of the Data in any format to anyone, except as allowed in Section 1 of this agreement.

  • Satisfaction and Discharge This Indenture will be discharged and will cease to be of further effect as to all Notes issued hereunder, when:

  • DOCUMENTS AND DISCHARGE Buyer shall not call for the production of any title deed, abstract, survey or other evidence of title to the property except such as are in the possession or control of Seller. If requested by Buyer, Seller will deliver any sketch or survey of the property within Seller’s control to Buyer as soon as possible and prior to the Requisition Date. If a discharge of any Charge/Mortgage held by a corporation incorporated pursuant to the Trust And Loan Companies Act (Canada), Chartered Bank, Trust Company, Credit Union, Caisse Populaire or Insurance Company and which is not to be assumed by Buyer on completion, is not available in registrable form on completion, Buyer agrees to accept Seller’s lawyer’s personal undertaking to obtain, out of the closing funds, a discharge in registrable form and to register same, or cause same to be registered, on title within a reasonable period of time after completion, provided that on or before completion Seller shall provide to Buyer a mortgage statement prepared by the mortgagee setting out the balance required to obtain the discharge, and, where a real-time electronic cleared funds transfer system is not being used, a direction executed by Seller directing payment to the mortgagee of the amount required to obtain the discharge out of the balance due on completion.

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