Testing Procedures Sample Clauses

Testing Procedures. Testing will be conducted by an outside certified Agency in such a way to ensure maximum accuracy and reliability by using the techniques, chain of custody procedures, equipment and laboratory facilities which have been approved by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. All employees notified of a positive controlled substance or alcohol test result may request an independent test of their split sample at the employee’s expense. If the test result is negative the Employer will reimburse the employee for the cost of the split sample test.
Testing Procedures. Any employee or applicant subject to testing under this policy will be asked to sign a form acknowledging the procedures governing testing and consenting to collection and release of relevant medical information. Refusal to sign the agreement and consent form or to submit to the drug and/or alcohol test will result in the revocation of an applicant’s job offer, or for employees, such refusal will be handled in the same manner as a positive test result. Persons being tested will be asked to provide a urine, blood, hair, breath or sweat sample by the collection site person. All testing will be done under reasonable and sanitary conditions. Procedures for urine collection will allow for individual privacy unless there is a justifiable reason to believe the individual may alter or substitute the specimen to be provided. Samples will be tested for temperature and subjected to other validation procedures as are appropriate. The collection site person and the person being tested will maintain chain-of-custody procedures at all times including proper documentation and sample labeling. Chain-of-custody procedures will also be carried out in a manner reasonably calculated to prevent contamination or adulteration of the sample and to ensure confidentiality of all results. Drug test samples will be sent to an independent National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA)-certified medical clinic or laboratory for processing. All test results will then be read and interpreted by an MRO-certified physician. If a drug test is positive, the results will be confirmed by a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The MRO-certified physician will contact the applicant or employee to confirm the test data and discuss variables that may have affected the test. The Newspaper will pay the cost of the first drug test and the confirming gas chromatography/spectrometry. If the applicant or employee disagrees with a confirmed positive result after a discussion with the physician, the applicant or employee may have the same sample sent to any NIDA-certified lab to be tested at his or her own cost. This request must be made in writing within seven days of being advised of a positive test result. If a breath analysis is positive, the test will be administered up to two more times within consecutive, 15-minute intervals. If an applicant or employee disagrees with the positive test results, the employee may elect to have a blood test conducted at his or her own cost. This test must be conducted immedi...
Testing Procedures. Shipper shall follow the meter calibrations schedule established by Gatherer for each meter on the Gathering System. Such calibrations shall occur at least once every twelve (12) months but not more frequently than once every six (6) months. No testing, calibration, or adjustment of a meter or related equipment shall be performed without Gatherer first being given five (5) days' notice thereof and having the opportunity to be present.
Testing Procedures. Random drug tests will be administered by a certified collection official utilizing hair or urine testing as determined by the Chief of Police.
Testing Procedures. A. The Employer shall pay the cost of all drug tests which are required of employees. Employees shall pay the costs of any additional drug tests not required by the Employer. B. Prior to taking a drug test, employees must advise the Employer of any prescription or non-prescription medications they are taking. The Employer will provide information to the employee of the most common medications by brand or common name which may alter or affect a drug test. Employees will also be advised of all drugs for which the Employer will test, described by brand or common names, as applicable, as well as by chemical names. Information regarding the use of prescription or non-prescription drugs taken by the employee will be presented in a written communication that will be maintained in a confidential medical file in the JSO Human Resources Division. The ingestion of any prescription or non- prescription drug by an employee shall not preclude the administration of the drug test, but shall be taken into account in interpreting any positive confirmed results. C. Individuals responsible for conducting drug tests are acting under the direct authority of the Sheriff. Employees being tested shall cooperate fully. Any attempt to alter or tamper with the specimen, its container, or any mechanical device, instrument, or document by any individual is grounds for termination and/or prosecution under applicable Florida Statutes. D. The Employer will establish guidelines for the collection of drug test samples that will afford protection to the employee to include: (1) Specimens shall be collected with due regard to the privacy of the individual providing the specimen and in a manner reasonably calculated to prevent substitution or contamination of the sample. (2) Specimen collection shall be documented and the documentation procedures shall include: (a) Labeling of specimen containers to reasonably preclude the likelihood of erroneous identification of test results. (b) Specimen collection, storage, and transportation to the testing site shall be performed in a manner which will reasonably preclude specimen contamination or adulteration. (c) The Employer shall use a chain of custody procedure to ensure the proper record keeping, handling, labeling, and identification of all specimens to be tested. E. When an employee is required to provide specimens for a testing procedure, the employee shall provide one (1) specimen (large enough to be divided into two (2) separate samples at the ...
Testing Procedures. Tests will be based on the model devised by the Employer and mutually agreed upon by the Parties.
Testing Procedures. Section 1. Both drug and alcohol testing will be exclusively by the procedures proved in 48 CFR, Part 40. Section 2. For drug testing, the specimen collection facility testing laboratory shall follow the split sample procedure in 49 CFR 40.25(f) (10) (ii). Section 3. The District shall utilize a Medical Review Officer (MRO) as required by the DOT procedures. The District shall, upon request, provide ACE with the identity of the MRO, and with evidence of the MRO’s training in substance abuse diagnosis and treatment. Section 4. In the event of a positive drug test result, the MRO shall notify the employee of the employee’s rights to have the MRO direct a retest of the split specimen at another DHHS certified laboratory. If such second test does not confirm the presence of the drug metabolites found in the primary specimen, the MRO shall cancel the test, as required by 49 CFR 40.33(f). Section 5. Testing not performed in compliance with this Policy and with applicable DOT/FHWA regulations shall not constitute a valid basis for discipline. An employee shall have the right to use the grievance/arbitration procedure to challenge any aspect of the testing procedures. Section 6. Any employee who successfully challenges a positive test result shall be reimbursed for reasonable costs associated with challenging the test. Section 7. The District reserves the right to require additional safeguards that serve the best interests of the employee or the Program, subject to the agreement of ACE.
Testing Procedures. The testing procedures shall be in accordance with those set forth herein. Test results shall not be used for disciplinary purposes unless they have been obtained in accordance with the procedures outlined in this section.
Testing Procedures. (1) All testing will be conducted according to SAMHSA guidelines and will include a screening test; a confirmation test; review by a Medical Review Officer, including the opportunity for employees who test positive to provide legitimate medical explanation, such as a physician’s prescription, for the positive result; and a documented chain of custody. Any employee who disputes the positive results shall have the right within ten (10) working days of when he is notified of the test results to have his initial sample independently retested by a SAMHSA certified laboratory of his choice at his own expense. If the independent retest results in a negative result, that negative result shall be considered a successful completion of the drug testing, and the employee will be put back to work immediately, be reimbursed for the cost of the retesting, and be made whole for any loss of pay occasioned by the first positive test results. (2) All laboratory reports and test results shall be treated as confidential medical information and shall be maintained in a medical file separate from the employee’s personnel file. Tests results shall be disclosed by the testing facility to the Medical Review Officer (MRO) only. After interpreting the test results the MRO shall communicate to the Employer, the employee and the Union only that the test result is “positive” or “negative.” (3) Job applicants testing positive for drug use may be suspended from consideration by Employer for a period of two (2) months. An applicant may be considered upon re-application after a shorter period, however, if he or she can demonstrate meaningful participation in a rehabilitation program following the positive drug test. (4) Employers must notify employees, applicants for employment and the union in advance of any drug testing requirements. The employee shall be allowed to contact a union representative prior to submitting to the drug/alcohol testing.
Testing Procedures. Contractor will implement drug and alcohol testing procedures which promote a drug-free standard, offender accountability, and offender-self admissions.