Required Safeguards Sample Clauses

Required Safeguards. BUSINESS ASSOCIATE shall use all appropriate safeguards to prevent use or disclosure of Protected Health Information received from, or created or received on behalf of, STATE, other than as provided for in this Agreement or as required by law. These safeguards will include, but are not limited to:
Required Safeguards. Supplier shall establish and maintain safeguards including: 1. internal procedures for secure handling of Personal Information; 2. technical safeguards such as firewalls, anti-virus and anti-malware software; 3. physical access restrictions, such as locks 4. measures to prevent alteration or falsification of access logs or records of Processing; 5. measures to securely store and transmit Personal Information, such as encryption of Personal Information where required by the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA), the Enforcement Regulations of PIPA, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Protection of Information (PICNU), the Enforcement Regulations of PICNU (“PICNU Regulations”), the Utilization and Protection of Credit Information Act (UPCIA) or other Korean law, as applicable.
Required Safeguards. Construction Manager will ascertain the requirements for and will erect and maintain, as required by Law and/or existing conditions, all reasonable safeguards for safety and protection, including but not limited to, the posting of danger signs and other warnings against hazards, and the promulgation of safety regulations and notification to owners and users of adjacent property.
Required Safeguards. Design Builder will ascertain the requirements for and will erect and maintain, as required by Law and/or existing conditions, all reasonable safeguards for safety and protection, including but not limited to, the posting of danger signs and other warnings against hazards, and the promulgation of safety regulations and notification to owners and users of adjacent property.
Required Safeguards. Each receiving Party agrees to take all reasonable safeguards to protect the secret and proprietary nature of Confidential Information obtained from the disclosing Party, and to prevent the unauthorized use, reproduction, disclosure or other dissemination thereof. The receiving Party will limit access to the Confidential Information of the disclosing Party to only those of the receiving Party’s officers, employees accountants and legal counsel having a need to know and who have signed confidentiality agreements containing, or who are otherwise legally bound by, confidentiality obligations at least as restrictive as those contained herein. The receiving Party will not reproduce the Confidential Information of the disclosing Party in any form except to effect the purposes of this Agreement. Any reproduction by a receiving Party of any Confidential Information of the disclosing Party will remain the property of the disclosing Party and will contain any and all confidential or proprietary notices or legends that appear on the original, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the disclosing Party.
Required Safeguards. Business Associate will use all appropriate safeguards to prevent use or disclosure of Protected Health Information received from, or created or received on behalf of, the Covered Entity, other than as provided for in this Agreement or as required by law, including (i) adopting policies and procedures regarding the safeguarding of Protected Health Information, (ii) providing training to relevant employees, independent contractors, and subcontractors on such policies and procedures to prevent the improper use or disclosure of Protected Health Information, and (iii) implementing appropriate technical safeguards to protect Protected Health Information.
Required Safeguards. You will receive a password to access the Data. You must safeguard the password and you agree not to share or otherwise disclose it. If you believe your password has been compromised, you must immediately notify the UCI Health Affairs Office of Research Information (the “ORI”). You are responsible for all activities taken with your password. You must implement any other reasonable safeguards that you feel are necessary to prevent use or disclosure of the Data other than as expressly permitted by this Agreement.
Required Safeguards. USER will use appropriate safeguards to prevent use or disclosure of DATA or INFORMATION. USER will not share his or her password with any other person except for the Director of the TOWN Council on Aging. USER will not allow any other person, except for the Director of the TOWN Council on Aging or her designee, to use USER’s computer account after USER has logged on with USER’s password. USER will be responsible for removing all INDIVIDUALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION from all files used for the research, as required to be compliant with relevant procedures of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule (45 CFR, Part 160 and Subparts A and E of Part 164). The intended procedure is as follows: a. USER will access a TOWN computer where the Senior Center address list is kept. b. USER will use a suite of computer programs to look up the US Census tract for the participant’s address in the address file. c. The age and gender will be recoded in compliance with 45 CFR § 164.514 and be included in the output file. d. A random participant identifier will be generated and added to the output file. The random identifier, or re-identification key, will be added to the address list. This augmented file will allow for “re-identification”. The augmented address file and the output file WILL NOT be transferred off of the Senior Center computer system. e. The output file census tract variable will be tabulated to produce a set of weights. Census tracts with no participants will remain 0, tracts with 1-4 participants will be set to 4, and all other tracts will be unchanged. f. USER will certify the weights file to be transferred as being “de-identified.” (45 CFR §164.514 Other requirements relating to uses and disclosures of protected health information). g. The resulting weights file will be emailed to USER.
Required Safeguards. (i) Employee Training. Supplier, at its expense, shall train employees and subcontractors regarding Supplier’s data security and data privacy obligations under the Agreement and this Exhibit.
Required Safeguards. You may not access or use the data outside of the enclave (download, copy, or screenshot, etc.) and may not combine the data with other datasets unless it is specifically permitted by the ENACT program in writing. You may not print the data or access the data in a public forum with your screen visible to others. You will receive a password and User ID to access the ENACT LDS and Enclave. You must safeguard your password and User ID, and you must not share or otherwise disclose your password and User ID. If you believe your password or User ID has been compromised, you must contact the ENACT program administrators immediately. You are responsible for all activity taken with your password or User ID. You must implement any other reasonable safeguards you feel are necessary to prevent use or disclosure of data other than as expressly permitted by this Agreement.