PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT OR CLOTHING. 5 If the Board shall require an employee to wear special clothing or use special equipment for 6 safety purposes, the Board shall provide such items or shall reimburse the employee for the 7 cost of such items.


  • Protective Equipment Licensee, and its employees and contractors, shall utilize and install adequate protective equipment to ensure the safety of people and facilities, consistent with Applicable Standards. Licensee shall at its own expense install protective devices designed to handle the voltage and current impressed on its Communications Facilities in the event of a contact with the supply conductor, as specified in Applicable Standards. Except as provided in Article 15.1, District shall not be liable for any actual or consequential damages to Licensee’s Communications Facilities or Licensee’s customers’ facilities.

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE Each employee responding to or engaged in fire suppression activities will use the appropriate safety clothing and equipment. Each department is responsible for seeing that CAL/OSHA standards for safety clothing and equipment are provided and used for wildland firefighting. Wildland fire suppression safety clothing and equipment includes:  Safety helmet that meets the minimum standards required by California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 8, Section 3410  Goggles, protection that meets the minimum requirements for design, construction and use as required by CCR, Title 8, Sections 3382 and 3404.  Ear protection to comply with CCR Title 8 Sections 3405 and 3410(c)  Nomex hood, shroud, or equivalent face and neck protection  Nomex shirt  Nomex pants  Gloves, CAL/OSHA approved for wildland fire fighting  Safety work boots, heavy-duty, lace-type, with deeply lugged soles and heels, and leather tops at least eight inches in height.  Headlamps w/spare batteries  Chain saw chaps for chainsaw operator  Wildland fire shelter

  • Personal Protective Equipment 65.1 While not being part of any issue of work clothing/equipment supplied (see clause 28), the Employer shall be required to provide personal protective equipment (SAA approved) for use, when necessary for the Employee to perform their required duties including: (a) ear/hearing protection; (b) gloves; and (c) skin protective cream/sun screen (30+/50+ rating). 65.2 In addition, one pair of UV-rated safety glasses or UV-rated clip-ons suitable to overlay prescription spectacles, shall be made available for Employees who are required to work on reflective surfaces such as: (a) metal decking; (b) large concrete slabs exposed to sunlight; (c) roofing; and (d) curtain xxxxxxx.

  • Protective Clothing & Equipment While not being part of any issue of protective clothing/equipment, the company shall be required to provide the following protective equipment (SAA approved) for use, when necessary, by employees during the performance of their required duties: i. safety helmets; ii. ear/hearing protection; iii. gloves;

  • Protective Clothing and Equipment The Employer shall provide and pay for all protective devices, clothing and other equipment necessary to properly protect employees from injury and unhealthy conditions. The Employer shall make provisions for the proper cleaning and maintenance of all safety equipment, devices and clothing at no cost to the employees.

  • CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT (a) Employees required by the Employer to wear uniforms will be supplied with an adequate number of uniforms appropriate to the occupation free of cost to Employees. Such items are to remain the property of the Employer and be laundered and maintained by such Employer free of cost to the Employee. (b) Instead of the provision of such uniforms, the Employer may, by agreement with the Employee, pay such Employee a uniform allowance at the rate set out in Item 1 of Table 5. This rate is expressed as per shift or part thereof, or as a weekly rate – an Employee is to be paid whichever is the lesser amount. (c) Where an Employee’s uniforms are not laundered by or at the expense of the Employer, the Employee will be paid a laundry allowance. For Aged Care, Health Professionals and Home Care Employees this will be paid at the rate set out in Item 2 of Table 5. This allowance is also expressed as a payment per shift of part thereof of as a weekly payment – an Employee is to be paid whichever is the lesser amount. For Nursing Employees this will be paid at the rate set out in Item 3 of Table 5. (d) The uniform allowance, but not the laundry allowance, will be paid during all absences on paid leave, except absences on long service leave and absence on personal/carer’s leave beyond 21 days. Where, prior to the taking of leave, an Employee was paid a uniform allowance other than at the weekly rate, the rate to be paid during absence on leave will be the average of the allowance paid during the four weeks immediately preceding the taking of leave. (e) Where an Employer requires an Employee to wear rubber gloves, special clothing or where safety equipment is required for the work performed by an Employee, the Employer must reimburse the Employee for the cost of purchasing such special clothing or safety equipment, except where such clothing or equipment is provided by the Employer.

  • Protective Footwear Effective January 1, 2002, and on that date for each subsequent calendar year, the Hospital will provide $80 per calendar year to each full-time and $45 per calendar year to each regular part-time employee who is required by the Hospital to wear safety footwear during the course of his duties. The employees who will be required to wear safety footwear will be negotiated locally and set out in the Local Provisions Appendix. Note: The existing central language designating the classifications of employees which are deemed to require appropriate safety footwear shall be transferred to the local appendix.

  • Special Equipment The Employer agrees to provide specialty tools, emergency supplies/equipment, testing equipment and safety equipment as needed to perform required duties as determined and authorized by the Chief or designee. The emergency supplies/equipment will include appropriate survival provisions and equipment for each permanent Maintenance Mechanic 4 and the Law Enforcement Communications Systems Supervisor when they are performing duties that would require such provisions and equipment. When necessary, the employer will replenish used or expired survival provisions and damaged and unusable equipment. All supplies and equipment will be returned to the employer when the employee is no longer performing the duties that would require the survival provisions and/or equipment.

  • Prescription Drugs and Diabetic Equipment or Supplies Biological products for allergen immunotherapy and vaccinations. • Blood fractions. • Compound prescription drugs that are not made up of at least one legend drug. • Bulk powders and chemicals used in compound prescriptions that are not FDA approved, are not covered unless listed on our formulary. • Prescription drugs prescribed or dispensed outside of our dispensing guidelines. • Prescription drugs ordered or prescribed based solely on online questionnaires, telephonic interviews, surveys, emails, or any other marketing solicitation methods, whether alone or in combination. • Prescription drugs that have not proven effective according to the FDA. • Prescription drugs used for cosmetic purposes. • Prescription drugs purchased from a non-designated pharmacy, if a pharmacy has been designated for you through the Pharmacy Home Assignment program. • Experimental prescription drugs including those placed on notice of opportunity hearing status by the Federal Drug Efficacy Study Implementation (DESI). • Prescription drugs provided to you that are not dispensed by a network pharmacy or covered under your medical plan. • Prescription drugs and diabetic equipment and supplies purchased at a non-network pharmacy unless indicated as covered in the Summary of Pharmacy Benefits. • Prescription drug related medical supplies except for diabetic, regardless of the reason prescribed, the intended use, or medical necessity. Examples include, but are not limited to, alcohol pads, bandages, wraps or pill holders. • Off-label use of prescription drugs except as described in Experimental or Investigational Services in Section 3; • Prescribed weight-loss drugs. • Replacement of prescription drugs resulting from a lost, stolen, broken or destroyed prescription order or refill. • Therapeutic devices and appliances, including hypodermic needles and syringes except when used to administer insulin. • Prescription drugs, therapeutic equivalents, or any other pharmaceuticals used to treat sexual dysfunctions. • Vitamins, unless specifically listed as a covered healthcare service. • A prescription drug refill greater than the refill number authorized by your physician, more than a year from the date of the original prescription, or limited by law. • Long acting opioids and other controlled substances, nicotine replacement therapy, and specialty prescription drugs when purchased from a mail order pharmacy. • Prescription drugs and specialty prescription drugs when the required prescription drug preauthorization is not obtained. • Certain prescription drugs that have an over-the-counter (OTC) equivalent. • Prescriptions filled through an internet pharmacy that is not a verified internet pharmacy practice site certified by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. • Illegal drugs, including medical marijuana, which are dispensed in violation of state and/or federal law. • Services of a nurse's aide. • Services of a private duty nurse: o when the primary duties are limited to bathing, feeding, exercising, homemaking, giving oral medications or acting as companion or sitter; o after the caregiver or patient have demonstrated the ability to carry out the plan of care; o provided outside the home. Examples include at school, or in a nursing or assisted living facility; o that are duplication or overlap of services. Examples include when a person is receiving hospice care services or for the same hours of a skilled nursing home care visit; o that are for observation only; and o provided as part-time/intermittent and not continuous care. • Maintenance care when the condition has stabilized including routine ostomy care or tube feeding administration or if the anticipated need is indefinite. • Twenty-four (24) hour private duty nursing care for a person without an available caregiver in the home. • Respite care (e.g., care during a caregiver vacation) or private duty nursing so that the caregiver may attend work or school. • Abdominoplasty. • Brow ptosis surgery. • Cervicoplasty. • Chemical exfoliations, peels, abrasions, dermabrasions, or planing for acne, scarring, wrinkling, sun damage or other benign conditions. • Correction of variations in normal anatomy including augmentation mammoplasty, mastopexy, and correction of congenital breast asymmetry. • Dermabrasion. • Ear piercing or repair of a torn earlobe. • Excision of excess skin or subcutaneous tissue except for panniculectomy. • Genioplasty. • Hair transplants. • Hair removal including electrolysis epilation, unless in relation to gender reassignment services or skin grafting. • Inverted nipple surgery. • Laser treatment for acne and acne scars. • Osteoplasty - facial bone reduction. • Otoplasty. • Procedures to correct visual acuity including but not limited to cornea surgery or lens implants. • Removal of asymptomatic benign skin lesions. • Repeated cauterizations or electrofulguration methods used to remove growths on the skin. • Rhinoplasty.

  • Office Equipment The Client must not install any cabling, IT or telecom connections without the Provider’s consent, which the Provider may refuse at its absolute discretion.