Relations with Other Organizations Sample Clauses

Relations with Other Organizations. 1. The General Council shall make appropriate arrangements for effective cooperation with other intergovernmental organizations that have responsibilities related to those of the WTO. 2. The General Council may make appropriate arrangements for consultation and cooperation with non-governmental organizations concerned with matters related to those of the WTO.
Relations with Other Organizations. In pursuit of its aims and objectives under this Agreement, the Authority may enter into agreements with other regional organizations and with intergovernmental and non-governmental agencies and non-member states. Article 18A Conflict Resolution Member States shall act collectively to preserve peace, security and stability which are essential prerequisites for economic development and social progress. Accordingly Member States shall: a) take effective collective measures to eliminate threats to regional co-operation peace and stability; b) establish an effective mechanism of consultation and cooperation for the pacific settlement of differences and disputes; c) accept to deal with disputes between Member States within this sub-regional mechanism before they are referred to other regional or international organisations.
Relations with Other Organizations. (i) The Bank shall, within the limits of the powers specified in this Agreement, cooperate with national, regional and international organizations in the fields of development and international assistance. (ii) The Bank may, pursuant to the decisions of the Board of Directors, enter into agreements with such organizations aimed at fostering such cooperation.
Relations with Other Organizations. In order to fulfill its purpose, the Joint Authority may cooperate with any government or organization, and, to this end, may, subject to the approval of the Governments, conclude any agreement or arrangement with such government or organization.
Relations with Other Organizations. (1) The Organization shall, where appropriate, establish working relations and cooperate with other intergovernmental organizations. Any general agreement to such effect entered into with such organizations shall be concluded by the Director General after approval by the Coordination Committee. (2) The Organization may, on matters within its competence, make suitable arrangements for consultation and cooperation with international non– governmental organizations and, with the consent of the Governments concerned, with national organizations, governmental or non governmental. Such arrangements shall be made by the Director General after approval by the Coordination Committee.
Relations with Other Organizations. In pursuit of its aims and objectives under this Agreement, the Authority may enter into agreements with other regional organizations and with intergovernmental and non-governmental agencies and non -member states.‌‌‌ Article 18A Conflict Resolution a) take effective collective measures to eliminate threats to regional co- operation peace and stability; b) establish an effective mechanism of consultation and cooperation for the pacific settlement of differences and disputes; c) accept to deal with disputes between Member States within this sub- regional mechanism before they are referred to other regional or international organisations.
Relations with Other Organizations. 1. The General Council shall make appropriate arrangements for effective cooperation with other intergovernmental organizations that have responsibilities related to those of the MTO. 2. The General Council may make appropriate arrangements for consultation and cooperation with non-governmental organizations concerned with matters related to those of the MTO.
Relations with Other Organizations. 1. FLACSO will enter into agreements with UNESCO, PNUD, CEPAL, ILPES, the Latin American Social Science Research Center of Río de Janeiro, and other similar organisms to arrange for close and effective collaboration with said institutions. 2. FLACSO will also collaborate with non-governmental international organizations, corporations, foundations, and national university institutions in all matters within its scope, in order to stimulate cooperation and mutual assistance in those spheres.