Requirements of the job. Some or all of the following are needed to perform work at this level:- Skills, Knowledge, Experience, Qualifications and/or Training · basic skills in oral and written communication with clients and other members of the public; · knowledge of established work practices and procedures relevant to the work area; · understanding of basic computing concepts; · knowledge of policies and regulations relating to the work area; · understanding of clear but complex rules; · developing knowledge of statutory requirements relevant to the work area; · application of techniques relevant to the work area; · no formal qualifications required; OR appropriate post-trade certificate relevant to the work area; OR entry point for three year Degree/Associate Diploma/appropriate certificate without experience; OR qualifications accepted as both relevant and equivalent; OR will have attained in previous appointments or service an equivalent level of expertise and experience to undertake the range of activities required; OR appropriate on-the-job training and relevant experience.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Union Collective Workplace Agreement
Requirements of the job. Some or all of the following are needed to perform work at this level:- level. Skills, Knowledgeknowledge, Experienceexperience, Qualifications qualifications and/or Training · basic training: • Developing skills in oral oral, written and written interpersonal communication with clients and other members of the public; · knowledge . • Knowledge of established work practices and procedures relevant to the work area; · understanding . • Knowledge of basic computing concepts; · knowledge of policies policies, regulations and regulations statutory requirements relating to the work area; · understanding . • Understanding of clear but complex rules; · developing knowledge of statutory requirements relevant to the work area; · application . • Application of techniques relevant to the work area; · no . • No formal qualifications required; OR appropriate . Or any of the following: • Appropriate post-trade certificate relevant to the work area; OR entry . • Entry point for three 3 year Degreedegree/Associate Diploma/appropriate certificate without experience; OR qualifications accepted as both relevant and equivalent; OR will . • Will have attained in through previous appointments or service an equivalent level of expertise and experience to undertake the range of activities required; OR appropriate on-the-. • Appropriate on the job training and relevant experience.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Requirements of the job. Some or all of the following are needed to perform work at this level:- level: Skills, Knowledge, Experience, Qualifications and/or Training · • basic skills in oral and written communication with clients and other members of the public; · • knowledge of established work practices and procedures relevant to the work area; · • understanding of basic computing concepts; · • knowledge of policies and regulations relating to the work area; · • understanding of clear but complex rules; · • developing knowledge of statutory requirements relevant to the work area; · • application of techniques relevant to the work area; · • no formal qualifications required; OR appropriate post-trade certificate relevant to the work area; OR entry point for three year Degree/Associate Diploma/appropriate certificate without experience; OR qualifications accepted as both relevant and equivalent; OR will have attained in previous appointments or service an equivalent level of expertise and experience to undertake the range of activities required; OR appropriate on-the-job training and relevant experience.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Council Agreement
Requirements of the job. Some or all of the following are needed to perform work at this level:- Skills, Knowledge, Experience, Qualifications and/or Training · basic skills in oral and written communication with clients and other members of the public; · knowledge of established work practices and procedures relevant to the work area; · understanding of basic computing concepts; · knowledge of policies and regulations by-laws relating to the work area; · understanding of clear but complex rules; · application of techniques relevant to the work area; · developing knowledge of statutory requirements relevant to the work area; · application understanding of techniques relevant to the work areabasic computing concepts; · no formal qualifications required; OR appropriate post-trade certificate relevant to the work area; OR entry point for three year Degree/Associate Diploma/appropriate certificate without experience; OR qualifications accepted as both relevant and equivalent; OR will have attained in through previous appointments or service an equivalent level of expertise and experience to undertake the range of activities required; OR appropriate on-the-job training and relevant experience.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Union Collective Workplace Agreement
Requirements of the job. Some or all of the following are needed to perform work at this level:- level: Skills, Knowledge, Experience, Qualifications and/or Training · • basic skills in oral and written communication with clients and other members of the public; · • knowledge of established work practices and procedures relevant to the work area; · understanding of basic computing concepts; · • knowledge of policies and regulations by-laws relating to the work area; · • understanding of clear but complex rules; · • application of techniques relevant to the work area; • developing knowledge of statutory requirements relevant to the work area; · application • understanding of techniques relevant to the work areabasic computing concepts; · • no formal qualifications required; OR appropriate ORappropriate post-trade certificate relevant to the work area; OR entry ORentry point for three year Degree/Associate Diploma/appropriate certificate without experience; OR qualifications accepted as both relevant and equivalent; OR will ORwill have attained in through previous appointments or service an equivalent level of expertise and experience to undertake the range of activities required; OR appropriate ORappropriate on-the-job training and relevant experience.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Council Agreement