Recognition Clauses. I (a) This agreement shall apply to and be binding upon the employees of Hydro as described in the Certificate of Bargaining Authority of the Union dated July and as may be amended by the appropriate authority. The Patties agree that all terms and conditions of the Collective agreement shall apply to and be binding upon all employees of Powertech and as though they are employees of the COPE bargaining unit at Hydro. Employees subject to this Agreement shall continue to be subject to the Agreement where such employees are required to perform their work functions on behalf of the Employer while temporarily away from their headquarters and outside the province. In cases where out of province working arrangements require variations to the terms and conditions of the Collective Agreement, the variations be negotiated between the Parties specific to the circumstances. I Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, neither the Union nor the Employer in carrying out their obligations under this Agreement shall discriminate in matters of training, promotion, transfer, lay off, discharge or otherwise because of race, colour, creed, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, political affiliation or or membership, holding of any office or activity in the Union. Notwithstanding the above, the Patties hereto subscribe to the principles of the Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I The Employer will not discriminate against any employee because of membership in the Union. The Employer will permit employees who are officers, councillors, job stewards or other properly qualified representatives of the Union to carry out their duties on company time and with no loss in pay in respect to investigating complaints, resolving grievances, distributing Union bulletins, attending Joint Committee meetings, and orienting new as per Article Such employees when carrying out these duties on company time will first obtain the approval of their Supervisor and their (e) requests for time will not be unreasonably withheld. Where union representatives are required to conduct duties other than those outlined above, they shall be paid in accordance with Article I The Employer recognizes the Union's right to select, subject to its sole discretion, Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards and any other Union official or representative whose duties involve, in whole or in part, representing Employees under this Agreement and the Employer agrees to co-operate with these persons in the performance of their duties on behalf of the Union and its membership employed by the Employer. The Union shall notify the Employer in of the names of the persons authorized to represent the Union the employees for the purposes of this Agreement and shall notify the Employer in writing in advance of any changes in these names. The Employer agrees that access to its premises shall be allowed to any representative of the Union for the purpose of business related to the Union, provided advance notice is supplied to the Employer, in which case permission shall not be unreasonably denied. Access does not include use of employer facilities for group meetings without, in each case, the prior authorization of the Employer. If the Employer has the use of Employer facilities for a group meeting, the Union shall have the right to place ballot boxes in the meeting room for the purposes of conducting Union elections, referenda, polling, and Collective Agreement votes. (a) Properly qualified officers or representatives shall be granted leave of absence to carry out their duties insofar as the regular operation of the departments in which they are employed permit and any application by them for such shall be given precedence over any other application for leave on the same day. The Employer xxxx not charge the Union for salaries of Union representatives excused from work on Union business by arrangement with the employee's supervisor where the leave of absence is one day or less. The Union will reimburse the employer for all time lost whenever an employee is continuously involved in Union business for more than one (1) day, even if it is an Executive Board meeting, an Executive Council meeting, or a combination of the two. (This paragraph was previously in which was deleted in A. April 2002) The amount of paid leave granted for the purpose of attending to Union business other than as described in Article above shalt not exceed hours Hydro)/ hours hours (Powertech) per year in total for the bargaining unit. Where a leave of absence specified in above exceeds one day and for all other leaves of absence beyond a total of hours hours hours (Powertech) per year for the bargaining unit, the Union is responsible for the costs of the leaves, including salary and a loading factor of percent (22%). (a) Employees who are acting as full-time officers or employees of the Union, or who are appointed or elected to positions with the Office and Professionat Employees' International Union, will be placed on Leave of Absence, with the time involved considered as service with the Employer. Such Leave, approved, shall not be interrupted by the Employer during the approved period of the Leave. On conclusion of such Leave of Absence employees will return to the position they held the Employee has been the successful applicant for another job during the period of the leave, in which case the Employee shall be placed in the new job. The Employer will cooperate with full-time officers or full-time representatives of the Union In performing their Union responsibilities, The Union may use and maintain bulletin boards on the Employer's premises and post notices as required. The Union will supply department heads with copies of any bulletins pertaining to matters in the Agreement, when they are posted by the A Union member have the right to wear the recognized insignia the Union. {e} The Union shall have the right to display Union shop cards and Union decals pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding (a) Full-Time Regular An employee hired to fill an ongoing position vacated by a employee or hired to fill a position which is of a continuing nature. New employees will be considered probationary for a period of up to three (3) months as provided in Article The employee will participate in Plans in accordance with Article and in the Pension Plan. By agreement with the Union, the Employer may hire a temporary employee to fill a position vacated by a reg ar empIo It is agreed that the annual hours of work for full time regular employees for the purposes of this Agreement is and that this number shall be used to calculate applicable pro- rated entitlements for part-time and casual employees, unless expressly provided by this Agreement. Part-Time Regular An employee hired to fill a part-time ongoing position vacated by a part-time regular employee or to fill a part-time position which is of a continuing nature. New employees will be considered for a period of up to three (3) months as provided in Article Unless agreed with the Union, a part-time regular will work according to an regular schedule but will not work more than thirty (30) hours per week except that the may in addition relieve a employee on leave of absence, sick leave or annual vacation without change to full-time regular status. An assigned regular schedule will be established by the Employer at the time of hire and will be for a minimum period of two (2) weeks. Within an assigned schedule the days worked and the hours may differ. A supervisor may change an established schedule but must provide two (2) weeks notice of any change. Notice of change is not required where a schedule is varied by mutual agreement between the employee and the supervisor. The employee will participate in Benefit Plans in accordance with Article and in the Pension Plan. Sick leave and annual vacation shall be prorated on the basis of time worked according to service. Annual vacation and Statutory Holiday pay shall be paid as a percentage of earnings excluding annual vacation, statutory holidays and a. A part-time regular employee shall not be entitled to Reduced Work Week Leave provisions as provided in Article of the Agreement but will be entitled to seven percent (7%) of gross earnings paid on a bi- weekly basis in lieu of Reduced Work Week Leave.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Recognition Clauses. I
(a) 1.01 This agreement shall apply to and be binding upon the employees of Hydro as described in the Certificate of Bargaining Authority of the Union dated July and as may be amended by the appropriate authority. The Patties agree that all terms and conditions of the Collective agreement Agreement shall apply to and be binding upon all employees of Powertech the Employer described in a variation to a Certification issued to the Union on the 6 November, 1985 and which includes those employees “employed in any phase of office, clerical, technical, administrative or related work except those excluded by their inclusion as though they are a member of another certified union or by the Labour Relations Code of British Columbia, and shall continue to apply to those employees of covered by the COPE bargaining unit at Hydro. said amended Certification as the same may be amended by the Labour Relations Board from time to time.” Employees subject to this Agreement shall continue to be subject to the Agreement where such employees are required to perform their work functions on behalf of the Employer while temporarily away from their headquarters and outside the province. In cases where out of province Where working arrangements require variations to the terms and conditions of the Collective Agreement, the variations will be negotiated between the Parties specific to the circumstances. I .
1.02 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, neither the Union nor the Employer in carrying out their obligations under this Agreement shall discriminate in matters of hiring, training, promotion, transfer, lay off, discharge or otherwise because of race, colour, creed, national origin, age, sex, marital status or sexual orientation, marital or family status, political affiliation or or membership, holding of any office or activity in the Union. Notwithstanding the above, the Patties hereto subscribe to the principles of the Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I .
1.03 The Employer will not discriminate against any employee because of membership in the Union. The Employer will permit employees who are officers, councillors, job stewards officers or other properly qualified representatives of the Union to carry out their duties on company the Employer’s time and with no loss in pay in respect to investigating complaints, resolving grievances, grievances and distributing Union bulletins, attending Joint Committee meetings, and orienting new as per Article . Such employees when carrying out these duties on company the Employer’s time will first obtain the approval of their Supervisor and their
(e) their requests for time will not be unreasonably withheld. Where union representatives are required to conduct duties other than those outlined above, they shall be paid in accordance with Article I The Employer recognizes the Union's right to select, subject to its sole discretion, Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards and any other Union official or representative whose duties involve, in whole or in part, representing Employees under this Agreement and the Employer agrees to co-operate with these persons in the performance of their duties on behalf of the Union and its membership employed by the Employer. The Union shall will notify the Employer in of the names of the persons authorized to represent the Union the employees for the purposes of this Agreement its officers and shall notify the Employer representatives in writing in advance of any changes in these names. The Employer agrees that access to its premises shall be allowed to any representative of the Union for the purpose of business related to the Union, provided advance notice is supplied to the Employer, in which case permission shall not be unreasonably denied. Access does not include use of employer facilities for group meetings without, in each case, the prior authorization of the Employer. If the Employer has the use of Employer facilities for on a group meeting, the Union shall have the right to place ballot boxes in the meeting room for the purposes of conducting Union elections, referenda, polling, and Collective Agreement votesregular basis.
(a) Properly qualified officers 1.04 Officers or representatives shall be granted leave of absence to carry out their duties insofar as the regular operation of the departments in which they are employed will permit and any application by them for such leave shall be given precedence over any other application for leave on the same day. The Employer xxxx will not charge the Union Union, for salaries of Union representatives employees excused from work on Union business by arrangement with the employee's supervisor Employer’s Labour Relations Department, where the leave of absence such time is one day or less. The Union will reimburse the employer for all time lost whenever an employee is continuously involved in Union business for more than one (1) day, even if it is an Executive Board meeting, an Executive Council meetingday or less, or a combination where it involves joint Union-Management committees or government sponsored conferences; for example, Labour-Management conferences. It is the Union’s intent to provide the Employer with as much advance notice as possible of the two. (This paragraph was previously in which was deleted in A. April 2002) The amount of paid leave granted for the purpose of attending requests to Union business other than as described in Article above shalt not exceed hours Hydro)/ hours hours (Powertech) per year in total for the bargaining unit. Where a grant leave of absence specified to Executive Board Officers and Councillors of the Union to attend to union business in above exceeds one day and for all other leaves accordance with this Section of absence beyond a total of hours hours hours (Powertech) per year for the bargaining unitAgreement. In any event, the Union is responsible for will endeavor to give a minimum of one week’s notice of such requests. Further the costs Union agrees its Board members will notify their Supervisor, orally, as far in advance as possible, of the leaves, including salary and a loading factor of percent (22%)scheduled Executive Board meetings.
(a) Employees who are acting as full-time officers or employees representatives of the Union, or who are appointed or elected to positions with the Office and Professionat Employees' International Union, Union (but excluding Union clerical staff) will be placed on Leave leave of Absenceabsence, with the time involved considered as service with the Employer. Such Leave, approved, shall not be interrupted by the Employer during the approved period of the Leave. On conclusion of such Leave leave of Absence absence employees will return to the position they previously held with the Employee has been Employer.
(b) Leave of absence in accordance with the successful applicant foregoing, will also be granted for another job during the a period of two (2) years, for members appointed or elected to positions with the leave, in which case the Employee shall be placed Office & Professional Employees’ International Union.
(c) For those filling elected positions in the new jobOffice & Professional Employees’ International Union, the leave of absence will be reviewed every two (2) years. Leave of absence for appointed representatives beyond this period is covered in this Agreement.
(d) The Employer will cooperate with full-time officers or full-time representatives of the Union In in performing their Union responsibilities, .
(e) The Union may use and maintain Employer will provide a union bulletin boards on the Employer's premises and post notices as required. The Union will supply department heads with copies of any bulletins pertaining to matters board in the Agreement, when they are posted by the A Union member have the right to wear the recognized insignia the Union. {e} The Union shall have the right to display Union shop cards and Union decals pursuant to the Memorandum of Understandinga suitable location in each workplace.
(a) FullDuties normally performed by employees within the bargaining unit will not be assigned to or be performed by non-Time Regular An employee hired bargaining unit employees except to fill overcome immediate, short-term operational or personnel difficulties when bargaining unit employees capable of performing the work are not available.
(b) The Employer will not contract out work normally performed by bargaining unit employees if such contracting out will result in any termination or downgrading of an ongoing position vacated by existing employee.
(c) When there is a employee reasonable opportunity to bring in third party contract work, or hired to fill a position bring in work which is of a continuing nature. New employees will be considered probationary for a period of up to three (3) months as provided in Article The employee will participate in Plans in accordance with Article and in the Pension Plan. By agreement with the Unioncurrently being subcontracted, the Employer parties will meet in an effort to make competitive arrangements. Such arrangements may hire include a temporary employee to fill a position vacated by a reg ar empIo It is agreed that waiver of certain provisions of the annual hours of work for full time regular employees for the purposes of this Agreement is and that this number Collective Agreement. Such waivers shall be used to calculate applicable pro- rated entitlements for part-time and casual employeesnot reduce salaries or benefits, unless expressly provided by this Agreement. Part-Time Regular An employee hired to fill a part-time ongoing position vacated by a part-time regular employee or to fill a part-time position which is of a continuing nature. New employees will be considered for a period of up to three (3) months as provided in Article Unless agreed with the Union, a part-time regular will work according to an regular schedule but will not work more than thirty (30) hours per week except that the may in addition relieve a employee on leave of absence, sick leave or annual vacation without change to full-time regular status. An assigned regular schedule will be established by the Employer at the time of hire and will be for a minimum period of two (2) weeks. Within an assigned schedule the days worked and the hours may differ. A supervisor may change an established schedule but must provide two (2) weeks notice of any change. Notice of change is not required where a schedule is varied by mutual agreement between the employee and the supervisor. The employee will participate in Benefit Plans in accordance with Article and in the Pension Plan. Sick leave and annual vacation shall be prorated on the basis of time worked according to service. Annual vacation and Statutory Holiday pay shall be paid as a percentage of earnings excluding annual vacation, statutory holidays and
a. A part-time regular employee shall not be entitled to Reduced Work Week Leave provisions as provided in Article of the Agreement but will be entitled to seven percent (7%) of gross earnings paid on a bi- weekly basis in lieu of Reduced Work Week Leaveotherwise agreed.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Recognition Clauses. I
(a) 1.01 This agreement shall apply to and be binding upon the employees of Hydro as described in the Certificate of Bargaining Authority of the Union dated July and as may be amended by the appropriate authority. The Patties agree that all terms and conditions of the Collective agreement Agreement shall apply to and be binding upon all employees of Powertech the Employer described in a variation to a Certification issued to the Union on the 4th of January, 2012 and which includes those employees “employed in any phase of office, clerical, technical, administrative or related work except those excluded by their inclusion as though they are a member of another certified union or by the Labour Relations Code of British Columbia, and shall continue to apply to those employees of covered by the COPE bargaining unit at Hydro. said amended Certification as the same may be amended by the Labour Relations Board from time to time.” Employees subject to this Agreement shall continue to be subject to the Agreement where such employees are required to perform their work functions on behalf of the Employer while temporarily away from their headquarters and outside the province. In cases where out of province Where working arrangements require variations to the terms and conditions of the Collective Agreement, the variations will be negotiated between the Parties specific to the circumstances. I .
1.02 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, neither the Union nor the Employer in carrying out their obligations under this Agreement shall discriminate in matters of hiring, training, promotion, transfer, lay off, discharge or otherwise because of race, colour, creed, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, political affiliation or or membership, holding of any office or activity in grounds prohibited by the Union. Notwithstanding the above, the Patties hereto subscribe to the principles of the BC Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I Code, as amended from time totime.
1.03 The Employer will not discriminate against any employee because of membership in the Union. The Employer will permit employees who are officers, councillors, job stewards officers or other properly qualified representatives of the Union to carry out their duties on company the Employer’s time and with no loss in pay in respect to investigating complaints, resolving grievances, grievances and distributing Union bulletins, attending Joint Committee meetings, and orienting new as per Article . Such employees when carrying out these duties on company the Employer’s time will first obtain the approval of their Supervisor and their
(e) their requests for time will not be unreasonably withheld. Where union representatives are required to conduct duties other than those outlined above, they shall be paid in accordance with Article I The Employer recognizes the Union's right to select, subject to its sole discretion, Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards and any other Union official or representative whose duties involve, in whole or in part, representing Employees under this Agreement and the Employer agrees to co-operate with these persons in the performance of their duties on behalf of the Union and its membership employed by the Employer. The Union shall will notify the Employer in of the names of the persons authorized to represent the Union the employees for the purposes of this Agreement its officers and shall notify the Employer representatives in writing in advance of any changes in these names. The Employer agrees that access to its premises shall be allowed to any representative of the Union for the purpose of business related to the Union, provided advance notice is supplied to the Employer, in which case permission shall not be unreasonably denied. Access does not include use of employer facilities for group meetings without, in each case, the prior authorization of the Employer. If the Employer has the use of Employer facilities for on a group meeting, the Union shall have the right to place ballot boxes in the meeting room for the purposes of conducting Union elections, referenda, polling, and Collective Agreement votesregularbasis.
(a) Properly qualified officers 1.04 Officers or representatives shall be granted leave of absence to carry out their duties insofar as the regular operation of the departments in which they are employed will permit and any application by them for such leave shall be given precedence over any other application for leave on the same day. The Employer xxxx will not charge the Union Union, for salaries of Union representatives employees excused from work on Union business by arrangement with the employee's supervisor Employer’s Human Resources Division, where the leave of absence such time is one day or less. The Union will reimburse the employer for all time lost whenever an employee is continuously involved in Union business for more than one (1) day, even if it is an Executive Board meeting, an Executive Council meetingday or less, or a combination where it involves joint Union/Management committees or government sponsored conferences; for example, Labour/Management conferences. It is the Union’s intent to provide the Employer with as much advance notice as possible of the two. (This paragraph was previously in which was deleted in A. April 2002) The amount of paid leave granted for the purpose of attending requests to Union business other than as described in Article above shalt not exceed hours Hydro)/ hours hours (Powertech) per year in total for the bargaining unit. Where a grant leave of absence specified to Executive Board Officers and Councillors of the Union to attend to union business in above exceeds one day and for all other leaves accordance with this Section of absence beyond a total of hours hours hours (Powertech) per year for the bargaining unitAgreement. In any event, the Union is responsible for will endeavor to give a minimum of one (1) weeks’ notice of such requests. Further the costs Union agrees its Board members will notify their Supervisor, orally, as far in advance as possible, of the leaves, including salary and a loading factor of percent (22%)scheduled Executive Board meetings.
(a) Employees who are acting as full-time officers or employees representatives of the Union, or who are appointed or elected to positions with the Office and Professionat Employees' International Union, Union (but excluding Union clerical staff) will be placed on Leave leave of Absenceabsence, with the time involved considered as service with the Employer. Such Leave, approved, shall not be interrupted by the Employer during the approved period of the Leave. On conclusion of such Leave leave of Absence absence employees will return to the position they previously held with theEmployer.
(b) Leave of absence in accordance with the Employee has been the successful applicant foregoing, will also be granted for another job during the a period of two (2) years, for members appointed or elected to positions with the leave, in which case the Employee shall be placed Canadian Office & Professional Employees’ National Union.
(c) For those filling elected positions in the new jobCanadian Office & Professional Employees’ National Union, the leave of absence will be reviewed every two (2) years. Leave of absence for appointed representatives beyond this period is covered in this Agreement.
(d) The Employer will cooperate with full-time officers or full-time representatives of the Union In in performing their Union responsibilities, .
(e) The Union may use and maintain Employer will provide a union bulletin boards on the Employer's premises and post notices as required. The Union will supply department heads with copies of any bulletins pertaining to matters board in the Agreement, when they are posted by the A Union member have the right to wear the recognized insignia the Union. {e} The Union shall have the right to display Union shop cards and Union decals pursuant to the Memorandum of Understandinga suitable location in each workplace.
(a) FullDuties normally performed by employees within the bargaining unit will not be assigned to or be performed by non-Time Regular An employee hired bargaining unit employees except to fill overcome immediate, short-term operational or personnel difficulties when bargaining unit employees capable of performing the work are not available.
(b) The Employer will not contract out work normally performed by bargaining unit employees if such contracting out will result in any termination or downgrading of an ongoing position vacated by existing employee.
(c) When there is a employee reasonable opportunity to bring in third party contract work, or hired to fill a position bring in work which is currently being subcontracted, the parties will meet in an effort to make competitive arrangements. Such arrangements may include a waiver of a continuing naturecertain provisions of the Collective Agreement. New employees Such waivers shall not reduce salaries or benefits, unless otherwise agreed. A Joint Union/Management committee will be considered probationary convened to review staffing requirements and working conditions that will improve the Employers’ competitive position as it relates to opportunities for a period contracting in services. The Joint committee will consist of up to three (3) months as provided in Article The employee will participate in Plans in accordance with Article representatives from the Union and in the Pension Plan. By agreement with the Union, the Employer may hire a temporary employee to fill a position vacated by a reg ar empIo It is agreed that the annual hours of work for full time regular employees for the purposes of this Agreement is and that this number shall be used to calculate applicable pro- rated entitlements for part-time and casual employees, unless expressly provided by this Agreement. Part-Time Regular An employee hired to fill a part-time ongoing position vacated by a part-time regular employee or to fill a part-time position which is of a continuing nature. New employees will be considered for a period of up to three (3) months as provided in Article Unless agreed with the Union, a part-time regular will work according to an regular schedule but will not work more than thirty (30) hours per week except that the may in addition relieve a employee on leave of absence, sick leave or annual vacation without change to full-time regular status. An assigned regular schedule will be established by the Employer at the time of hire and will be for a minimum period of two (2) weeks. Within an assigned schedule the days worked and the hours may differ. A supervisor may change an established schedule but must provide two (2) weeks notice of any change. Notice of change is not required where a schedule is varied by mutual agreement between the employee and the supervisor. The employee will participate in Benefit Plans in accordance with Article and in the Pension Plan. Sick leave and annual vacation shall be prorated on the basis of time worked according to service. Annual vacation and Statutory Holiday pay shall be paid as a percentage of earnings excluding annual vacation, statutory holidays and
a. A part-time regular employee shall not be entitled to Reduced Work Week Leave provisions as provided in Article of the Agreement but will be entitled to seven percent (7%) of gross earnings paid on a bi- weekly basis in lieu of Reduced Work Week Leave.three
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Recognition Clauses. I
(a) 1.01 This agreement shall apply to and be binding upon the employees of Hydro as described in the Certificate of Bargaining Authority of the Union dated July and as may be amended by the appropriate authority. The Patties agree that all terms and conditions of the Collective agreement Agreement shall apply to and be binding upon all employees of Powertech the Employer described in a variation to a Certification issued to the Union on the 4th of January, 2012 and which includes those employees “employed in any phase of office, clerical, technical, administrative or related work except those excluded by their inclusion as though they are a member of another certified union or by the Labour Relations Code of British Columbia, and shall continue to apply to those employees of covered by the COPE bargaining unit at Hydro. said amended Certification as the same may be amended by the Labour Relations Board from time to time.” Employees subject to this Agreement shall continue to be subject to the Agreement where such employees are required to perform their work functions on behalf of the Employer while temporarily away from their headquarters and outside the province. In cases where out of province Where working arrangements require variations to the terms and conditions of the Collective Agreement, the variations will be negotiated between the Parties specific to the circumstances. I .
1.02 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, neither the Union nor the Employer in carrying out their obligations under this Agreement shall discriminate in matters of hiring, training, promotion, transfer, lay off, discharge or otherwise because of race, colour, creed, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, political affiliation or or membership, holding of any office or activity in grounds prohibited by the Union. Notwithstanding the above, the Patties hereto subscribe to the principles of the BC Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I Code, as amended from time to time.
1.03 The Employer will not discriminate against any employee because of membership in the Union. The Employer will permit employees who are officers, councillors, job stewards officers or other properly qualified representatives of the Union to carry out their duties on company the Employer’s time and with no loss in pay in respect to investigating complaints, resolving grievances, grievances and distributing Union bulletins, attending Joint Committee meetings, and orienting new as per Article . Such employees when carrying out these duties on company the Employer’s time will first obtain the approval of their Supervisor and their
(e) their requests for time will not be unreasonably withheld. Where union representatives are required to conduct duties other than those outlined above, they shall be paid in accordance with Article I The Employer recognizes the Union's right to select, subject to its sole discretion, Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards and any other Union official or representative whose duties involve, in whole or in part, representing Employees under this Agreement and the Employer agrees to co-operate with these persons in the performance of their duties on behalf of the Union and its membership employed by the Employer. The Union shall will notify the Employer in of the names of the persons authorized to represent the Union the employees for the purposes of this Agreement its officers and shall notify the Employer representatives in writing in advance of any changes in these names. The Employer agrees that access to its premises shall be allowed to any representative of the Union for the purpose of business related to the Union, provided advance notice is supplied to the Employer, in which case permission shall not be unreasonably denied. Access does not include use of employer facilities for group meetings without, in each case, the prior authorization of the Employer. If the Employer has the use of Employer facilities for on a group meeting, the Union shall have the right to place ballot boxes in the meeting room for the purposes of conducting Union elections, referenda, polling, and Collective Agreement votesregular basis.
(a) Properly qualified officers 1.04 Officers or representatives shall be granted leave of absence to carry out their duties insofar as the regular operation of the departments in which they are employed will permit and any application by them for such leave shall be given precedence over any other application for leave on the same day. The Employer xxxx will not charge the Union Union, for salaries of Union representatives employees excused from work on Union business by arrangement with the employee's supervisor Employer’s Human Resources Division, where the leave of absence such time is one day or less. The Union will reimburse the employer for all time lost whenever an employee is continuously involved in Union business for more than one (1) day, even if it is an Executive Board meeting, an Executive Council meetingday or less, or a combination where it involves joint Union/ Management committees or government sponsored conferences; for example, Labour/Management conferences. It is the Union’s intent to provide the Employer with as much advance notice as possible of the two. (This paragraph was previously in which was deleted in A. April 2002) The amount of paid leave granted for the purpose of attending requests to Union business other than as described in Article above shalt not exceed hours Hydro)/ hours hours (Powertech) per year in total for the bargaining unit. Where a grant leave of absence specified to Executive Board Officers and Councillors of the Union to attend to union business in above exceeds one day and for all other leaves accordance with this Section of absence beyond a total of hours hours hours (Powertech) per year for the bargaining unitAgreement. In any event, the Union is responsible for will endeavor to give a minimum of one (1) weeks’ notice of such requests. Further the costs Union agrees its Board members will notify their Supervisor, orally, as far in advance as possible, of the leaves, including salary and a loading factor of percent (22%)scheduled Executive Board meetings.
(a) Employees who are acting as full-time officers or employees representatives of the Union, or who are appointed or elected to positions with the Office and Professionat Employees' International Union, Union (but excluding Union clerical staff) will be placed on Leave leave of Absenceabsence, with the time involved considered as service with the Employer. Such Leave, approved, shall not be interrupted by the Employer during the approved period of the Leave. On conclusion of such Leave leave of Absence absence employees will return to the position they previously held with the Employee has been Employer.
(b) Leave of absence in accordance with the successful applicant foregoing, will also be granted for another job during the a period of two (2) years, for members appointed or elected to positions with the leave, in which case the Employee shall be placed Canadian Office & Professional Employees’ National Union.
(c) For those filling elected positions in the new jobCanadian Office & Professional Employees’ National Union, the leave of absence will be reviewed every two (2) years. Leave of absence for appointed representatives beyond this period is covered in this Agreement.
(d) The Employer will cooperate with full-time officers or full-time representatives of the Union In in performing their Union responsibilities, .
(e) The Union may use and maintain Employer will provide a union bulletin boards on the Employer's premises and post notices as required. The Union will supply department heads with copies of any bulletins pertaining to matters board in the Agreement, when they are posted by the A Union member have the right to wear the recognized insignia the Union. {e} The Union shall have the right to display Union shop cards and Union decals pursuant to the Memorandum of Understandinga suitable location in each workplace.
(a) FullDuties normally performed by employees within the bargaining unit will not be assigned to or be performed by non-Time Regular An employee hired bargaining unit employees except to fill overcome immediate, short-term operational or personnel difficulties when bargaining unit employees capable of performing the work are not available.
(b) The Employer will not contract out work normally performed by bargaining unit employees if such contracting out will result in any termination or downgrading of an ongoing position vacated by existing employee.
(c) When there is a employee reasonable opportunity to bring in third party contract work, or hired to fill a position bring in work which is currently being subcontracted, the parties will meet in an effort to make competitive arrangements. Such arrangements may include a waiver of a continuing naturecertain provisions of the Collective Agreement. New employees Such waivers shall not reduce salaries or benefits, unless otherwise agreed. A Joint Union/Management committee will be considered probationary convened to review staffing requirements and working conditions that will improve the Employers’ competitive position as it relates to opportunities for a period contracting in services. The Joint committee will consist of up to three (3) months as provided in Article The employee will participate in Plans in accordance with Article representatives from the Union and in the Pension Plan. By agreement with the Union, the Employer may hire a temporary employee to fill a position vacated by a reg ar empIo It is agreed that the annual hours of work for full time regular employees for the purposes of this Agreement is and that this number shall be used to calculate applicable pro- rated entitlements for part-time and casual employees, unless expressly provided by this Agreement. Part-Time Regular An employee hired to fill a part-time ongoing position vacated by a part-time regular employee or to fill a part-time position which is of a continuing nature. New employees will be considered for a period of up to three (3) months as provided in Article Unless agreed with the Union, a part-time regular will work according to an regular schedule but will not work more than thirty (30) hours per week except that the may in addition relieve a employee on leave of absence, sick leave or annual vacation without change to full-time regular status. An assigned regular schedule will be established by the Employer at the time of hire and will be for a minimum period of two (2) weeks. Within an assigned schedule the days worked and the hours may differ. A supervisor may change an established schedule but must provide two (2) weeks notice of any change. Notice of change is not required where a schedule is varied by mutual agreement between the employee and the supervisor. The employee will participate in Benefit Plans in accordance with Article and in the Pension Plan. Sick leave and annual vacation shall be prorated on the basis of time worked according to service. Annual vacation and Statutory Holiday pay shall be paid as a percentage of earnings excluding annual vacation, statutory holidays and
a. A part-time regular employee shall not be entitled to Reduced Work Week Leave provisions as provided in Article of the Agreement but will be entitled to seven percent (7%) of gross earnings paid on a bi- weekly basis in lieu of Reduced Work Week Leave.three
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Recognition Clauses. I
(a) 1.01 This agreement shall apply to and be binding upon the employees of Hydro as described in the Certificate of Bargaining Authority of the Union dated July and as may be amended by the appropriate authority. The Patties agree that all terms and conditions of the Collective agreement Agreement shall apply to and be binding upon all employees of Powertech the Employer described in a variation to a Certification issued to the Union on the 6 November, 1985 and which includes those employees “employed in any phase of office, clerical, technical, administrative or related work except those excluded by their inclusion as though they are a member of another certified union or by the Labour Relations Code of British Columbia, and shall continue to apply to those employees of covered by the COPE bargaining unit at Hydro. said amended Certification as the same may be amended by the Labour Relations Board from time to time.” Employees subject to this Agreement shall continue to be subject to the Agreement where such employees are required to perform their work functions on behalf of the Employer while temporarily away from their headquarters and outside the province. In cases where out of province Where working arrangements require variations to the terms and conditions of the Collective Agreement, the variations will be negotiated between the Parties specific to the circumstances. I .
1.02 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, neither the Union nor the Employer in carrying out their obligations under this Agreement shall discriminate in matters of hiring, training, promotion, transfer, lay off, discharge or otherwise because of race, colour, creed, national origin, age, sex, marital status or sexual orientation, marital or family status, political affiliation or or membership, holding of any office or activity in the Union. Notwithstanding the above, the Patties hereto subscribe to the principles of the Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I .
1.03 The Employer will not discriminate against any employee because of membership in the Union. The Employer will permit employees who are officers, councillors, job stewards officers or other properly qualified representatives of the Union to carry out their duties on company the Employer’s time and with no loss in pay in respect to investigating complaints, resolving grievances, grievances and distributing Union bulletins, attending Joint Committee meetings, and orienting new as per Article . Such employees when carrying out these duties on company the Employer’s time will first obtain the approval of their Supervisor and their
(e) their requests for time will not be unreasonably withheld. Where union representatives are required to conduct duties other than those outlined above, they shall be paid in accordance with Article I The Employer recognizes the Union's right to select, subject to its sole discretion, Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards and any other Union official or representative whose duties involve, in whole or in part, representing Employees under this Agreement and the Employer agrees to co-operate with these persons in the performance of their duties on behalf of the Union and its membership employed by the Employer. The Union shall will notify the Employer in of the names of the persons authorized to represent the Union the employees for the purposes of this Agreement its officers and shall notify the Employer representatives in writing in advance of any changes in these names. The Employer agrees that access to its premises shall be allowed to any representative of the Union for the purpose of business related to the Union, provided advance notice is supplied to the Employer, in which case permission shall not be unreasonably denied. Access does not include use of employer facilities for group meetings without, in each case, the prior authorization of the Employer. If the Employer has the use of Employer facilities for on a group meeting, the Union shall have the right to place ballot boxes in the meeting room for the purposes of conducting Union elections, referenda, polling, and Collective Agreement votesregular basis.
(a) Properly qualified officers 1.04 Officers or representatives shall be granted leave of absence to carry out their duties insofar as the regular operation of the departments in which they are employed will permit and any application by them for such leave shall be given precedence over any other application for leave on the same day. The Employer xxxx will not charge the Union Union, for salaries of Union representatives employees excused from work on Union business by arrangement with the employee's supervisor Employer’s Human Resources Department, where the leave of absence such time is one day or less. The Union will reimburse the employer for all time lost whenever an employee is continuously involved in Union business for more than one (1) day, even if it is an Executive Board meeting, an Executive Council meetingday or less, or a combination where it involves joint Union-Management committees or government sponsored conferences; for example, Labour-Management conferences. It is the Union’s intent to provide the Employer with as much advance notice as possible of the two. (This paragraph was previously in which was deleted in A. April 2002) The amount of paid leave granted for the purpose of attending requests to Union business other than as described in Article above shalt not exceed hours Hydro)/ hours hours (Powertech) per year in total for the bargaining unit. Where a grant leave of absence specified to Executive Board Officers and Councillors of the Union to attend to union business in above exceeds one day and for all other leaves accordance with this Section of absence beyond a total of hours hours hours (Powertech) per year for the bargaining unitAgreement. In any event, the Union is responsible for will endeavor to give a minimum of one week’s notice of such requests. Further the costs Union agrees its Board members will notify their Supervisor, orally, as far in advance as possible, of the leaves, including salary and a loading factor of percent (22%)scheduled Executive Board meetings.
(a) Employees who are acting as full-time officers or employees representatives of the Union, or who are appointed or elected to positions with the Office and Professionat Employees' International Union, Union (but excluding Union clerical staff) will be placed on Leave leave of Absenceabsence, with the time involved considered as service with the Employer. Such Leave, approved, shall not be interrupted by the Employer during the approved period of the Leave. On conclusion of such Leave leave of Absence absence employees will return to the position they previously held with the Employee has been Employer.
(b) Leave of absence in accordance with the successful applicant foregoing, will also be granted for another job during the a period of two (2) years, for members appointed or elected to positions with the leave, in which case the Employee shall be placed Canadian Office & Professional Employees’ National Union.
(c) For those filling elected positions in the new jobCanadian Office & Professional Employees’ National Union, the leave of absence will be reviewed every two (2) years. Leave of absence for appointed representatives beyond this period is covered in this Agreement.
(d) The Employer will cooperate with full-time officers or full-time representatives of the Union In in performing their Union responsibilities, .
(e) The Union may use and maintain Employer will provide a union bulletin boards on the Employer's premises and post notices as required. The Union will supply department heads with copies of any bulletins pertaining to matters board in the Agreement, when they are posted by the A Union member have the right to wear the recognized insignia the Union. {e} The Union shall have the right to display Union shop cards and Union decals pursuant to the Memorandum of Understandinga suitable location in each workplace.
(a) FullDuties normally performed by employees within the bargaining unit will not be assigned to or be performed by non-Time Regular An employee hired bargaining unit employees except to fill overcome immediate, short-term operational or personnel difficulties when bargaining unit employees capable of performing the work are not available.
(b) The Employer will not contract out work normally performed by bargaining unit employees if such contracting out will result in any termination or downgrading of an ongoing position vacated by existing employee.
(c) When there is a employee reasonable opportunity to bring in third party contract work, or hired to fill a position bring in work which is currently being subcontracted, the parties will meet in an effort to make competitive arrangements. Such arrangements may include a waiver of a continuing naturecertain provisions of the Collective Agreement. New employees Such waivers shall not reduce salaries or benefits, unless otherwise agreed. A Joint Union/Management committee will be considered probationary convened to review staffing requirements and working conditions that will improve the Employers’ competitive position as it relates to opportunities for a period contracting in services. The Joint committee will consist of up to three (3) months as provided in Article The employee will participate in Plans in accordance with Article representatives from the Union and in the Pension Plan. By agreement with the Union, the Employer may hire a temporary employee to fill a position vacated by a reg ar empIo It is agreed that the annual hours of work for full time regular employees for the purposes of this Agreement is and that this number shall be used to calculate applicable pro- rated entitlements for part-time and casual employees, unless expressly provided by this Agreement. Part-Time Regular An employee hired to fill a part-time ongoing position vacated by a part-time regular employee or to fill a part-time position which is of a continuing nature. New employees will be considered for a period of up to three (3) months as provided in Article Unless agreed with the Union, a part-time regular will work according to an regular schedule but will not work more than thirty (30) hours per week except that the may in addition relieve a employee on leave of absence, sick leave or annual vacation without change to full-time regular status. An assigned regular schedule will be established by the Employer at the time of hire and will be for a minimum period of two (2) weeks. Within an assigned schedule the days worked and the hours may differ. A supervisor may change an established schedule but must provide two (2) weeks notice of any change. Notice of change is not required where a schedule is varied by mutual agreement between the employee and the supervisor. The employee will participate in Benefit Plans in accordance with Article and in the Pension Plan. Sick leave and annual vacation shall be prorated on the basis of time worked according to service. Annual vacation and Statutory Holiday pay shall be paid as a percentage of earnings excluding annual vacation, statutory holidays and
a. A part-time regular employee shall not be entitled to Reduced Work Week Leave provisions as provided in Article of the Agreement but will be entitled to seven percent (7%) of gross earnings paid on a bi- weekly basis in lieu of Reduced Work Week Leave.three
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Recognition Clauses. I
(a) 1.01 This agreement shall apply to and be binding upon the employees of Hydro as described in the Certificate of Bargaining Authority of the Union dated July and as may be amended by the appropriate authority. The Patties agree that all terms and conditions of the Collective agreement Agreement shall apply to and be binding upon all employees of Powertech the Employer described in a variation to a Certification issued to the Union on the 6 November, 1985 and which includes those employees “employed in any phase of office, clerical, technical, administrative or related work except those excluded by their inclusion as though they are a member of another certified union or by the Labour Relations Code of British Columbia, and shall continue to apply to those employees of covered by the COPE bargaining unit at Hydro. said amended Certification as the same may be amended by the Labour Relations Board from time to time.” Employees subject to this Agreement shall continue to be subject to the Agreement where such employees are required to perform their work functions on behalf of the Employer while temporarily away from their headquarters and outside the province. In cases where out of province Where working arrangements require variations to the terms and conditions of the Collective Agreement, the variations will be negotiated between the Parties specific to the circumstances. I .
1.02 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, neither the Union nor the Employer in carrying out their obligations under this Agreement shall discriminate in matters of hiring, training, promotion, transfer, lay off, discharge or otherwise because of race, colour, creed, national origin, age, sex, marital status or sexual orientation, marital or family status, political affiliation or or membership, holding of any office or activity in the Union. Notwithstanding the above, the Patties hereto subscribe to the principles of the Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I .
1.03 The Employer will not discriminate against any employee because of membership in the Union. The Employer will permit employees who are officers, councillors, job stewards officers or other properly qualified representatives of the Union to carry out their duties on company the Employer’s time and with no loss in pay in respect to investigating complaints, resolving grievances, grievances and distributing Union bulletins, attending Joint Committee meetings, and orienting new as per Article . Such employees when carrying out these duties on company the Employer’s time will first obtain the approval of their Supervisor and their
(e) their requests for time will not be unreasonably withheld. Where union representatives are required to conduct duties other than those outlined above, they shall be paid in accordance with Article I The Employer recognizes the Union's right to select, subject to its sole discretion, Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards and any other Union official or representative whose duties involve, in whole or in part, representing Employees under this Agreement and the Employer agrees to co-operate with these persons in the performance of their duties on behalf of the Union and its membership employed by the Employer. The Union shall will notify the Employer in of the names of the persons authorized to represent the Union the employees for the purposes of this Agreement its officers and shall notify the Employer representatives in writing in advance of any changes in these names. The Employer agrees that access to its premises shall be allowed to any representative of the Union for the purpose of business related to the Union, provided advance notice is supplied to the Employer, in which case permission shall not be unreasonably denied. Access does not include use of employer facilities for group meetings without, in each case, the prior authorization of the Employer. If the Employer has the use of Employer facilities for on a group meeting, the Union shall have the right to place ballot boxes in the meeting room for the purposes of conducting Union elections, referenda, polling, and Collective Agreement votesregular basis.
(a) Properly qualified officers 1.04 Officers or representatives shall be granted leave of absence to carry out their duties insofar as the regular operation of the departments in which they are employed will permit and any application by them for such leave shall be given precedence over any other application for leave on the same day. The Employer xxxx will not charge the Union Union, for salaries of Union representatives employees excused from work on Union business by arrangement with the employee's supervisor Employer’s Labour Relations Department, where the leave of absence such time is one day or less. The Union will reimburse the employer for all time lost whenever an employee is continuously involved in Union business for more than one (1) day, even if it is an Executive Board meeting, an Executive Council meetingday or less, or a combination where it involves joint Union-Management committees or government sponsored conferences; for example, Labour-Management conferences. It is the Union’s intent to provide the Employer with as much advance notice as possible of the two. (This paragraph was previously in which was deleted in A. April 2002) The amount of paid leave granted for the purpose of attending requests to Union business other than as described in Article above shalt not exceed hours Hydro)/ hours hours (Powertech) per year in total for the bargaining unit. Where a grant leave of absence specified to Executive Board Officers and Councillors of the Union to attend to union business in above exceeds one day and for all other leaves accordance with this Section of absence beyond a total of hours hours hours (Powertech) per year for the bargaining unitAgreement. In any event, the Union is responsible for will endeavor to give a minimum of one week’s notice of such requests. Further the costs Union agrees its Board members will notify their Supervisor, orally, as far in advance as possible, of the leaves, including salary and a loading factor of percent (22%)scheduled Executive Board meetings.
(a) Employees who are acting as full-time officers or employees representatives of the Union, or who are appointed or elected to positions with the Office and Professionat Employees' International Union, Union (but excluding Union clerical staff) will be placed on Leave leave of Absenceabsence, with the time involved considered as service with the Employer. Such Leave, approved, shall not be interrupted by the Employer during the approved period of the Leave. On conclusion of such Leave leave of Absence absence employees will return to the position they previously held with the Employee has been Employer.
(b) Leave of absence in accordance with the successful applicant foregoing, will also be granted for another job during the a period of two (2) years, for members appointed or elected to positions with the leave, in which case the Employee shall be placed Office & Professional Employees’ International Union.
(c) For those filling elected positions in the new jobOffice & Professional Employees’ International Union, the leave of absence will be reviewed every two (2) years. Leave of absence for appointed representatives beyond this period is covered in this Agreement.
(d) The Employer will cooperate with full-time officers or full-time representatives of the Union In in performing their Union responsibilities, .
(e) The Union may use and maintain Employer will provide a union bulletin boards on the Employer's premises and post notices as required. The Union will supply department heads with copies of any bulletins pertaining to matters board in the Agreement, when they are posted by the A Union member have the right to wear the recognized insignia the Union. {e} The Union shall have the right to display Union shop cards and Union decals pursuant to the Memorandum of Understandinga suitable location in each workplace.
(a) Full-Time Regular An employee hired to fill an ongoing position vacated Duties normally performed by a employee or hired to fill a position which is of a continuing nature. New employees will be considered probationary for a period of up to three (3) months as provided in Article The employee will participate in Plans in accordance with Article and in within the Pension Plan. By agreement with the Union, the Employer may hire a temporary employee to fill a position vacated by a reg ar empIo It is agreed that the annual hours of work for full time regular employees for the purposes of this Agreement is and that this number shall be used to calculate applicable pro- rated entitlements for part-time and casual employees, unless expressly provided by this Agreement. Part-Time Regular An employee hired to fill a part-time ongoing position vacated by a part-time regular employee or to fill a part-time position which is of a continuing nature. New employees will be considered for a period of up to three (3) months as provided in Article Unless agreed with the Union, a part-time regular will work according to an regular schedule but bargaining unit will not be assigned to or be performed by non-bargaining unit employees except to overcome immediate, short-term operational or personnel difficulties when bargaining unit employees capable of performing the work more than thirty are not available.
(30b) hours per week except that the may The Employer will not contract out work normally performed by bargaining unit employees if such contracting out will result in addition relieve a employee on leave any termination or downgrading of absence, sick leave or annual vacation without change to full-time regular status. An assigned regular schedule will be established by the Employer at the time of hire and will be for a minimum period of two (2) weeks. Within an assigned schedule the days worked and the hours may differ. A supervisor may change an established schedule but must provide two (2) weeks notice of any change. Notice of change is not required where a schedule is varied by mutual agreement between the employee and the supervisor. The employee will participate in Benefit Plans in accordance with Article and in the Pension Plan. Sick leave and annual vacation shall be prorated on the basis of time worked according to service. Annual vacation and Statutory Holiday pay shall be paid as a percentage of earnings excluding annual vacation, statutory holidays and
a. A part-time regular employee shall not be entitled to Reduced Work Week Leave provisions as provided in Article of the Agreement but will be entitled to seven percent (7%) of gross earnings paid on a bi- weekly basis in lieu of Reduced Work Week Leaveexisting employee.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Recognition Clauses. I
(a) 1.01 This agreement shall apply to and be binding upon the employees of Hydro as described in the Certificate of Bargaining Authority of the Union dated July and as may be amended by the appropriate authority. The Patties agree that all terms and conditions of the Collective agreement Agreement shall apply to and be binding upon all employees of Powertech the Employer described in a variation to a Certification issued to the Union on the 6 November, 1985 and which includes those employees “employed in any phase of office, clerical, technical, administrative or related work except those excluded by their inclusion as though they are a member of another certified union or by the Labour Relations Code of British Columbia, and shall continue to apply to those employees of covered by the COPE bargaining unit at Hydro. said amended Certification as the same may be amended by the Labour Relations Board from time to time.” Employees subject to this Agreement shall continue to be subject to the Agreement where such employees are required to perform their work functions on behalf of the Employer while temporarily away from their headquarters and outside the province. In cases where out of province Where working arrangements require variations to the terms and conditions of the Collective Agreement, the variations will be negotiated between the Parties specific to the circumstances. I .
1.02 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, neither the Union nor the Employer in carrying out their obligations under this Agreement shall discriminate in matters of hiring, training, promotion, transfer, lay off, discharge or otherwise because of race, colour, creed, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, gender expression, marital status or sexual orientation, marital or family status, political affiliation or or membership, holding of any office or activity in the Union. Notwithstanding the above, the Patties hereto subscribe to the principles of the Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I .
1.03 The Employer will not discriminate against any employee because of membership in the Union. The Employer will permit employees who are officers, councillors, job stewards officers or other properly qualified representatives of the Union to carry out their duties on company the Employer’s time and with no loss in pay in respect to investigating complaints, resolving grievances, grievances and distributing Union bulletins, attending Joint Committee meetings, and orienting new as per Article . Such employees when carrying out these duties on company the Employer’s time will first obtain the approval of their Supervisor and their
(e) their requests for time will not be unreasonably withheld. Where union representatives are required to conduct duties other than those outlined above, they shall be paid in accordance with Article I The Employer recognizes the Union's right to select, subject to its sole discretion, Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards and any other Union official or representative whose duties involve, in whole or in part, representing Employees under this Agreement and the Employer agrees to co-operate with these persons in the performance of their duties on behalf of the Union and its membership employed by the Employer. The Union shall will notify the Employer in of the names of the persons authorized to represent the Union the employees for the purposes of this Agreement its officers and shall notify the Employer representatives in writing in advance of any changes in these names. The Employer agrees that access to its premises shall be allowed to any representative of the Union for the purpose of business related to the Union, provided advance notice is supplied to the Employer, in which case permission shall not be unreasonably denied. Access does not include use of employer facilities for group meetings without, in each case, the prior authorization of the Employer. If the Employer has the use of Employer facilities for on a group meeting, the Union shall have the right to place ballot boxes in the meeting room for the purposes of conducting Union elections, referenda, polling, and Collective Agreement votesregular basis.
(a) Properly qualified officers 1.04 Officers or representatives shall be granted leave of absence to carry out their duties insofar as the regular operation of the departments in which they are employed will permit and any application by them for such leave shall be given precedence over any other application for leave on the same day. The Employer xxxx will not charge the Union Union, for salaries of Union representatives employees excused from work on Union business by arrangement with the employee's supervisor Employer’s Labour Relations Department, where the leave of absence such time is one day or less. The Union will reimburse the employer for all time lost whenever an employee is continuously involved in Union business for more than one (1) day, even if it is an Executive Board meeting, an Executive Council meetingday or less, or a combination where it involves joint Union-Management committees or government sponsored conferences; for example, Labour-Management conferences. It is the Union’s intent to provide the Employer with as much advance notice as possible of the two. (This paragraph was previously in which was deleted in A. April 2002) The amount of paid leave granted for the purpose of attending requests to Union business other than as described in Article above shalt not exceed hours Hydro)/ hours hours (Powertech) per year in total for the bargaining unit. Where a grant leave of absence specified to Executive Board Officers and Councillors of the Union to attend to union business in above exceeds one day and for all other leaves accordance with this Article of absence beyond a total of hours hours hours (Powertech) per year for the bargaining unitAgreement. In any event, the Union is responsible for will endeavor to give a minimum of one week’s notice of such requests. Further the costs Union agrees its Board members will notify their Supervisor, orally, as far in advance as possible, of the leaves, including salary and a loading factor of percent (22%)scheduled Executive Board meetings.
(a) Employees who are acting as full-time officers or employees representatives of the Union, or who are appointed or elected to positions with the Office and Professionat Employees' International Union, Union (but excluding Union clerical staff) will be placed on Leave leave of Absenceabsence, with the time involved considered as service with the Employer. Such Leave, approved, shall not be interrupted by the Employer during the approved period of the Leave. On conclusion of such Leave leave of Absence absence employees will return to the position they previously held with the Employee has been Employer.
(b) Leave of absence in accordance with the successful applicant foregoing, will also be granted for another job during the entire period of appointment, or, for elected officers for the leave, in which case entire term of the Employee shall be placed elected office with the Canadian Office and Professional Employees’ Union.
(c) For those filling elected positions in the new jobUnion, the leave of absence will be reviewed each term. Leave of absence for appointed representatives beyond this period is covered in this Agreement.
(d) The Employer will cooperate with full-time officers or full-time representatives of the Union In in performing their Union responsibilities, .
(e) The Union may use and maintain Employer will provide a union bulletin boards on the Employer's premises and post notices as required. The Union will supply department heads with copies of any bulletins pertaining to matters board in the Agreement, when they are posted by the A Union member have the right to wear the recognized insignia the Union. {e} The Union shall have the right to display Union shop cards and Union decals pursuant to the Memorandum of Understandinga suitable location in each workplace.
(a) FullDuties normally performed by employees within the bargaining unit will not be assigned to or be performed by non-Time Regular An employee hired bargaining unit employees except to fill overcome immediate, short-term operational or personnel difficulties when bargaining unit employees capable of performing the work are not available.
(b) The Employer will not contract out work normally performed by bargaining unit employees if such contracting out will result in any termination or downgrading of an ongoing position vacated by existing employee.
(c) Contracting In When there is a employee reasonable opportunity to bring in third party contract work, or hired to fill a position bring in work, which is currently being sub-contracted, the parties will meet in an effort to make competitive arrangements. Such arrangements may include a waiver of a continuing naturecertain provisions of the Collective Agreement. New employees Such waivers shall not reduce salaries or benefits, unless otherwise agreed. A joint Union/Management committee will be considered probationary for a period convened to review staffing requirements and working conditions that will improve the Employer’s competitive position. The joint committee will consist of up to three (3) months as provided in Article The employee will participate in Plans in accordance with Article representatives from the Union and in the Pension Plan. By agreement with the Union, the Employer may hire a temporary employee to fill a position vacated by a reg ar empIo It is agreed that the annual hours of work for full time regular employees for the purposes of this Agreement is and that this number shall be used to calculate applicable pro- rated entitlements for part-time and casual employees, unless expressly provided by this Agreement. Part-Time Regular An employee hired to fill a part-time ongoing position vacated by a part-time regular employee or to fill a part-time position which is of a continuing nature. New employees will be considered for a period of up to three (3) months representatives from the Employer. The committee must unanimously agree to any waivers of the provisions of the Collective Agreement as provided in Article Unless agreed with to the Unionspecific contracting in. These waivers will only apply for the period of the contracting in, a part-time regular will work according to an regular schedule but will not work more than thirty (30) hours per week except that the may in addition relieve a employee on leave of absence, sick leave or annual vacation without change to full-time regular status. An assigned regular schedule will be established unless extended by the Employer at the time of hire parties. Such terms and will be for conditions, with a minimum period of two (2) weeks. Within an assigned schedule the days worked and the hours may differ. A supervisor may change an established schedule but must provide two (2) weeks notice copy of any change. Notice of change is not required where a schedule is varied by mutual agreement between the employee and the supervisor. The employee will participate in Benefit Plans in accordance with Article and in the Pension Plan. Sick leave and annual vacation waivers, shall be prorated on detailed in a letter of provision and shall have no precedent value as regards to the basis of time worked according to service. Annual vacation and Statutory Holiday pay shall be paid as a percentage of earnings excluding annual vacation, statutory holidays and
a. A part-time regular employee shall not be entitled to Reduced Work Week Leave provisions as provided in Article of the Collective Agreement but will be entitled to seven percent (7%) of gross earnings paid on a bi- weekly basis in lieu of Reduced Work Week Leaveor attachments thereof.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement