Common use of Rewards Clause in Contracts

Rewards. Verbal praise Students thrive on immediate feedback for doing the right thing. The place of verbal praise remains key in sustaining a positive classroom culture and ethos. Beyond the lesson any member of staff may telephone, write or e-mail parents/carers to pass on positive feedback. Each subject area or year group may also have their own systems for passing on positive feedback such as annual award ceremonies, postcards, e-certificates to students, Wallington Week articles or ‘pizza parties’ for example. • House Points House points (or achievement points as they are called on XXXX) can be awarded by all staff for positive reasons above and beyond the normal expectations of a student at this school. These must be recorded on XXXX. House points will be shown on school reports for all year groups. Any teacher can award up to 3 house points at a time, HODs/DOFs and HOYs up to 5 and SLT up to 10. At celebration assemblies held at the end of each term bronze, silver or gold certificates and/or ‘Wallington Wings’ are given. These are awarded as per the chart below: Number of Conduct Points (House points with behaviour points removed) Recognition When/Where 25 (in one year) Bronze Certificate Tutor/Celebration Assembly 50 (in one year) Silver Certificate End of term Celebration Assembly 75 (in one year) Gold Certificate End of term Celebration Assembly 150 (cumulative) Bronze Winged Badge End of term Celebration Assembly by member of SLT 250 (cumulative) Silver Winged Badge End of term Celebration Assembly by member of SLT 500 (cumulative) Gold Winged Badge End of term Celebration Assembly by member of SLT • Star of the Term cards At the end of the term each teacher may nominate up to 2 students per class who deserve a Star of the Term card, awarded in the end of term celebration assembly. These can be awarded for any positive reason which is stated on the card. • House Cup Each year, one House will be awarded the House Cup for outstanding teamwork and achievements. 50% of the Cup will be based on House Point totals, with the other 50% made up from results of inter-house competitions throughout the year. These may consist of sport, dance, music, charity events and other House Leader competitions. • Attendance Each term certificates are issued for students with 100% attendance over the course of the preceding term. For students with 100% attendance over the course of an academic year certificates are awarded at the final celebration assembly of the academic year. • Xxxx Xxxxxxx Awards Each month a student is nominated by fellow students for achievement in an aspect of the school vision. These may be to do with achievements beyond the school. The awards (a certificate and badge) are awarded in celebration assemblies and the associated prize money is given to a nominated area of the school by the winning student. Should there be multiple nominations the School Executive Council will select the prize winners. • School Colours Colours are awarded in January and June each year to students in Years 9, 11 and 13. Successful nominees must have satisfied one or more of the following criteria to be awarded full colours:

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Rewards. Verbal praise Students thrive on immediate feedback We reward the children for doing the right thingkind behaviour in a number of ways: - Instant rewards (positive praise, stickers) - Team Points – Children gain team points through acts of kind behaviour. The place of verbal praise remains key in sustaining a positive classroom culture and ethos. Beyond the lesson any member of staff may telephone, write or e-mail parents/carers to pass on positive feedback. Each subject area or year group may also have their own systems for passing on positive feedback such as annual award ceremonies, postcards, e-certificates to students, Wallington Week articles or ‘pizza parties’ for example. • House Points House points (or achievement points as they are called on XXXX) can be awarded by all staff for positive reasons above and beyond the normal expectations of a student at this school. These must be recorded on XXXX. House points will be shown on school reports for all year groups. Any teacher can award up to 3 house points at a time, HODs/DOFs and HOYs up to 5 and SLT up to 10. At celebration assemblies held at the end of each term bronze, silver or gold certificates and/or ‘Wallington Wings’ are given. These are awarded as per the chart below: Number of Conduct Points (House points with behaviour points removed) Recognition When/Where 25 (in one year) Bronze Certificate Tutor/Celebration Assembly 50 (in one year) Silver Certificate End of term Celebration Assembly 75 (in one year) Gold Certificate End of term Celebration Assembly 150 (cumulative) Bronze Winged Badge End of term Celebration Assembly by member of SLT 250 (cumulative) Silver Winged Badge End of term Celebration Assembly by member of SLT 500 (cumulative) Gold Winged Badge End of term Celebration Assembly by member of SLT • Star of the Term cards At the end of the term each teacher may nominate half term, the team who has gained the most points spends a morning having a special treat (circus skills, magician, birds of prey, martial arts lesson). - Golden ticket – Each time a child moves up to 2 students onto the gold part of the traffic lights system, they receive a golden raffle ticket with their name on. One ticket per class who deserve is drawn on Friday afternoon, with the winner choosing from a prize box during assembly. - Star of the Term card, awarded in the end of term celebration assembly. These can be awarded for any positive reason which is stated on the card. • House Cup Each year, one House will be awarded the House Cup for outstanding teamwork and achievements. 50% of the Cup will be based on House Point totals, with the other 50% made up from results of inter-house competitions throughout the year. These may consist of sport, dance, music, charity events and other House Leader competitions. • Attendance Each term certificates are issued for students with 100% attendance over the course of the preceding term. For students with 100% attendance over the course of an academic year certificates are awarded at the final celebration assembly of the academic year. • Xxxx Xxxxxxx Awards Each month a student is nominated by fellow students for achievement in an aspect of the school vision. These may be to do with achievements beyond the school. The awards (a Week certificate and badge) are awarded in celebration assemblies and the associated prize money – this is given to one child from each class on a nominated area Friday. As a further reward, all of the school by the winning student. Should there be multiple nominations the School Executive Council will select the prize winners. • School Colours Colours are awarded in January and June each year to students in Years 9, 11 and 13. Successful nominees must have satisfied one or more children who receive Star of the Week go out to the outdoor classroom for an afternoon the following criteria week. - Rights Respecter of the term – this is given to be awarded full colours:one child who has particularly worked hard at making sure children at St Xxxxxxxx enjoy their rights. Appendices Appendix 1 – Child friendly explanation of the agreement and what everyone is expected to do Appendix 2 - Procedures for Addressing Bullying Behaviour Appendix 3 – Serious Incident Record Sheet / Log Appendix 4 – Behaviour consequence chart Appendix 5 –Information for Parents and Families Appendix 6 – Anti-Bullying Ambassadors Appendix 1 – Child friendly explanation of the agreement and what everyone is expected to do Key Stage Lead informs Parent/Guardian Key Stage Lead discusses internal/external exclusion with Head Teacher/Deputy Head Key Stage Lead refers to Behaviour Consequence Chart, discusses rights affected and child completes PIL sheet Bullying determined Adult talks to children & young people involved No bullying determined Appendix 2 – Procedures for Addressing Bullying Behaviour Incident Adult refers to Behaviour Consequence Child reports to member of staff, ABA or uses worry box Adult Informs key stage lead & incident is recorder on CPOMS Issue resolved Key Stage Lead if necessary /required meet parent/guardian Not able to resolve issue Head Teacher / Deputy Head meet with parents to agree next course of action and explore more serious consequences Key Stage Lead inform Head Teacher / Deputy Head Key Stage Lead refer to other agencies as appropriate Appendix 3 – Behaviour Consequent Chart Appendix 4 –Information for Families

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Rewards. Verbal Consistently meeting classroom expectations • Consistent effort with classwork/homework • Excellent manners displayed • Excellence in a particular piece of work • Positive verbal praise Students thrive • Achievement point given • Positive phone call home • Praise postcard • Referred to HOY for ‘shout out’ in assembly • Referred to Academy Principal for Principal’s award Level 2 rewards – Form Tutor Level 2 behaviour Level 2 rewards • Consistently meeting classroom expectations • Consistent effort with classwork/homework • Excellent manners displayed • 50 achievement points • 100 achievement points • Positive verbal praise • Referred to HOY for ‘shout out’ in assembly • Form tutor praise postcard/email at 50 points. • Form Tutor phone call at 100 achievement points Level 3 rewards – Head of Year Level 3 behaviour Level 3 rewards • 150 achievement points • Low number of behaviour and effort points per reporting cycle • General positive phone call home • Shout out in assembly • Privilege given under special circumstances • Head of year recognition letter/email to be sent home at 150 achievement points Level 4 rewards – SLT Level 4 behaviour Level 4 rewards • 200 achievement points • Phone call home from SLT • Recognition in newsletter • SLT letter home Level 5 rewards – Academy Principal Level 5 behaviour Level 5 rewards • 200 + achievement points • Principal’s award given in planner • Award presented in whole school assembly • Letter from Academy Principal STUDENT SUPPORT HUB The school has a Student Support Hub (SSH) which provides flexible provision for children on immediate feedback for doing the right thinga variety of levels. The place of verbal praise remains key in sustaining a positive classroom culture centre helps to support children with behavioural difficulties, as well as helping to re-integrate children returning from long term absence or with attendance problems. The centre also provides extra support for children with learning difficulties as well as focusing on social and ethosemotional issues. Beyond Please refer to the lesson any member of staff may telephone, write or e-mail parents/carers to pass on positive feedback. Each subject area or year group may also have their own systems for passing on positive feedback such as annual award ceremonies, postcards, e-certificates to students, Wallington Week articles or ‘pizza parties’ for example. • House Points House points (or achievement points as they are called on XXXX) school’s early help offer that can be awarded by all staff for positive reasons above and beyond the normal expectations of a student at this school. These must be recorded on XXXX. House points will be shown on school reports for all year groups. Any teacher can award up to 3 house points at a time, HODs/DOFs and HOYs up to 5 and SLT up to 10. At celebration assemblies held at the end of each term bronze, silver or gold certificates and/or ‘Wallington Wings’ are given. These are awarded as per the chart below: Number of Conduct Points (House points with behaviour points removed) Recognition When/Where 25 (in one year) Bronze Certificate Tutor/Celebration Assembly 50 (in one year) Silver Certificate End of term Celebration Assembly 75 (in one year) Gold Certificate End of term Celebration Assembly 150 (cumulative) Bronze Winged Badge End of term Celebration Assembly by member of SLT 250 (cumulative) Silver Winged Badge End of term Celebration Assembly by member of SLT 500 (cumulative) Gold Winged Badge End of term Celebration Assembly by member of SLT • Star of the Term cards At the end of the term each teacher may nominate up to 2 students per class who deserve a Star of the Term card, awarded in the end of term celebration assembly. These can be awarded for any positive reason which is stated found on the cardschool’s website xxxxx:// for further information. • House Cup Each yearUNIFORM At Goldington Academy, one House will we believe that our uniform plays a key part in promoting and maintaining a sense of pride and identity in our school community. By adhering to the policy, our students demonstrate that they wish to be awarded the House Cup for outstanding teamwork and achievements. 50% of the Cup will be based on House Point totals, with the other 50% made up from results of inter-house competitions throughout the year. These may consist of sport, dance, music, charity events and other House Leader competitions. • Attendance Each term certificates are issued for students with 100% attendance over the course of the preceding term. For students with 100% attendance over the course of an academic year certificates are awarded at the final celebration assembly of the academic year. • Xxxx Xxxxxxx Awards Each month a student is nominated by fellow students for achievement in an aspect part of the school vision. These may be to do with achievements beyond community and that they uphold the ethos and values of the school. The awards (Our uniform also acts as a certificate social leveller and badge) are awarded is designed to remove the influence of peer pressure in celebration assemblies and the associated prize money our students’ day to day dress, therefore preventing any potential for bullying or discrimination. We also believe that wearing uniform is given hugely important in preparing our students for employment in their adult lives, in which they may be required to dress appropriately for their role or to adhere to a nominated area specific dress code. It is expected that students adhere rigorously to the uniform policy at all times, unless otherwise agreed with the Principal. As part of their ongoing development, students are expected to take responsibility for their own organisation and equipment. Being properly equipped is of prime importance in maximising time spent learning during lessons. In light of the findings by Ofsted in the Below the Radar report, it is clear that students risk wasting significant amounts of learning time if they are not properly equipped for each lesson of the day. In order to ensure minimum disruption to learning time, Goldington Academy expects all students to carry the essential equipment as outlined in this policy at all times, unless otherwise agreed with the Principal. Unacceptable items of uniform/dress: Unacceptable items of uniform/dress: ▪ Trousers with decorative items, such as buttons or embroidery are NOT permitted. Trousers should be tailored and NOT be made of stretch, lycra, skinny or highly fashionable in style, nor should they have cargo or jeans style pockets. ▪ Dark grey shorts do not form part of the school uniform and therefore they should not be worn. ▪ Jewellery other than that listed below is NOT allowed: o One small plain stud in each ear o One ring permitted on each hand o Bracelets on the grounds of religious or medical needs Please note - piercing retainers are not allowed to be used as a substitute for piercings. Any student attending school with piercings that are not permitted will be asked to remove them, once they have healed. No other visible body piercing is acceptable. A watch may be worn provided it is marked with the owner’s name. ▪ The wearing of wrist bands and bracelets is not permitted, unless for religious purposes. ▪ Only badges provided by the winning student. Should there be multiple nominations the School Executive Council will select the prize winners. • School Colours Colours school are awarded in January and June each year to students in Years 9, 11 and 13. Successful nominees must have satisfied one or more of the following criteria to be awarded full worn. ▪ Hair styles should NOT include unnatural colours:, patterns or designs. Any student wearing unnatural colour in their hair will be asked to remove it immediately (please see non-compliance section below). ▪ No tramlines or patterns should be shaved into hair or the eyebrows. ▪ Hair bands should be discreet and plain in colour e.g. black, blue etc. Fashion type hair bands should not be worn in school. ▪ Trainers should not be worn during classroom-based lessons, unless otherwise agreed by the Academy Principal. If trainers are to be worn for an agreed reason, they should be black and discreet. ▪ Light make-up may be worn e.g. concealer, mascara. However, students may be asked to remove makeup if it is deemed to be inappropriate or too heavy e.g. foundation. ▪ Nail varnish should NOT be worn. Any students who are found to be wearing nail varnish will be asked to remove it. Continued wearing of jewellery or nail varnish will result in a referral to the Head of Year and may result in a consequence such as loss of break/lunch time as outlined in the procedures below. Procedure for pupil non-compliance with uniform/equipment policy Stage 1: Note in planner from form tutor. Pupil given 1 week to rectify. Stage 2: Phone call home from form tutor, HOY notified. Pupil/parent given 1 week to rectify. Stage 3: Phone call/letter home from Head of Year. Possible consequence for student, i.e. loss of break/lunch times. Pupil parent given 1 week to rectify. Stage 4: Parents asked to meet with Head of Year. Parents asked to attend meeting to discuss reasons for non- compliance with the policy and possible strategies to rectify the situation. Stage 5: Referral to SLT/Principal The Governing Body recognises that areas such as uniform can be open to subjective interpretation and on occasion abuse. Therefore, to avoid difficulty or embarrassment, we ask parents and pupils to operate well within these guidelines rather than at their extremes.

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Samples: School Agreement

Rewards. Verbal praise Students thrive If you act throughout the week in a manner consistent with the goals of Year Up, as evidenced by having no infractions of this contract, and if you are present at Year Up every day of the work week, you will gain 15 points. Bonuses: If you have consistently demonstrated professional conduct, as evidenced by having a high point total, you will periodically earn a bonus of points, extra stipend money or some other benefit as per the staff’s discretion. Summary of Expectations and Consequences Expectation Description Consequence of not meeting expectation Arriving and leaving on immediate feedback for doing the right thing. The place of verbal praise remains key in sustaining a positive classroom culture and ethos. Beyond the lesson any member of staff may telephone, write or e-mail parents/carers time You are expected to pass be on positive feedback. Each subject area or year group may also have their own systems for passing on positive feedback such as annual award ceremonies, postcards, e-certificates to students, Wallington Week articles or ‘pizza parties’ for example. • House Points House points (or achievement points as they are called on XXXX) can be awarded by all staff for positive reasons above and beyond the normal expectations of a student at this school. These must be recorded on XXXX. House points will be shown on school reports for all year groups. Any teacher can award up to 3 house points at a time, HODs/DOFs sign-in and HOYs up to 5 be prepared to start each class or activity at its scheduled start time and SLT up to 10. At celebration assemblies held at the end of each term bronze, silver or gold certificates and/or ‘Wallington Wings’ breaks. You are givenalso expected to remain until the scheduled end time. These With notification: Lose 15 points Without notification: Lose 25 points Without signing in: Lose 15 points Regular attendance and notification of absences You are awarded as per expected to attend Year Up regularly. Proper notification (see Procedures) is expected if you will not be attending. Attending less than half the chart below: Number of Conduct Points (House points with behaviour points removed) Recognition When/Where 25 (in one year) Bronze Certificate Tutor/Celebration Assembly 50 (in one year) Silver Certificate End of term Celebration Assembly 75 (in one year) Gold Certificate End of term Celebration Assembly 150 (cumulative) Bronze Winged Badge End of term Celebration Assembly by member of SLT 250 (cumulative) Silver Winged Badge End of term Celebration Assembly by member of SLT 500 (cumulative) Gold Winged Badge End of term Celebration Assembly by member of SLT • Star of the Term cards At the end of the term each teacher may nominate up to 2 students per class who deserve a Star of the Term card, awarded in the end of term celebration assembly. These can be awarded for any positive reason which is stated on the card. • House Cup Each year, one House scheduled hours will be awarded considered an absence. Absences 1-3 with notification: No stipend Extra absence with notification: No stipend, plus lose 25 points Absence without notification: No stipend, plus lose 50 points Business casual dress You are expected to wear business casual attire during all activities at Year Up (See Student Handbook). Lose 15 points Complete assignments on time You are expected to turn in all assignments for classes by the House Cup for outstanding teamwork due date, unless other arrangements have been made in advance with the instructor. Lose 15 points Appropriate use of Year Up computers You are expected to follow the Computer Acceptable Use Policy (see Student Handbook). Lose 15 points Appropriate use of personal communication devices You are expected to use your cell phone and achievementsother personal communication devices appropriately (see Student Handbook). 50% of Lose 15 points Attend all planned meetings When you have a scheduled Year Up related meeting, you are expected to honor the Cup will be based on House Point totalscommitment. If unable, due to circumstances beyond your control, you should make alternate arrangements in advance with the other 50% made up from results of inter-house competitions throughout individual(s) involved. Lose 15 points Respect the year. These may consist of sportlaw At Year Up, danceyou are expected to avoid engaging in theft, musicvandalism, charity events sexual harassment (see Student Handbook), drug/alcohol possession or use, weapon possession, fighting, violence, threats, piracy, arrest and other House Leader competitionsillegal activities both inside and outside of Year Up. At the discretion of the Year Up staff, penalties up to and including being fired from the program. Respect the core values of Year Up In addition to the expectations above, you are expected to behave in a manner consistent with the core values of Year Up. At the discretion of the Year Up staff, loss of 15, 25, or 50 points. Absence from Year Up • As with any corporate/business policy, there are limited days off no matter what the underlying circumstances are. Each Year Up student is granted three (3) absences during the Learning and Development phase without penalty of points. To model professional behavior you should inform staff that you will be out with at least three days notice. Absences should always be accompanied by a phone call. Failure to inform Year Up of your absence results in a 50 point infraction. • Attendance Each term certificates are issued for students with 100% attendance over the course of the preceding term. For students with 100% attendance over the course of an academic year certificates are awarded at the final celebration assembly of the academic yearAbsences may be taken in half-day increments (Wednesday counts as a half day). • Xxxx Xxxxxxx Awards Each month You will neither receive a student is nominated by fellow students stipend for achievement in an aspect of the school vision. These may be to do with achievements beyond the school. The awards (a certificate and badge) personal days taken nor for any other times that you are awarded in celebration assemblies and the associated prize money is given to a nominated area of the school by the winning student. Should there be multiple nominations the School Executive Council will select the prize winners. • School Colours Colours are awarded in January and June each year to students in Years 9, 11 and 13. Successful nominees must have satisfied one or more of the following criteria to be awarded full colours:absent.

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Rewards. Verbal Consistently meeting classroom expectations • Consistent effort with classwork/homework • Excellent manners displayed • Excellence in a particular piece of work • Positive verbal praise Students thrive • Achievement point given • Positive phone call home • Praise postcard • Referred to HOY for ‘shout out’ in assembly • Referred to Academy Principal for Principal’s award Level 2 rewards – Form Tutor Level 2 behaviour Level 2 rewards • Consistently meeting classroom expectations • Consistent effort with classwork/homework • Excellent manners displayed • 50 achievement points • 100 achievement points • Positive verbal praise • Referred to HOY for ‘shout out’ in assembly • Form tutor praise postcard/email at 50 points. • Form Tutor phone call at 100 achievement points Level 3 rewards – Head of Year Level 3 behaviour Level 3 rewards • 150 achievement points • Low number of behaviour and effort points per reporting cycle • General positive phone call home • Shout out in assembly • Privilege given under special circumstances • Head of Year recognition letter/email to be sent home at 150 achievement points Level 4 rewards – SLT Level 4 behaviour Level 4 rewards • 200 achievement points • Phone call home from SLT • Recognition in newsletter • SLT letter home Level 5 rewards – Academy Principal Level 5 behaviour Level 5 rewards • 200 + achievement points • Principal’s award given in planner • Award presented in whole school assembly • Letter from Academy Principal STUDENT SUPPORT HUB The school has a Student Support Hub (SSH) which provides flexible provision for children on immediate feedback for doing the right thinga variety of levels. The place of verbal praise remains key in sustaining a positive classroom culture centre helps to support children with behavioural difficulties, as well as helping to re-integrate children returning from long term absence or with attendance problems. The centre also provides extra support for children with learning difficulties as well as focusing on social and ethosemotional issues. Beyond Please refer to the lesson any member of staff may telephone, write or e-mail parents/carers to pass on positive feedback. Each subject area or year group may also have their own systems for passing on positive feedback such as annual award ceremonies, postcards, e-certificates to students, Wallington Week articles or ‘pizza parties’ for example. • House Points House points (or achievement points as they are called on XXXX) school’s early help offer that can be awarded by all staff for positive reasons above and beyond the normal expectations of a student at this school. These must be recorded on XXXX. House points will be shown on school reports for all year groups. Any teacher can award up to 3 house points at a time, HODs/DOFs and HOYs up to 5 and SLT up to 10. At celebration assemblies held at the end of each term bronze, silver or gold certificates and/or ‘Wallington Wings’ are given. These are awarded as per the chart below: Number of Conduct Points (House points with behaviour points removed) Recognition When/Where 25 (in one year) Bronze Certificate Tutor/Celebration Assembly 50 (in one year) Silver Certificate End of term Celebration Assembly 75 (in one year) Gold Certificate End of term Celebration Assembly 150 (cumulative) Bronze Winged Badge End of term Celebration Assembly by member of SLT 250 (cumulative) Silver Winged Badge End of term Celebration Assembly by member of SLT 500 (cumulative) Gold Winged Badge End of term Celebration Assembly by member of SLT • Star of the Term cards At the end of the term each teacher may nominate up to 2 students per class who deserve a Star of the Term card, awarded in the end of term celebration assembly. These can be awarded for any positive reason which is stated found on the cardschool’s website xxxxx:// for further information. • House Cup Each yearUNIFORM At Goldington Academy, one House will we believe that our uniform plays a key part in promoting and maintaining a sense of pride and identity in our school community. By adhering to the policy, our students demonstrate that they wish to be awarded the House Cup for outstanding teamwork and achievements. 50% of the Cup will be based on House Point totals, with the other 50% made up from results of inter-house competitions throughout the year. These may consist of sport, dance, music, charity events and other House Leader competitions. • Attendance Each term certificates are issued for students with 100% attendance over the course of the preceding term. For students with 100% attendance over the course of an academic year certificates are awarded at the final celebration assembly of the academic year. • Xxxx Xxxxxxx Awards Each month a student is nominated by fellow students for achievement in an aspect part of the school vision. These may be to do with achievements beyond community and that they uphold the ethos and values of the school. The awards (Our uniform also acts as a certificate social leveller and badge) are awarded is designed to remove the influence of peer pressure in celebration assemblies and the associated prize money our students’ day to day dress, therefore preventing any potential for bullying or discrimination. We also believe that wearing uniform is given hugely important in preparing our students for employment in their adult lives, in which they may be required to dress appropriately for their role or to adhere to a nominated area specific dress code. It is expected that students adhere rigorously to the uniform policy at all times, unless otherwise agreed with the Principal. As part of their ongoing development, students are expected to take responsibility for their own organisation and equipment. Being properly equipped is of prime importance in maximising time spent learning during lessons. In light of the findings by Ofsted in the Below the Radar report, it is clear that students risk wasting significant amounts of learning time if they are not properly equipped for each lesson of the day. In order to ensure minimum disruption to learning time, Goldington Academy expects all students to carry the essential equipment as outlined in this policy at all times, unless otherwise agreed with the Principal. Unacceptable items of uniform/dress: Unacceptable items of uniform/dress: ▪ Trousers with decorative items, such as buttons or embroidery are NOT permitted. Trousers should be tailored and NOT be made of stretch, lycra, skinny or highly fashionable in style, nor should they have cargo or jeans style pockets. ▪ Dark grey shorts do not form part of the school uniform and therefore they should not be worn. ▪ Jewellery other than that listed below is NOT allowed: o One small plain stud in each ear o One ring permitted on each hand o Bracelets on the grounds of religious or medical needs Please note - piercing retainers are not allowed to be used as a substitute for piercings. Any student attending school with piercings that are not permitted will be asked to remove them, once they have healed. No other visible body piercing is acceptable. A watch may be worn provided it is marked with the owner’s name. ▪ The wearing of wrist bands and bracelets is not permitted, unless for religious purposes. ▪ Only badges provided by the winning student. Should there be multiple nominations the School Executive Council will select the prize winners. • School Colours Colours school are awarded in January and June each year to students in Years 9, 11 and 13. Successful nominees must have satisfied one or more of the following criteria to be awarded full worn. ▪ Hair styles should NOT include unnatural colours:, patterns or designs. Any student wearing unnatural colour in their hair will be asked to remove it immediately (please see non-compliance section below). ▪ No tramlines or patterns should be shaved into hair or the eyebrows. ▪ Hair bands should be discreet and plain in colour e.g. black, blue etc. Fashion type hair bands should not be worn in school. ▪ Trainers should not be worn during classroom-based lessons, unless otherwise agreed by the Academy Principal. If trainers are to be worn for an agreed reason, they should be black and discreet. ▪ Light make-up may be worn e.g. concealer, mascara. However, students may be asked to remove makeup if it is deemed to be inappropriate or too heavy e.g. foundation. ▪ Nail varnish should NOT be worn. Any students who are found to be wearing nail varnish will be asked to remove it. Continued wearing of jewellery or nail varnish will result in a referral to the Head of Year and may result in a consequence such as loss of break/lunch time as outlined in the procedures below. Procedure for pupil non-compliance with uniform/equipment policy Stage 1: Note in planner from Form Tutor. Pupil given 1 week to rectify. Stage 2: Phone call home from Form Tutor and consequence. Stage 3: Parents asked to meet with Form Tutor. Consequence for student i.e. loss of breaks/lunch times. Stage 4: Referred to Head of Year. Parents contacted to discuss reasons for non-compliance with the policy and strategies to rectify the situation. Stage 5: Referral to SLT/Academy Principal The Governing Body recognises that areas such as uniform can be open to subjective interpretation and on occasion abuse. Therefore, to avoid difficulty or embarrassment, we ask parents and pupils to operate well within these guidelines rather than at their extremes.

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Samples: School Agreement

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