REGIONAL HEARING OF COMPLIANCE MATTERS. WECC, to the extent required in the Rules of Procedure, shall establish and maintain a hearing body with authority to conduct and render decisions in compliance hearings in which a Registered Entity may contest a finding of alleged violation, proposed penalty or sanction, or a proposed mitigation plan, which shall be either WECC’s board, a committee of the board, a balanced compliance panel reporting directly to WECC’s board or an independent hearing panel. WECC’s hearing body is the Compliance Hearing Body, a committee of the WECC Board comprised solely of directors, as set forth in the WECC Compliance Hearing Body Charter. Consistent with the WECC Compliance Hearing Body Charter, hearing panels for individual matters will include directors and may include industry subject matter experts. No industry representative or member class shall control the outcome. To the extent required in the Rules of Procedure, WECC shall conduct all compliance hearings in which a Registered Entity may contest a finding of alleged violation, proposed penalty or sanction, proposed Mitigation Plan, or a proposed Remedial Action Directive, in accordance with Attachment 2, Hearing Procedures, to the NERC Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program, subject to the following deviations, if any: None.
REGIONAL HEARING OF COMPLIANCE MATTERS. SERC Reliability Corporation shall es tablish and maintain a hearing body with authority to conduct and render decisions in compliance hearings in which a Registered Entity may contest a f inding of alleged violation, proposed pen alty or sanction, or a propos ed mitigation plan, which s hall be a balanced complianc e panel reporting directly to SERC Reliability Corporation’s board. SERC Reliability Corporation’s Hearing Body is the Board Compliance Committee, or a subset of the Board Compliance Committee. The Board Compliance Committee is comprised of SERC board members appointed by the Board of Directors. The Board Compliance Committee representation is as follows: • The Investor-Owned Utility Sector shall have three (3) representatives; • The Federal/State Sector shall have two (2) representatives; • The Cooperative Sector shall have two (2) representatives; • The Municipal Sector shall have two (2) representatives; • The Marketer Sector shall have on (1) representative; • The Merchant Electricity Sector shall have one (1) representative; • The ISO-RTO/Customer Sector shall have one (1) representative Consistent with the Hearing Procedures, a quorum for the purpose of constituting a Hearing Body shall be half of SERC’ s Board Complianc e Committee, or six members including alternates . In addition to the quorum requirement, the chair of the Board Compliance Committee sha ll declare the Hea ring Body duly constituted only if no two sectors can control and no one s ector can veto the actions of the Hearing Body (the “Sector Control Requirements”). To ensure that the Sector Control Requirements are met in the formati on of a Hearing Body, the Chair shall adhere to the following in declaring the Hearing Body duly constituted: • If the Hearing Body is made up of six (6) members of the BCC, then each sector shall have no more than one (1) representative on the Hearing Body. • If the Hearing Body is made up of seven (7) or eight (8) members of the BCC, then only one sector can have two (2) representatives on the Hearing Body, and each other sector can have only one (1) representative on the Hearing Body. • If the Hearing Body is made up of nine (9) or ten (10) members of the BCC, then no sector can have more than two (2) representatives on the Hearing Body. • If the Hearing Body is made up of eleven (11) or twelve (12) members of the BCC, then the Sector Control Requirements are met, as no two sectors would have enough votes to control, and no one sector would...
REGIONAL HEARING OF COMPLIANCE MATTERS. NPCC has adopted the Consolidated Hearing Process consistent with Rules of Procedure
REGIONAL HEARING OF COMPLIANCE MATTERS. MRO has adopted the Consolidated Hearing Process consistent with Rules of Procedure 403.15.
REGIONAL HEARING OF COMPLIANCE MATTERS. Texas RE, to the extent required in the Rules of Procedure, shall establish and maintain a hearing body with authority to conduct and render decisions in compliance hearings in which a Registered Entity may contest a finding of alleged violation, proposed penalty or sanction, or a proposed mitigation plan, which shall be either Texas RE’s board, a committee of the board, a balanced compliance panel reporting directly to Texas RE’s board or an independent hearing panel. Texas RE’s hearing body is a committee of the board comprised of a portion of the Texas RE Directors, with a majority of independent directors. To the extent required in the Rules of Procedure, Texas RE shall conduct all compliance hearings in which a Registered Entity may contest a finding of alleged violation, proposed penalty or sanction, proposed Mitigation Plan, or a proposed Remedial Action Directive, in accordance with Attachment 2, Hearing Procedures, to the NERC Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program, subject to the following deviations, as set forth in the Texas RE Hearing Body Charter: (a) The Hearing Body will attend the evidentiary hearing so that the members can hear and weigh the evidence presented and assess the credibility of the witnesses. (b) Following post-hearing briefing, the Hearing Body will convene to deliberate and make an initial determination of the disputed issues based on the evidence admitted during the proceedings. The Hearing Body will issue an Initial Opinion reflecting the decisions of the Hearing Body in accordance with the Hearing Procedures.
REGIONAL HEARING OF COMPLIANCE MATTERS. SERC has adopted the Consolidated Hearing Process consistent with Rules of Procedure
REGIONAL HEARING OF COMPLIANCE MATTERS. ReliabilityFirst has adopted the Consolidated Hearing Process consistent with Rules of Procedure
REGIONAL HEARING OF COMPLIANCE MATTERS. WECC, to the extent required in the Rules of Procedure, shall establish and maintain a hearing body with authority to conduct and render decisions in compliance hearings in which a Registered Entity may contest a finding of alleged violation, proposed penalty or sanction, or a proposed mitigation plan, which shall be either WECC’s board, a committee of the board, a balanced compliance panel reporting directly to WECC’s board or an independent hearing panel. . To the extent required in the Rules of Procedure, WECC shall conduct all compliance hearings in which a Registered Entity may contest a finding of alleged violation, proposed penalty or sanction, proposed Mitigation Plan, or a proposed Remedial Action Directive, in accordance with Attachment 2, Hearing Procedures, to the NERC Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program, subject to the following deviations, if any: None.
REGIONAL HEARING OF COMPLIANCE MATTERS. Texas RE shall establish and maintain a hearing body with authority to conduct and render decisions in compliance hearings in which a Registered Entity may contest a finding of alleged violation, proposed penalty or sanction, or a proposed mitigation plan, which shall be either Texas RE’s board or a balanced compliance panel reporting directly to Texas RE’s board. Texas RE’s hearing body is the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT).
REGIONAL HEARING OF COMPLIANCE MATTERS. MRO, to the extent required in the Rules of Procedure, shall establish and maintain a hearing body with authority to conduct and render decisions in compliance hearings in which a Registered Entity may contest a finding of alleged violation, proposed penalty or sanction, or a proposed mitigation plan, which shall be either MRO’s board, a committee of the board, a balanced compliance panel reporting directly to MRO’s board or an independent hearing panel. MRO’s hearing body is a balanced subset of its board that is appointed by the board with no more than one member from each sector. To the extent required in the Rules of Procedure, MRO shall conduct all compliance hearings in which a Registered Entity may contest a finding of alleged violation, proposed penalty or sanction, proposed Mitigation Plan, or a proposed Remedial Action Directive, in accordance with Attachment 2, Hearing Procedures, to the NERC Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program, subject to the following deviations, if any: NONE.