Eligibility for Medicare Sample Clauses
Eligibility for Medicare. Note: Eligibility for Medicare may affect the tax deductibility of Health Savings Account contributions. Please contact the Health Savings Account trustee or administrator regarding questions about requirements for Health Savings Accounts.
Eligibility for Medicare. An individual shall be deemed eligible for Medicare when they have the option to receive Part A Medicare benefits. Medicare secondary payer regulations and guidelines will determine primary/secondary payer status for individuals covered by Medicare. A Member who is enrolled in Medicare has the option of continuing coverage under this EOC while on Medicare coverage. Coverage between this EOC and Medicare will be coordinated as outlined in Section IX. The Group is also responsible for providing KFHPWA with a prospective timely notice of Members’ ineligibility for Medicare Advantage coverage under the Group, as well as providing a prospective notice to its Members alerting them of the termination event. In the event the Group does not obtain Medicare Advantage coverage, the loss of Medicare drug coverage, other coverage options that may be available to the Member, and the possibility of late enrollment penalties if the Member does not apply for Medicare coverage within the required timeframe will also need to be provided.
Eligibility for Medicare. Individuals eligible for Medicare are not required to enroll in Medicare Parts A and B. An individual shall be deemed eligible for Medicare when he or she has the option to receive Part A Medicare benefits. Members who become eligible for Medicare benefits may continue coverage under the Agreement or may enroll in coverage with the KFHPWA Medicare Advantage Plan as follows:
Eligibility for Medicare. An individual shall be deemed eligible for Medicare when they have the option to receive Part A Medicare benefits. Medicare secondary payer regulations and guidelines will determine primary/secondary payer status for individuals covered by Medicare. A Member who is enrolled in Medicare has the option of continuing coverage under this EOC while on Medicare coverage. Coverage between this EOC and Medicare will be coordinated as outlined in Section IX.
Eligibility for Medicare. 6 Actual application for Medicare shall not be required for a finding that a 7 retiree is "eligible for Medicare" under “Subsection E" of this section.
Eligibility for Medicare. 18 Actual application for Medicare shall not be required for a finding that a retiree is 19 "eligible for Medicare" under “Subsection E" of this section.
Eligibility for Medicare. 15 Actual application for Medicare shall not be required for a finding that a 16 retiree is "eligible for Medicare" under subsection e of this section.
Eligibility for Medicare. 30 Actual application for Medicare shall not be required for a finding that a 31 retiree is "eligible for Medicare" under “Subsection E" of this section.
Eligibility for Medicare. Note: Eligibility for Medicare may affect the tax deductibility of Health Savings Account contributions. Individuals eligible for Medicare are not required to enroll in Medicare Parts A and B. For purposes of this section, an individual shall be deemed eligible for Medicare when he or she has the option to receive Part A Medicare benefits. Members who become eligible for Medicare benefits may continue coverage under the Agreement or may enroll in coverage with the KFHPWA Medicare Advantage Plan as follows:
Eligibility for Medicare. Under the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA), actively employed Members and their spouses who are eligible for Medicare benefits must decide whether to choose the benefits of the Agreement or the Medicare program as their primary source of health care coverage. The Group is responsible for providing the Member with necessary information regarding TEFRA eligibility and the selection process. For purposes of this section, an individual shall be deemed eligible for Medicare when he/she has the option to receive Part A Medicare benefits. Except as otherwise required by TEFRA, GHO will only provide benefits for Covered Services, subject to the Coordination of Benefits provision under the Agreement as set forth in Section VII.