DURATION CLAUSE. SECTION 1. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect for all parties signatory to this Agreement from June 1, 2016 to and including May 31, 2021 and shall continue from year to year thereafter unless written notice of desire to cancel or terminate the Agreement is served by either party upon the other not less than sixty (60) and not more than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date of any subsequent contract year.
SECTION 2. Where no such cancellation or termination notice is served and the parties desire to continue said Agreement, but also desire to negotiate changes or revisions in this Agreement, either party may serve upon the other a written notice not less than sixty (60) and not more than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date, of any subsequent contract year, advising that such party desires to revise or change terms or conditions of such Agreement. The respective parties shall be permitted all legal or economic recourse to support their requests for revisions if the parties fail to agree thereon. Nothing herein shall preclude the parties from making revisions or changes in this Agreement, by mutual consent, at any time during its term.
DURATION CLAUSE. This Agreement shall govern the rights, as provided in this Agreement of the Board and the Association during the effective period from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. This Agreement, together with all the terms, conditions, and effects thereof, shall expire on June 30, 2020.
DURATION CLAUSE. A. This Agreement shall govern the rights of the Board and the Association from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. This Agreement shall not be extended orally and it is expressly understood that it shall expire on the date indicated.
B. This Agreement shall be made available electronically to every Professional Employee This Agreement is signed this 10th day of June, 2024. For the Association: President Chief Spokesperson For the Board: President Clerk 1 50,048 51,299 52,581 57,839 59,863 61,958 64,127 66,371 68,030 2 50,674 51,940 53,238 58,562 60,611 62,732 64,929 67,201 68,880 3 51,307 52,589 53,903 59,294 61,369 63,516 65,741 68,041 69,741 4 51,948 53,246 54,577 60,035 62,136 64,310 66,563 68,892 70,613 5 52,597 53,912 55,259 60,785 62,913 65,114 67,395 69,753 71,496 6 53,254 54,586 55,950 61,545 63,699 65,928 68,237 70,625 72,390 7 53,920 55,268 56,649 62,314 64,495 66,752 69,090 71,508 73,295 8 54,594 55,959 57,357 63,093 65,301 67,586 69,954 72,402 74,211 9 54,594 56,658 58,074 63,882 66,117 68,431 70,828 73,307 75,139 10 54,594 57,366 58,800 64,681 66,943 69,286 71,713 74,223 76,078 11 54,594 58,083 59,535 65,490 67,780 70,152 72,609 75,151 77,029 12 54,594 58,809 60,279 66,309 68,627 71,029 73,517 76,090 77,992 13 54,594 58,809 61,032 67,138 69,485 71,917 74,436 77,041 78,967 14 54,594 58,809 61,795 67,977 70,354 72,816 75,366 78,004 79,954 15 54,594 58,809 62,567 68,827 71,233 73,726 76,308 78,979 80,953 16 54,594 58,809 63,349 69,687 72,123 74,648 77,262 79,966 81,965 17 54,594 58,809 64,141 70,558 73,025 75,581 78,228 80,966 82,990 18 54,594 58,809 64,943 71,440 73,938 76,526 79,206 81,978 84,027 19 54,594 58,809 65,755 72,333 74,862 77,483 80,196 83,003 85,077 20 54,594 58,809 65,755 73,237 75,798 78,452 81,198 84,041 86,140 21 54,594 58,809 65,755 74,152 76,745 79,433 82,213 85,092 87,217 22 54,594 58,809 65,755 75,079 77,704 80,426 83,241 86,156 88,307 23 54,594 58,809 65,755 76,017 78,675 81,431 84,282 87,233 89,411 24 54,594 58,809 65,755 76,967 79,658 82,449 85,336 88,323 90,529 25 54,594 58,809 65,755 76,967 80,654 83,480 86,403 89,427 91,661 26 54,594 58,809 65,755 76,967 81,662 84,524 87,483 90,545 92,807 27 54,594 58,809 65,755 76,967 82,683 85,581 88,577 91,677 93,967 28 54,594 58,809 65,755 76,967 83,717 86,651 89,684 92,823 95,142 29 54,594 58,809 65,755 76,967 83,717 87,734 90,805 93,983 96,331 30 54,594 58,809 65,755 76,967 83,717 88,831 91,940 95,158 97,535
DURATION CLAUSE. This Agreement shall govern the rights of the Board and the Association from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. This Agreement shall not be extended orally, and it is expressly understood that it shall expire on the date indicated. This Agreement shall be made available to every Professional Employee by the Board of Education at xxxx://xxx.xxx000.xxx under Human Resources.
DURATION CLAUSE. This contract is effective for the 2024-2025 school year, beginning July 1, 2024 and expiring June 30, 2025 with the exception of Article VI.
DURATION CLAUSE. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect from July 22, 2018 TO May 31, 2021 and including May 31, 2021 and shall continue from year to year thereafter unless written notice of desire to cancel or terminate the Agreement is served by either party upon the other not less than sixty (60) and not more than ninety (90) days prior to expiration date of any subsequent contract year. Where no such cancellation or termination notice is served and the parties desire to continue said Agreement, but also desire to negotiate changes or revisions in this Agreement, either party may serve upon the other a written notice not less than sixty (60) and not more than ninety (90) days prior to expiration date, of any subsequent contract year, advising that such party desires to revise or change terms or conditions of such Agreement. The respective parties shall be permitted all legal or economic recourse to support their requests for revisions if the parties fail to agree thereon. Nothing herein shall preclude the parties from making revisions or changes in this Agreement, by mutual consent, at any time during its term.
DURATION CLAUSE. This agreement remains in effect until such time both parties mutually agree to change, through the following year’s negotiations process.
DURATION CLAUSE. 30.1 This Agreement shall be effective on July 1, 2020 and shall continue in effect to and including June 30, 2021, and shall automatically renew itself for a successive term of one year, unless prior to July 1, 2021 either the Committee or the Association shall have given the other written notice of its desire to modify or terminate this agreement.
DURATION CLAUSE. The term of the contract will begin on July 1 and end on June 30 of each year. Negotiations will be a one-year agreement.
DURATION CLAUSE. 30.1 This Agreement shall be effective on July 1, 2021 and shall continue in effect to and including June 30, 2024. During any period of negotiations between the parties hereto, the provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until such as a new Agreement has been signed. Such negotiations will be conducted in good faith.