Reciprocal Referrals. See Section 8, Service A1.
Reciprocal Referrals. In addition to the specific arrangements stipulated in the previous sections of this agreement, each party to this agreement will specify the referral mechanisms utilized to refer to each of the parties respective programs. Ongoing communication between state level staff responsible for planning, financing, implementing and evaluating health care services will occur so that a coordinated system can be assured.
Reciprocal Referrals. The DoH and the DHS will establish a system of referrals for those services not directly rendered by the agency, but are essential to meet the individual’s need. To the degree
Reciprocal Referrals. As with identification and outreach, reciprocal referrals are often covered in Section 8:
Reciprocal Referrals. Exchange of information between the agencies will be affected through an established referral process, joint consultation, and regular meetings.
Reciprocal Referrals. A. The DOH will make training available on an annual basis to all PCPs on the screening tools available for identifying infants and toddlers with developmental delays.
B. The DHS will inform all PCPs of the existence of this agreement and encourage them to take advantage of the training.
C. As a result of the developmental screening, or other obvious need for services, any PCP or QUEST plan can refer an infant or toddler to H-KISS for the assignment of an interim care coordinator and the initiation of services.
D. The care coordinator will identify the PCP for each QUEST-eligible infant or toddler. If the PCP did not refer the infant or toddler, the care coordinator will inform the PCP of the services being received by the child.
X. The care coordinator will invite the PCP to participate in the IFSP meetings and will provide each PCP with a copy of the child’s IFSP.
Reciprocal Referrals. Intake staff for each program shall inform clients about the availability of the other program’s services. Also see Section 8, Service B2 and C2 and Section 13.
Reciprocal Referrals. N/A 13. Coordinating Plans: See Section 8, Service A1.
Reciprocal Referrals. CHSC shall provide resource and referral information, i.e., refer the child and family to appropriate services.
Reciprocal Referrals. Each party will specify the referral mechanisms utilized to refer to each of the parties respective programs.