Engineering Services Definition: Engineering Services includes any service or creative work, the adequate performance of which requires education, training and experience in the application of special knowledge in consulting, investigating, evaluating, planning and designing, engineering principles. Engineering Services covered by the Xxxxxx Architect-Engineers Act (40 U.S.C. 1102) are not covered in the primary scope of OASIS SB. Examples: Service areas that are included under the Engineering Services discipline include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Systems Engineering 2. Advanced Technology Pilots and Trials 3. Alternative Energy Sources and Engineering 4. Configuration Management 5. Concept Development
Laboratory Services Covered Services include prescribed diagnostic clinical and anatomic pathological laboratory services and materials when authorized by a Member's PCP and HPN’s Managed Care Program.
Monitoring Services IDT staff shall, using methods that include face-to-face and other contacts with the member, monitor the services a member receives. This monitoring shall ensure that: a. The member receives the services and supports authorized, arranged for and coordinated by the IDT staff; b. The services and supports identified in the MCP as being provided by natural and community supports are being provided; and c. The quality of the services and supports received is adequate and still necessary to continue to meet the needs and preferences of the member and support the member’s outcomes identified in the MCP.
Manufacturing Services Jabil will manufacture the Product in accordance with the Specifications and any applicable Build Schedules. Jabil will reply to each proposed Build Schedule that is submitted in accordance with the terms of this Agreement by notifying Company of its acceptance or rejection within three (3) business days of receipt of any proposed Build Schedule. In the event of Jabil’s rejection of a proposed Build Schedule, Jabil’s notice of rejection will specify the basis for such rejection. When requested by Company, and subject to appropriate fee and cost adjustments, Jabil will provide Additional Services for existing or future Product manufactured by Jabil. Company shall be solely responsible for the sufficiency and adequacy of the Specifications [***].
Training Services Training Services may include pre-packaged training Products, and/or the development or customization of training programs as requested, including Live Training, Computer Based/Multi-Media Training which encompasses Internet-Delivered Training, and/or Video Based Training.
Marketing Services The Manager shall provide advice and assistance in the marketing of the Vessels, including the identification of potential customers, identification of Vessels available for charter opportunities and preparation of bids.
Engineering Forest Service completed survey and design for Specified Roads prior to timber sale advertisement, unless otherwise shown in A8 or Purchaser survey and design are specified in A7. On those roads for which Forest Service completes the design during the contract, the design quantities shall be used as the basis for revising estimated costs stated in the Schedule of Items and adjusting Timber Sale Account. (a) A7 to show Purchaser’s performance responsibility. (b) The Schedule of Items to include costs of survey and design, as provided under B5.24, and adjust Timber Sale Account, as provided in B5.
Telemedicine Services This plan covers clinically appropriate telemedicine services when the service is provided via remote access through an on-line service or other interactive audio and video telecommunications system in accordance with R.I. General Law § 27-81-1. Clinically appropriate telemedicine services may be obtained from a network or non- network provider, and from our designated telemedicine service provider. When you seek telemedicine services from our designated telemedicine service provider, the amount you pay is listed in the Summary of Medical Benefits. When you receive a covered healthcare service from a network or non-network provider via remote access, the amount you pay depends on the covered healthcare service you receive, as indicated in the Summary of Medical Benefits. For information about telemedicine services, our designated telemedicine service provider, and how to access telemedicine services, please visit our website or contact our Customer Service Department.
Design Services The Engineer shall perform services during the schematic design phase, the design development phase, the contract documents phase, and the bidding period as hereinafter specified.
PROJECT SERVICES Landlord shall furnish services as follows: