Retrieval Model and Experimental Setup Sample Clauses

Retrieval Model and Experimental Setup. Having the debiased embeddings, we now explain how we use these in a retrieval experiment. We select two different sets of pre-trained word embeddings, the standard pre-trained Word2Vec embeddings on Google News as shared by [7] and the debiased version of these embeddings (as explained in the section above). For the dataset to test our model, we selected the TREC Robust 04 test collection consisting of news articles, matching the domain of our embeddings. This test collection consists of 250 queries (usually called topics in IR), with a total of 311410 relevance judgments. We removed stopwords from these queries using the NLTK stopword list, and we cast query terms to all lower case. We expand each of these queries with k = 5 terms, by computing the five closest terms to the query embedding in the embedding space with each method regarding the cosine similarity. To compute these terms, we use the GENSIM most similar function, where the input is the stopped lowercase query terms, and the output is the top-k closest words which are not in the input words. After this, we substitute the words of the query with the expanded terms and used these for retrieval. The score is based on the method used in [2], but not identical as we use cosine instead of the dot product, and we only expand with words that de not occur in the original query. To run our experiment, we used Anserini [9]. We ranked the documents using RM3 and BM25. This gives us three ranking files, the one with the regular queries (Standard ), with the biased expansions (Biased ) and with the debiased expansions (Debiased ). To combine the biased or debiased word embeddings based score with the standard retrieval score, we used Coordinate Ascent from the RankLib package. scoretotal = λscorestandard + (1 − λ)score(de)biased λ ∈ [0, 1] (2) We used cross fold validation, where we trained with 5 folds, and we optimized regarding to the metrics of NDCG@10 and ERROR@10. This gave us, for all folds with both methods, the average λ score of 0.90 (σ = 0.04). As we can see in Table 1, there is no significant difference in score between biased and debiased query expansion. We also see no significant difference regarding the Expanded versus the Regular version. Table 1 has two columns, one where we evaluate with respect to the full Robust 04 qrels file, and one where we compare to only the 48 queries which got different expansions. The expansions only differ in about 20% of the queries, so differences are more cl...

Related to Retrieval Model and Experimental Setup

  • Protocols Each party hereby agrees that the inclusion of additional protocols may be required to make this Agreement specific. All such protocols shall be negotiated, determined and agreed upon by both parties hereto.

  • Testing Procedures Testing will be conducted by an outside certified Agency in such a way to ensure maximum accuracy and reliability by using the techniques, chain of custody procedures, equipment and laboratory facilities which have been approved by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. All employees notified of a positive controlled substance or alcohol test result may request an independent test of their split sample at the employee’s expense. If the test result is negative the Employer will reimburse the employee for the cost of the split sample test.

  • Evaluation Procedures The following procedures for employee evaluation shall be utilized for the term of this Agreement: 1. Orientation materials related to evaluation procedures will be provided to all employees by the 10th school day. 2. Employees shall submit to their evaluator a complete listing of proposed objectives, and measurement activities related thereto, to be considered in the annual evaluation by the 25th school day. 3. The evaluator shall have completed by 30th school day annual objective setting conference with employee. 4. The evaluator shall by the 40th school day determine and shall provide the employee with a complete listing of actual objectives from those proposed by the evaluator and employee, and measurement activities from those proposed by the evaluator and employee, and measurement activities related thereto, that will be incorporated in the annual evaluation that the evaluator will prepare for the employee. The objectives and related measurement activities referred to herein shall be in accordance with the employee job description prescribed by the District. The District will make every attempt to have the number of objectives required to be uniform from site to site. 5. Within a reasonable time after the request, the evaluator shall be provided with a written progress report from the employee containing the latter's perception of the progress being made toward the achievement of the objectives prescribed in Item 3, above. During the course of the evaluation period, circumstances may change which may result in the modification of the original standards and objectives. These changes may be initiated by the supervisor or the employee. Agreement of both parties is required. 6. The evaluator, by the 145th school day, shall have conducted classroom observations in order to gather data on employee performance as the evaluator believes to be related to: A. The actual objectives and measurement activities described in Item 3, above; B. Other criteria for employee evaluation and appraisal that are established by the District Xxxxx Act Guidelines. At the discretion of the evaluator, tenured teachers may receive only one (1) formal instructional observation per year. Probationary teachers will receive two (2) formal instructional observations per year. Prior to conducting formal instructional observations regarding the teacher's duties related to the instructional objectives herein described, the teacher shall be notified of the observation prior to the beginning of the teacher's actual instructional day. Upon the request of the evaluatee or when, in the evaluator's judgment, additional instructional classroom observations are necessary, such observations may be conducted. Within a reasonable time, an employee shall be provided with a written statement regarding instructional observations that have been conducted. Such written statements shall contain a summary of the instructional activities observed, and any suggestions being made by the observer for possible improvement by the employee to include, but not be limited to, the following: 1) Specific directives for improvement 2) Assistance to implement such directives as (a) Provisions of additional resources; (b) Mandatory training programs designed to improve performance to be paid by the District. A final and written report of the achievement of objectives, and measurement information related thereto shall be submitted by the employee to the evaluator by the 140th school day. 7. The evaluator shall prepare a written District evaluation form of employee performance and transmit the evaluation to the employee. The employee may submit a written reaction or response to the evaluation and such response shall be attached to the evaluation and placed in the employee's permanent personnel file which shall be maintained in the District Office. Permanent employees shall be evaluated at least once every other year, and in no event later than 30 days before the last school day scheduled on the school calendar of the current school year. Probationary employees shall be evaluated at least once each year and in no event later than the 150th school day. 8. Employees who meet each of the following conditions shall be evaluated up to every five

  • Conformity Assessment Procedures 1. Each Party shall give positive consideration to accepting the results of conformity assessment procedures of other Parties, even where those procedures differ from its own, provided it is satisfied that those procedures offer an assurance of conformity with applicable technical regulations or standards equivalent to its own procedures. 2. Each Party shall seek to enhance the acceptance of the results of conformity assessment procedures conducted in the territories of other Parties with a view to increasing efficiency, avoiding duplication and ensuring cost effectiveness of the conformity assessments. In this regard, each Party may choose, depending on the situation of the Party and the specific sectors involved, a broad range of approaches. These may include but are not limited to: (a) recognition by a Party of the results of conformity assessments performed in the territory of another Party; (b) recognition of co-operative arrangements between accreditation bodies in the territories of the Parties; (c) mutual recognition of conformity assessment procedures conducted by bodies located in the territory of each Party; (d) accreditation of conformity assessment bodies in the territory of another Party; (e) use of existing regional and international multilateral recognition agreements and arrangements; (f) designating conformity assessment bodies located in the territory of another Party to perform conformity assessment; and (g) suppliers’ declaration of conformity. 3. Each Party shall exchange information with other Parties on its experience in the development and application of the approaches in Paragraph 2(a) to (g) and other appropriate approaches with a view to facilitating the acceptance of the results of conformity assessment procedures. 4. A Party shall, upon request of another Party, explain its reasons for not accepting the results of any conformity assessment procedure performed in the territory of that other Party.

  • Test Procedures For an Asset Review, the Asset Representations Reviewer will perform for each Asset Review Receivable the procedures listed under “Procedures to be Performed” in Schedule A for each representation and warranty (each, a “Test”), using the Asset Review Materials listed for each such Test in Schedule A. For each Test and Asset Review Receivable, the Asset Representations Reviewer will determine if the Test has been satisfied (a “Test Pass”) or if the Test has not been satisfied (a “Test Fail”).

  • Meteorological Data Reporting Requirement (Applicable to wind generation facilities only)

  • Procurement Procedures 11.1 The Recipient must secure the best value for money and shall act in a fair, open and non-discriminatory manner in all purchases of goods and services.

  • Loop Testing/Trouble Reporting Telepak Networks will be responsible for testing and isolating troubles on the Loops. Telepak Networks must test and isolate trouble to the BellSouth portion of a designed/non-designed unbundled Loop (e.g., UVL-SL2, UCL-D, UVL-SL1, UCL-ND, etc.) before reporting repair to the UNE Customer Wholesale Interconnection Network Services (CWINS) Center. Upon request from BellSouth at the time of the trouble report, Telepak Networks will be required to provide the results of the Telepak Networks test which indicate a problem on the BellSouth provided Loop. Once Telepak Networks has isolated a trouble to the BellSouth provided Loop, and had issued a trouble report to BellSouth on the Loop, BellSouth will take the actions necessary to repair the Loop if a trouble actually exists. BellSouth will repair these Loops in the same time frames that BellSouth repairs similarly situated Loops to its End Users. If Telepak Networks reports a trouble on a non-designed or designed Loop and no trouble actually exists, BellSouth will charge Telepak Networks for any dispatching and testing (both inside and outside the CO) required by BellSouth in order to confirm the Loop’s working status. In the event BellSouth must dispatch to the end-user’s location more than once due to incorrect or incomplete information provided by Telepak Networks (e.g., incomplete address, incorrect contact name/number, etc.), BellSouth will xxxx Xxxxxxx Networks for each additional dispatch required to repair the circuit due to the incorrect/incomplete information provided. BellSouth will assess the applicable Trouble Determination rates from BellSouth’s FCC or state tariffs.

  • Adverse Event Reporting Both Parties acknowledge the obligation to comply with the Protocol and / or applicable regulations governing the collection and reporting of adverse events of which they may become aware during the course of the Clinical Trial. Both Parties agree to fulfil and ensure that their Agents fulfil regulatory requirements with respect to the reporting of adverse events.

  • Disturbance Analysis Data Exchange The Parties will cooperate with one another and the NYISO in the analysis of disturbances to either the Large Generating Facility or the New York State Transmission System by gathering and providing access to any information relating to any disturbance, including information from disturbance recording equipment, protective relay targets, breaker operations and sequence of events records, and any disturbance information required by Good Utility Practice.