Retirement Contribution Sample Clauses
Retirement Contribution. 1. The State shall, as permitted by 5 M.R.S.A. §17702 §§s5 and 6, pay its cost of the 6.5% or 7.5% retirement contribution for employees in the bargaining unit who are covered under special Law Enforcement retirement plans.
2. The State shall, as permitted by 5 M.R.S.A. §17702 §§s5 and 6, pay the cost of the 6.5% or 7.5% retirement contribution for employees in the following classifications.
Retirement Contribution. The State shall, as permitted by 5 M.R.S.A. §17702 §§s5 and 6, pay the cost of the 6.5% or 7.5% retirement contribution for employees in the following classifications. Corrections Firearms Instructor Oil & Hazardous Material Responder I Oil & Hazardous Material Responder II
Retirement Contribution. The retirement plan presently in effect shall be continued and the Employer shall take no action to decrease the benefits under the present retirement plan during the term of this Agreement. During the term of this Agreement, the Employer contribution will be eight percent (8.0%) with all eligible new unit members required to contribute six percent (6.0%) of his or her gross earnings. New unit members are eligible to participate in the retirement plan at age twenty-five (25) with two (2) years of consecutive service. At age thirty (30), participation is mandatory.
Retirement Contribution. 1. The County will pay the employee's portion of the retirement contribution under the employer-pay contribution plan in the manner provided for by NRS Chapter 286. Any increase in the percentage rate of the retirement contribution above the rate set forth in NRS Chapter 286 on May 19, 1975, shall be borne equally by the County and the employee and shall be paid in the manner provided by NRS Chapter 286. Any decrease in the percentage rate of the retirement contribution will result in a corresponding increase to each employee's base pay equal to one-half (1/2) of the decrease. Any such increase in pay will be effective from the date the decrease in the percentage rate of the retirement contribution becomes effective.
2. The term "retirement contribution" does not include any payment for the purchase of previous credit service on behalf of any employee.
Retirement Contribution. Unit members are required to contribute to the California State Teacher's Retirement System as provided by State Teacher's Retirement Law. The District will contribute such sums to the State Teacher's Retirement System as is required by law.
Retirement Contribution a. Effective July 6, 1975, the County will pay one-half of the employee's normal retirement contribution including one-half of the cost-of-living contribution in accordance with the provisions of the County Employee's Retirement Law of 1937.
b. Effective the pay period beginning December 27, 1992, the County will no longer pay one-half of the employee's retirement contribution as provided in Subsection a. above.
Retirement Contribution. Employees will pay the full employee’s mandatory contribution to SFERS.
Retirement Contribution. The City shall pick-up the full amount of the employees' contribution to retirement.
Retirement Contribution the District shall pay a 6% employee contribution to the defined contribution individual account program of the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP).
Retirement Contribution. The Congregation will make contributions to a qualified church retirement plan. All eligibility and participation requirements will be adhered to, as determined by the Plan Sponsor and pursuant to the applicable plan documents and federal law. Contributions will be submitted by the applicable federally-regulated due date for each contribution type. The recommended employer contribution for staff meeting eligibility requirements is 10% of salary (and housing for ministers). UUA Compensation Standards can be found at: xxxxx:// While 10% is the UUA recommendation, the congregation is required to contribute in accordance with any commitments they have made to their Plan Sponsor (UUA or other). See For congregations in the UU Organizations Retirement Plan: Consistent with the legal commitments outlined in our congregation's Employer Participation Agreement on file with the UUA Office of Church Staff Finances, the Congregation will make a _____% Employer Contribution. [And, if applicable, a _____% matching contribution and/or _____% auto-enroll.] The Congregation will define compensation in accordance with the exclusions we have designated in item 4 of that Agreement. If at any time an inconsistency is found between this Agreement and the congregation's Employer Participation Agreement, the staff or lay leader responsible for Retirement Plan administration will immediately contact the UUA Retirement Plan Director,, for assistance in coming to a resolution. Along with all other employees, the Minister can authorize elective contributions through salary deferral at any time. The UU Organizations Retirement Plan is an IRS-qualified 401(a)/(k) defined contribution church plan and is federally regulated. All employees who satisfy the Plan’s Year of Eligibility Service provision (See 2.42 in the UUA Plan document) must be enrolled in the UUA Retirement Plan and all must receive the same percentage employer retirement contribution, as specified in the congregation's Employer Participation Agreement. Ministers meet the Year of Eligibility Service provision through completion of the UUA's ministerial credentialing process. Information about Elective and Employers' Contributions, including rules for matching contributions, can be found at: xxxxx:// For congregations who have chosen auto-enrollment for their staff, see ...