Personal Protective Equipment (PPE Each employee responding to or engaged in fire suppression activities will use the appropriate safety clothing and equipment. Each department is responsible for seeing that CAL/OSHA standards for safety clothing and equipment are provided and used for wildland firefighting. Wildland fire suppression safety clothing and equipment includes: Safety helmet that meets the minimum standards required by California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 8, Section 3410 Goggles, protection that meets the minimum requirements for design, construction and use as required by CCR, Title 8, Sections 3382 and 3404. Ear protection to comply with CCR Title 8 Sections 3405 and 3410(c) Nomex hood, shroud, or equivalent face and neck protection Nomex shirt Nomex pants Gloves, CAL/OSHA approved for wildland fire fighting Safety work boots, heavy-duty, lace-type, with deeply lugged soles and heels, and leather tops at least eight inches in height. Headlamps w/spare batteries Chain saw chaps for chainsaw operator Wildland fire shelter
Personal Protective Equipment 65.1 While not being part of any issue of work clothing/equipment supplied (see clause 28), the Employer shall be required to provide personal protective equipment (SAA approved) for use, when necessary for the Employee to perform their required duties including: (a) ear/hearing protection; (b) gloves; and (c) skin protective cream/sun screen (30+/50+ rating). 65.2 In addition, one pair of UV-rated safety glasses or UV-rated clip-ons suitable to overlay prescription spectacles, shall be made available for Employees who are required to work on reflective surfaces such as: (a) metal decking; (b) large concrete slabs exposed to sunlight; (c) roofing; and (d) curtain xxxxxxx.
Protective Clothing and Equipment The Employer shall provide and pay for all protective devices, clothing and other equipment necessary to properly protect employees from injury and unhealthy conditions. The Employer shall make provisions for the proper cleaning and maintenance of all safety equipment, devices and clothing at no cost to the employees.
Personal Protective Clothing 11.1 On commencement of employment with the Employer each employee will be issued with the following; 11.2 Where the employee requires prescription glasses, the Employer shall ensure that appropriate eye protection is issued or where the employee has had his/her glasses hardened, reimburse the employee for the cost, provided that such glasses meet appropriate safety standards. 11.3 The above mentioned equipment will be maintained by the employee and replaced by the Employer on a fair wear and tear basis. 11.4 Intentionally left blank
Leisure Time Protected (a) It is the intention of the Employer and Employees that excessive overtime will not be worked. (b) To this end the general standard of weekly hours will usually not be more than 56 per week (Monday to Saturday) for an individual Employee, provided that the aforesaid ‘usual weekly hours’ may by agreement be exceeded from time to time to meet the needs of the Project, or a specific task on a Project. (c) Reflecting this intention, it is recognized that: (i) the Employer is not restricted as to the setting of daily hours within the 56 hour standard; (ii) it is acknowledged that additional hours are necessary for particular personnel (e.
Facilities and Equipment Except as set forth herein, Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, provide all facilities and equipment that may be necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement. City shall make available to Consultant only the facilities and equipment listed in this section, and only under the terms and conditions set forth herein. City shall furnish physical facilities such as desks, filing cabinets, and conference space, as may be reasonably necessary for Consultant’s use while consulting with City employees and reviewing records and the information in possession of the City. The location, quantity, and time of furnishing those facilities shall be in the sole discretion of City. In no event shall City be obligated to furnish any facility that may involve incurring any direct expense, including but not limited to computer, long-distance telephone or other communication charges, vehicles, and reproduction facilities.
CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT (a) Employees required by the Employer to wear uniforms will be supplied with an adequate number of uniforms appropriate to the occupation free of cost to Employees. Such items are to remain the property of the Employer and be laundered and maintained by such Employer free of cost to the Employee. (b) Instead of the provision of such uniforms, the Employer may, by agreement with the Employee, pay such Employee a uniform allowance at the rate set out in Item 1 of Table 5. This rate is expressed as per shift or part thereof, or as a weekly rate – an Employee is to be paid whichever is the lesser amount. (c) Where an Employee’s uniforms are not laundered by or at the expense of the Employer, the Employee will be paid a laundry allowance. For Aged Care, Health Professionals and Home Care Employees this will be paid at the rate set out in Item 2 of Table 5. This allowance is also expressed as a payment per shift of part thereof of as a weekly payment – an Employee is to be paid whichever is the lesser amount. For Nursing Employees this will be paid at the rate set out in Item 3 of Table 5. (d) The uniform allowance, but not the laundry allowance, will be paid during all absences on paid leave, except absences on long service leave and absence on personal/carer’s leave beyond 21 days. Where, prior to the taking of leave, an Employee was paid a uniform allowance other than at the weekly rate, the rate to be paid during absence on leave will be the average of the allowance paid during the four weeks immediately preceding the taking of leave. (e) Where an Employer requires an Employee to wear rubber gloves, special clothing or where safety equipment is required for the work performed by an Employee, the Employer must reimburse the Employee for the cost of purchasing such special clothing or safety equipment, except where such clothing or equipment is provided by the Employer.
Equipment The Fund shall obtain and maintain at its own cost and expense all equipment and services, including but not limited to communications services, necessary for it to utilize the Software and obtain access to the System, and Custodian shall not be responsible for the reliability or availability of any such equipment or services.
Audit Rights Period for Construction-Related Accounts and Records Accounts and records related to the design, engineering, procurement, and construction of Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities and System Upgrade Facilities and System Deliverability Upgrades shall be subject to audit for a period of twenty-four months following Connecting Transmission Owner’s issuance of a final invoice in accordance with Article 12.2 of this Agreement.
Quality control records and Documents The Contractor shall hand over a copy of all its quality control records and documents to the Authority’s Engineer before the Completion Certificate is issued pursuant to Clause 12.2. The Contractor shall submit Road Signage Plans to the Authority Engineer for approval at least 6 (six) months prior to expected completion of Project Highway.