Acceptable Use Policy With respect to the Cloud Service, Customer will not: (a) disassemble, decompile, reverse-engineer, copy, translate or make derivative works, (b) transmit any content or data that is unlawful or infringes any intellectual property rights, or (c) circumvent or endanger its operation or security.
Acceptable Use Policy Agreement I understand that I must use school IT systems in a responsible way, to ensure that there is no risk to my safety or to the safety and security of the IT systems and other users. • I understand that the school will monitor my use of the IT systems, email and other digital communications. • I will treat my username and password like my toothbrush – I will not share it, nor will I try to use any other person’s username and password. • I will be aware of “stranger danger”, when I am communicating on-line. • I will not disclose or share personal information about myself or others when on-line. • If I arrange to meet people off-line that I have communicated with on-line, I will do so in a public place and take an adult with me. • I will immediately report any unpleasant or inappropriate material or messages or anything that makes me feel uncomfortable when I see it on-line. • I understand that the school IT systems are primarily intended for educational use and that I will not use the systems for personal or recreational use unless I have permission to do so. • I will not try (unless I have permission) to make large downloads or uploads that might take up internet capacity and prevent other users from being able to carry out their work. • I will not use the school IT systems for on-line gaming, on-line gambling, internet shopping, file sharing, or video broadcasting (e.g. YouTube), unless I have permission of a member of staff to do so. • I will respect others’ work and property and will not access, copy, remove or otherwise alter any other user’s files, without the owner’s knowledge and permission. • I will be polite and responsible when I communicate with others, I will not use strong, aggressive or inappropriate language and I appreciate that others may have different opinions. • I will not take or distribute images of anyone without their permission. • I will only use my personal hand held / external devices (mobile phones / USB devices etc) in school if I have permission. I understand that, if I do use my own devices in school, I will follow the rules set out in this agreement, in the same way as if I was using school equipment. • I understand the risks and will not try to upload, download or access any materials which are illegal or inappropriate or may cause harm or distress to others, nor will I try to use any programmes or software that might allow me to bypass the filtering / security systems in place to prevent access to such materials.
Applicable Rules and Regulations The Account and each transaction therein shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement and to (a) all applicable laws and the regulations, rules and orders (collectively "regulations") of all regulatory and self-regulatory organizations having jurisdiction and (b) the constitution, by-laws, rules, regulations, orders, resolutions, interpretations and customs and usages (collectively "rules") of the market and any associated clearing organization (each an "exchange") on or subject to the rules of which such transaction is executed and/or cleared. The reference in the preceding sentence to exchange rules is solely for DWR's protection and DWR's failure to comply therewith shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement or relieve Customer of any obligation or responsibility under this Agreement. DWR shall not be liable to Customer as a result of any action by DWR, its officers, directors, employees or agents to comply with any rule or regulation.
Insurance Terms and Conditions Company must maintain the following limits and coverages uninterrupted or amended through the term of this Agreement. In the event Company becomes in default of the following requirements, Authority reserves the right to take whatever actions it deems necessary to protect its interests. Required liability policies other than Workers’ Compensation / Employer’s Liability will provide that Authority, members of Authority’s governing body, and Authority’s officers, volunteers and employees are included as additional insureds.
HIV/AIDS Model Workplace Guidelines Grantee will: a. implement the System Agency’s policies based on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), AIDS Model Workplace Guidelines for Businesses at xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/hivstd/policy/policies.shtm, State Agencies and State Grantees Policy No. 090.021. b. educate employees and clients concerning HIV and its related conditions, including AIDS, in accordance with the Texas. Health & Safety Code §§ 85.112-114.
Changes to Privacy Policy Agreement DegreeSight Inc reserves the right to update and/or change the terms of our privacy policy, and as such we will post those changes to our website, so that our users and/or visitors are always aware of the type of information we collect, how it will be used, and under what circumstances, if any, we may disclose such information. If at any point in time DegreeSight Inc decides to make use of any personally identifiable information on file, in a manner vastly different from that which was stated when this information was initially collected, the user or users shall be promptly notified by email. Users at that time shall have the option as to whether or not to permit the use of their information in this separate manner.
Subproviders and Suppliers List Pursuant to requirements of 43 Texas Administrative Code §9.350 et seq., the Engineer must provide the State a list (Exhibit H-5/DBE or Exhibit H-6/HUB) of all Subproviders and suppliers that submitted quotes or proposals for subcontracts. This list shall include subproviders and suppliers names, addresses, telephone numbers, and type of work desired.
SPAM POLICY You are strictly prohibited from using the Website or any of the Company's Services for illegal spam activities, including gathering email addresses and personal information from others or sending any mass commercial emails.
CLOUD SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS To the extent that Contractor has received an award for Lot 3, Cloud, the following terms and conditions apply to Lot 3, Cloud. For the duration of an Authorized User Agreement, the Cloud Solution shall conform to the Cloud Solution Manufacturer’s specifications, Documentation, performance standards (including applicable license duration, warranties, guarantees, Service Level Agreements, service commitments, and credits). Contractor is responsible for providing physical and logical security for all Data, infrastructure (e.g. hardware, networking components, physical devices), and software related to the services the Contractor is providing under the Authorized User Agreement. All Data security provisions agreed to by the Authorized User and Contractor within the Authorized User Agreement may not be diminished for the duration of the Authorized User Agreement without prior written agreement by the parties amending the Authorized User Agreement.
SUBSTANCE ABUSE POLICY See applicable administrative policy.