Common use of Retiree Medical Insurance Clause in Contracts

Retiree Medical Insurance. 20 Retirees from this bargaining unit shall be eligible to participate in the County’s 21 medical plan subject to the following provisions: 22 A. For purposes of this section, "retiree" refers to a person who separated 23 from County employment on or after July 1, 1992 and, at the time of separation, 24 occupied a position covered by the ONA bargaining unit, and was eligible to initiate a 25 PERS retirement benefit at the time of separation from County employment. For 26 purposes of this section, "member" or "members" refers to an active employee(s) 27 who permanently occupies a position(s) covered by the ONA bargaining unit. 28 B. Except as otherwise provided in this section, retirees may continue to 29 participate in the County medical and dental plans available to members, but not in 30 other County plans not available to members. Coverage of eligible dependents 31 uniformly terminates when coverage of the retiree terminates, except as otherwise - 40 - 1 required by applicable state or federal law. 2 C. To the extent members are permitted to choose among two (2) or more 3 medical insurance plans, retirees shall be entitled to choose between the same plans 4 under the same conditions and at the same times as apply to members. Retired 5 employees participating in the members’ medical insurance plan shall be subject to 6 the application of any change or elimination of benefits, carrier, administrator or 7 administrative procedure to the same extent and at the same time as are members. 8 D. The retiree shall be responsible for promptly notifying the County 11 Medicare. 12 E. The following terms related to benefit payments, service and age 13 requirements shall also apply: 14 1. The County shall pay one-half (1/2) of the monthly medical 15 insurance premium on behalf of a retiree and his or her eligible dependents from the 16 retiree's fifty-eighth (58th) birthday or date of retirement, whichever is later, until the 17 retiree's sixty-fifth (65th) birthday, death, or eligibility for Medicare, whichever is 18 earlier, if the retiree had: 19 a. five (5) years of continuous County service immediately 20 preceding retirement at or after age fifty-eight (58) years, or 21 b. ten (10) years of continuous County service immediately 22 preceding retirement prior to age fifty-eight (58) years, or 23 c. ten (10) years of continuous County service immediately 24 preceding disability retirement regardless of age. 25 2. The County shall pay one-half (1/2) of the monthly medical 26 insurance premium on behalf of a retiree and his or her eligible dependents from the 27 retiree's fifty-fifth (55th) birthday or date of retirement, whichever is later, until the 28 retiree’s sixty-fifth (65th) birthday, death, or eligibility for Medicare, whichever is 29 earlier, if the employee had thirty (30) years of continuous service with employers 30 who are members of the Oregon Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) and 31 Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP) and twenty (20) or more years of 1 continuous County service immediately preceding retirement; provided, however, that 2 employees employed on or before July 1, 1992, who are eligible for regular 3 PERS/OPSRP retirement with thirty (30) years of PERS/OPSRP SERVICE and

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Retiree Medical Insurance. 20 Retirees from this bargaining unit shall be eligible to 26 participate in the County’s 21 medical plan subject to the following provisions: 22 A. 27 (1) For purposes of this section, "retiree" refers to a person who meets the 28 criteria of section 5 below, who separated 23 from service from the County employment on or after July 1, 1992 1 and, at the time of separation, 24 separation occupied a position covered by the ONA MCCDA bargaining unit, and was eligible to initiate a 25 PERS retirement benefit at the time of separation from County employment. For 26 2 purposes of this section, "member" or "members" refers to an active employee(s) 27 who 3 permanently occupies a position(s) covered by the ONA MCCDA bargaining unit. 28 B. 4 (2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, retirees may continue to 29 5 participate in the County medical and dental plans available to members, but not in 30 other County 6 plans not available to members. Coverage of eligible dependents 31 uniformly terminates when 7 coverage of the retiree terminates, except as otherwise - 40 - 1 required by applicable state or federal 8 law. 2 C. 9 (3) To the extent members are permitted to choose among two (2) or more 3 10 medical insurance plans, during annual enrollment, retirees shall be entitled to choose between 11 the same plans 4 under the same conditions and at the same times as apply to membersmembers and including the Kaiser 12 Maintenance Plan. Retired 5 employees participating in the members’ medical insurance plan 13 shall be subject to 6 the application of any change or elimination of benefits, carrier, administrator 14 or 7 administrative procedure to the same extent and at the same time as are members. 8 D. 15 (4) The retiree shall be responsible for promptly notifying the County 11 MedicareEmployee 16 Benefits Office in writing of any changes in the retiree’s current address and of any changes in 17 retiree or dependent eligibility for coverage. 12 E. The following terms related 18 (5) Retiree Benefits Eligibility Association employees who are eligible to benefit paymentsinitiate 19 a PERS pension upon separation from the County, service meet the retiree eligibility requirements and age 13 requirements shall also apply20 enroll in a County-sponsored retiree health plan at employment separation are eligible for a 21 premium subsidy from the County as follows: 14 1. 22 a. If a retiree has thirty (30) years of continuous County service, 23 regardless of age, the County shall pay one-half (1/2) of the monthly medical insurance premium 24 on behalf of a the retiree and their eligible dependents, until the retiree’s sixty-fifth (65th) birthday, 25 death, or eligibility for Medicare, whichever is earlier. 26 b. The County shall pay one-half (1/2) of the monthly medical 15 insurance 27 premium on behalf of a retiree and his or her their eligible dependents dependents, from the 16 retiree's ’s fifty-eighth (58th) 1 birthday or date of retirement, whichever is later, until the 17 retiree's ’s sixty-fifth (65th) birthday, 2 death, or eligibility for Medicare, whichever is 18 earlier, if the retiree had: 19 a. 3 1. five (5) years of continuous County service immediately 20 4 preceding retirement at or after age fifty-eight (58) years, or 21 b. 5 2. ten (10) years of continuous County service immediately 22 6 preceding retirement prior to age fifty-eight (58) years, or 23 c. 7 3. ten (10) years of continuous County service immediately 24 8 preceding disability retirement regardless of age. 9 (6) Actual application for Medicare shall not be required for a finding that a 10 retiree is "eligible for Medicare" under subsections a and b of section 5, above. 11 (7) Part-time service in a regular budgeted position shall be prorated for 12 purposes of the service requirement set forth in section 5, above. (For example, twenty (20) 13 hours the applicable service requirements). 14 (8) In addition to the other requirements of this section, continued medical plan 15 participation or benefit of County contributions is conditioned on the retiree’s continuous 16 participation in the County’s medical and/or dental insurance plan from the time of retirement, 17 and upon the retiree’s timely payment of the applicable retiree portion [i.e., fifty percent (50%) 18 or 100 hundred percent (100%), as applicable] of the monthly premium. Failure to continuously 19 participate or make timely and sufficient payment of the applicable retiree portion of the monthly 20 premium shall terminate the retiree’s rights under this section. However, a retiree who retires on 21 or after ratification of this Agreement will be allowed to leave coverage and opt back on to a 22 County plan as a one-time opportunity. To receive this benefit, the retiree must demonstrate 23 continuous coverage under another employer-sponsored group medical plan and must enroll 24 within sixty (60) calendar days of loss of coverage under the other group medical plan. The 25 2effective date of coverage will be the first day of the month on or after receipt of all enrollment 26 forms. The County shall pay oneinform the retiree of the identity and mailing address of the collection 27 agent at the time the retiree signs up for continued post-half employment medical insurance 28 coverage, and shall inform the retiree of changes of collection agent not less than forty-five (1/245) 1 days in advance of the effective date of the change. 2 (9) In the event the state or federal government mandates County 3 participation in and payment, in whole or in part, for any medical and/or dental insurance or 4 benefits plan which provides retirees with medical benefits or insurance coverage which would 5 constitute a substantially similar substitute for the benefits or coverage and for substantially the 6 same period as provided in this section, the County may cancel, in whole or in part, the rights 7 and benefits which would otherwise be provided under this section to the categories of retirees 8 or persons covered by the state or federal mandate, by written notice to MCCDA and retirees 9 affected by the cancellation. 10 (10) In the event County insurance premium payments on behalf of retirees or 11 their dependents are made subject to state or federal taxation, any additional County tax liability 12 shall be directly offset against such payments required under this section. (For example, if the 13 effect on the County of the additional tax is to increase the County’s outlays by an amount 14 equivalent to ten percent (10%) of aggregate monthly retiree premium, the County’s contribution 15 shall be reduced to forty percent (40%) of the monthly medical 26 insurance premium on behalf of a retiree so that the net County costs will remain 17 alternatives which may have greater tax advantages for members and his or her eligible dependents from the 27 retiree's fifty-fifth (55th) birthday or date of retirement, whichever is later, until the 28 retiree’s sixty-fifth (65th) birthday, death, or eligibility for Medicare, whichever is 29 earlier, if the employee had thirty (30) years of continuous service with employers 30 who are members of the Oregon Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) and 31 Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP) and twenty (20) or more years of 1 continuous County service immediately preceding retirement; provided, however, that 2 employees employed on or before July 1, 1992, who are eligible for regular 3 PERS/OPSRP retirement with thirty (30) years of PERS/OPSRP SERVICE andCounty.

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Samples: Labor Agreement

Retiree Medical Insurance. 20 Retirees from this bargaining unit shall be eligible to participate in the County’s 21 medical plan subject to the following provisions: 22 8 A. For purposes of this section, a "retiree" refers to a person who separated 23 from County employment on or after July 1, 1992 and, at the time of separation, 24 occupied a position covered by the ONA bargaining unit, and was eligible to initiate a 25 PERS retirement benefit at the time of separation from County employment. For 26 retired 11 purposes of this section, a "member" or "members" refers to an active employee(s) 27 who permanently occupies in a position(s) position 12 covered by the ONA bargaining unit"Exempt" compensation plan. 28 13 B. Except as otherwise provided in by this section, retirees may continue 14 to 29 participate in the County medical and dental plans available to members, but not in 30 other County plans not plan available to members. Coverage of 15 eligible dependents 31 uniformly terminates when coverage of the retiree terminates, 16 except as otherwise - 40 - 1 required by applicable state or federal law. 2 17 C. To the extent members are permitted to choose from among two (2) 18 or more 3 medical insurance plans, retirees shall be entitled permitted to choose between 19 the same plans 4 under the same conditions and at the same times time as apply to 20 members. Retired 5 employees Retirees participating in the members' medical insurance plan shall be 21 subject to 6 the application of any change or elimination of benefits, carrier, administrator 22 administrator, or 7 administrative procedure to the same extent and at the same time 23 as are members. 8 24 D. The retiree shall be responsible for promptly notifying the County 11 MedicareBenefits 25 Manager (Employee Services Division), in writing, of any changes in the retiree's 26 current address and of any changes in retiree or dependent eligibility for coverage. 12 27 E. The following terms related to benefit payments, service service, and age 13 28 requirements shall also apply: 14 29 1. The County shall pay one-half (1/2) of the monthly medical 15 30 insurance premium on behalf of a retiree and his or her eligible dependents from 31 the 16 retiree's fifty-eighth (58th) birthday or date of retirement, whichever is later, 1 until the 17 retiree's sixty-fifth (65th) birthday, death, or eligibility for Medicare, 2 whichever is 18 earlier, if the retiree had: 19 a. (a) five (5) years of continuous County service immediately 20 preceding retirement at or after age fifty-eight 5 (58b) years, or 21 b. ten (10) year of continuous County service 7 (c) ten (10) years of continuous County service 8 immediately 22 preceding retirement prior to age fifty-eight (58) years, or 23 c. ten (10) years in the event of continuous County service immediately 24 preceding disability retirement regardless of ageretirement. 25 9 2. The County shall pay one-half (1/2) of the monthly medical 26 insurance premium on behalf of a retiree and his or her eligible dependents from 11 the 27 retiree's fifty-fifth (55th) birthday or date of retirement, whichever is later, until 12 the 28 retiree’s 's sixty-fifth (65th) birthday, death, or eligibility for Medicare, whichever 13 is 29 earlier, if the employee had thirty (30) years of continuous service with 14 employers 30 who are members of the Oregon Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) and 31 Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP) 15 and twenty (20) or more years of 1 continuous County service immediately preceding 16 retirement; provided, however, . 17 F. Actual application for Medicare shall not be required for a finding that 2 employees employed on or before July 1, 1992, who are 18 a retiree is "eligible for Medicare" under Subsection e of this section. 19 G. Part-time service in a regular 3 PERS/OPSRP retirement with thirty budgeted position shall be prorated for 20 purposes of the service requirements under Subsection e of this section. (30For 21 example, twenty (20) years of PERS/OPSRP SERVICE andhours per week for two (2) months would equal one (1) month 22 toward the applicable service requirement.)

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Samples: Labor Agreement

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Retiree Medical Insurance. 20 Retirees from this bargaining unit shall be eligible to participate in the County’s 21 medical plan subject to the following provisions: 22 A. 10 1. For purposes of this section, "retiree" refers to a person who 11 meets the criteria of paragraph 6 below, who separated 23 from service from the County employment 12 on or after July 1, 1992 the original implementation date of this section and, at the time of separation13 retirement, 24 occupied a position covered by the ONA Deputy Sheriffs bargaining unit, and was eligible to initiate a 25 PERS retirement benefit at the time of separation from County employment. For 26 14 purposes of this section, "member" or "members" refers to an active employee(s) 27 15 who permanently occupies a position(s) covered by the ONA Deputy Sheriffs bargaining 16 unit. 28 B. 17 2. The implementation date of this section shall be March 31, 1990; 18 provided, that bargaining unit members who retired on or after July 1, 1989 but 19 before March 31, 1990 shall upon attainment of age fifty-eight (58) or older on or after 20 March 31, 1990 be eligible to receive County-paid benefits as provided in this Section 21 if the retiree continuously self-paid the premium for his County medical insurance 22 plan from the date of retirement until the date of his eligibility for County-paid benefits 23 as provided in this section. 24 3. Except as otherwise provided in this sectionSection, retirees may 25 continue to 29 participate in the County medical and dental plans plan available to members, but not in 30 26 other County plans not available to members. Coverage of eligible dependents 31 27 uniformly terminates when coverage of the retiree terminates, except as otherwise - 40 - 1 28 required by applicable state or federal law. 2 C. 29 4. To the extent members are permitted to choose from among two 30 (2) or more 3 medical insurance plans, retirees shall be entitled to choose between the 31 same plans 4 under the same conditions and at the same times as apply to members. 1 Retired 5 employees participating in the members' medical insurance plan shall be 2 subject to 6 the application of any change or elimination of benefits, carrier, 3 administrator or 7 administrative procedure to the same extent and at the same time as 4 are members. 8 D. 5 5. The retiree shall be responsible for promptly notifying the County 11 Medicare. 12 E. The following terms related to benefit payments6 Employee Benefits Office in writing, service and age 13 requirements shall also apply: 14 1. The County shall pay one-half (1/2) of any changes in the monthly medical 15 insurance premium on behalf of a retiree and his or her eligible dependents from the 16 retiree's fifty-eighth (58th) birthday current address 7 and of any changes in retiree or date of retirement, whichever is later, until the 17 retiree's sixty-fifth (65th) birthday, death, or dependent eligibility for Medicare, whichever is 18 earlier, if the retiree had: 19 a. five (5) years of continuous County service immediately 20 preceding retirement at or after age fifty-eight (58) years, or 21 b. ten (10) years of continuous County service immediately 22 preceding retirement prior to age fifty-eight (58) years, or 23 c. ten (10) years of continuous County service immediately 24 preceding disability retirement regardless of agecoverage. 25 2. The County shall pay one-half (1/2) of the monthly medical 26 insurance premium on behalf of a retiree and his or her eligible dependents from the 27 retiree's fifty-fifth (55th) birthday or date of retirement, whichever is later, until the 28 retiree’s sixty-fifth (65th) birthday, death, or eligibility for Medicare, whichever is 29 earlier, if the employee had thirty (30) years of continuous service with employers 30 who are members of the Oregon Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) and 31 Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP) and twenty (20) or more years of 1 continuous County service immediately preceding retirement; provided, however, that 2 employees employed on or before July 1, 1992, who are eligible for regular 3 PERS/OPSRP retirement with thirty (30) years of PERS/OPSRP SERVICE and

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

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