Interconnection Service Interconnection Service allows the Interconnection Customer to connect the Large Generating Facility to the Participating TO’s Transmission System and be eligible to deliver the Large Generating Facility’s output using the available capacity of the CAISO Controlled Grid. To the extent the Interconnection Customer wants to receive Interconnection Service, the Participating TO shall construct facilities identified in Appendices A and C that the Participating TO is responsible to construct.
Service Terms Each Service Order will provide for a service term. At the end of the service term of any Service Order, unless either party gives written notice to the other party of its intention not to renew at least ninety (90) days before the end of a service term, the term of such Service Order will automatically renew for successive twelve (12) month periods. Termination of one Service Order will not affect the term of any other Service Order.
Data Transmission Control Except as necessary for the provision of the Cloud Services in accordance with the Agreement, Personal Data must not be read, copied, modified or removed without authorization during transfer. Where data carriers are physically transported, adequate measures are implemented at SAP to provide the agreed-upon service levels (for example, encryption and lead-lined containers).
Network Interconnection Methods 3.1 The Interconnection provided herein may not be used solely for the purpose of originating a Party’s own interexchange traffic.
Connecting Transmission Owner’s Scope of Work and Responsibilities The Connecting Transmission Owner will design, construct, own, operate and maintain all Connecting Transmission Owner’s Interconnection Facilities, except as otherwise stated above and in the Project Specific Specifications. The Connecting Transmission Owner will complete all engineering reviews, field verifications and witness testing, etc. in accordance with the ESBs and the Project Specific Specifications. Connecting Transmission Owner shall provide the revenue metering CT/PT units and meter socket enclosure. The Connecting Transmission Owner shall: • provide, run, and wire both ends of the color-coded cable for the revenue metering instrument transformer secondary wiring; • perform all terminations; and • supply and install the meter. The revenue meter may require a communications link to the RTU. The Connecting Transmission Owner will specify and run those communications cables. The Connecting Transmission Owner shall complete all wiring, testing and commissioning of the RTU.
Provisional Interconnection Service Prior to the completion of the Large Facility Interconnection Procedures and prior to completion of requisite Attachment Facilities, Distribution Upgrades, System Upgrade Facilities, System Distribution Upgrades, or System Protection Facilities, the Developer may request an evaluation for Provisional Interconnection Service. NYISO, in conjunction with the Connecting Transmission Owner, shall determine, through available studies or additional studies as necessary, whether stability, short circuit, thermal, and/or voltage issues would arise if the Developer interconnects without modifications to the Large Generating Facility or the New York State Transmission System (or Distribution System as applicable). NYISO, in conjunction with the Connecting Transmission Owner, shall determine whether any Attachment Facilities, Distribution Upgrades, System Upgrade Facilities, System Deliverability Upgrades, or System Protection Facilities, which are necessary to meet Applicable Laws and Regulations, Applicable Reliability Standards, and Good Utility Practice, are in place prior to the commencement of interconnection service from the Large Facility. Where available studies indicate that the Attachment Facilities, Distribution Upgrades, System Upgrade Facilities, System Deliverability Upgrades, or System Protection Facilities are required for the interconnection of a new, modified and/or expanded Large Facility but such facilities are not currently in place, NYISO, in conjunction with the Connecting Transmission Owner, will perform a study, at the Developer’s expense, to confirm the facilities that are required for Provisional Interconnection Service. The maximum permissible output of the Large Facility in the Provisional Large Facility Interconnection Agreement shall be studied, at the Developer’s expense, and updated annually. The NYISO shall issue the study’s findings in writing to the Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner(s). Following a determination by NYISO, in conjunction with the Connecting Transmission Owner, that the Developer may reliably provide Provisional Interconnection Service, NYISO shall tender to the Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner, a Provisional Large Facility Interconnection Agreement. NYISO, Developer, and Connecting Transmission Owner may execute the Provisional Large Facility Interconnection Agreement, or the Developer may request the filing of an unexecuted Provisional Large Facility Interconnection Agreement with the Commission. The Developer shall assume all risk and liabilities with respect to changes between the Provisional Large Facility Interconnection Agreement and the Large Generator Interconnection Agreement, including changes in output limits and the cost responsibilities for the Attachment Facilities, System Upgrade Facilities, System Deliverability Upgrades, and/or System Protection Facilities.
Scope of Interconnection Service 1.3.1 The NYISO will provide Energy Resource Interconnection Service and Capacity Resource Interconnection Service to Interconnection Customer at the Point of Interconnection. 1.3.2 This Agreement does not constitute an agreement to purchase or deliver the Interconnection Customer’s power. The purchase or delivery of power and other services that the Interconnection Customer may require will be covered under separate agreements, if any, or applicable provisions of NYISO’s or Connecting Transmission Owner’s tariffs. The Interconnection Customer will be responsible for separately making all necessary arrangements (including scheduling) for delivery of electricity in accordance with the applicable provisions of the ISO OATT and Connecting Transmission Owner’s tariff. The execution of this Agreement does not constitute a request for, nor agreement to, provide Energy, any Ancillary Services or Installed Capacity under the NYISO Services Tariff or any Connecting Transmission Owner’s tariff. If Interconnection Customer wishes to supply or purchase Energy, Installed Capacity or Ancillary Services, then Interconnection Customer will make application to do so in accordance with the NYISO Services Tariff or Connecting Transmission Owner’s tariff.
No Transmission Service The execution of this LGIA does not constitute a request for, nor the provision of, any transmission service under the CAISO Tariff, and does not convey any right to deliver electricity to any specific customer or point of delivery.
Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities Connecting Transmission Owner shall design, procure, construct, install, own and/or control the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities described in Appendix A hereto, at the sole expense of the Developer.
Verizon Retail Telecommunications Service Any Telecommunications Service that Verizon provides at retail to subscribers that are not Telecommunications Carriers. The term “Verizon Retail Telecommunications Service” does not include any Exchange Access service (as defined in Section 3(16) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. § 153(16)) provided by Verizon.