Provision of the Sponsorship Contribution. The Sponsor must provide the Sponsorship Contribution in the sum(s) of money and by the dates and times or subject to completion of the milestones or prerequisites, if any, specified in the Sponsorship Prospectus and in all cases, where the Sponsorship Contribution is money:
Provision of the Sponsorship Contribution. 1. Sponzor se zavazuje poskytnout 1. The Sponsor undertakes to provide a sponzorovanému sponzorský příspěvek ve výši sponsorship contribution to the Recipient in the 4.000,- EUR (slovy: čtyři tisíce eur) bez daně amount of EUR 4000 (in words: four thousand z přidané hodnoty. euros), exclusive of value added tax.
Provision of the Sponsorship Contribution. You must provide the Sponsorship Contribution: