Casual Sample Clauses
Casual a) Casual or extra employees shall be those employees hired for extra or relief work for periods of up to one (1) month. Such employees shall be paid at the rates provided in this Agreement and will be guaranteed not less than four (4) hours work on each day which they are employed.
b) A casual employee shall be entitled to a combined Statutory, Annual Holiday Pay and pay in lieu of benefits at a rate of twelve percent (12%) of gross earnings. In addition, the Employer shall pay premium contributions in accordance with Article 11.06.
Casual. Casual staff are engaged on an as needed basis working a minimum of 2 hours on any day worked, with a maximum of up to 38 hours per week.
Casual is an employee hired on a temporary basis to replace a member of the regular or sessional staff.
Casual. (a) Casual employment has meaning in given by section 15A of the Act.
Casual. If an employee or the employer cannot make a commitment to the definitions in clauses 10.3 and 10.4 of the Award then the employee is casual. It is important to clarify that the position is casual. It is also important to emphasise to the employee that there is no guarantee of ongoing or regular work. When advertising for and employing staff, it should be made clear that the employment is on a casual basis.
Casual. A casual employee is a person who is engaged on a day-to-day basis and paid as such. They shall be paid at “attendant” rate plus 20% loading in substitution for annual leave, sick leave and all other allowances. A casual employee shall receive a minimum of 4 hours work per call in to work.
Casual. In Component I employees who are hired on an hourly basis (i.e., without appointment) for less than forty-nine (49) hours per term, except where mutually agreed otherwise. In Component II, employees who are hired without appointment, as substitutes on a day-to-day basis to cover a teachers absence.
Casual. Casual employees are hired for casual employment on an “on call” basis for relief work, or to perform a work assignment that is not of a regularly scheduled nature, or to provide temporary coverage for an employee who is absent from work. These employees shall receive payment based on the number of hours of actual work in a pay period. The workweek for the position being filled will be defined in accordance with the applicable provision of article 15.05. Under no circumstances will casuals work more than thirty five (35) hours in a one (1) calendar month period. This limit does not apply in the replacement of temporarily absent workers. Human Resources may request, through the Union, an increase in the work hours, during major events that require the thirty-five (35) hour limitation to be extended.
Casual. Casual Servers shall be offered work on an as needed basis by call in by seniority and with the understanding that employees who do not indicate their availability at the time of being called will be passed over.
Casual. An employee may be employed as a full-time or part-time employee for a fixed term or specified task or project.