ROAD ABANDONMENT. Purchaser shall abandon the following roads at the termination of use within 30 days following completion of timber haul. Road Stations E‐1040 0+00 to 1+13
ROAD ABANDONMENT. Purchaser shall abandon the following roads if constructed or reconstructed before the termination of this contract. Road Stations Type C-8049 0+00 to 7+91 Abandonment C-8049_A 0+00 to 3+51 Abandonment C-8080 0+00 to 4+35 Abandonment
ROAD ABANDONMENT. Purchaser shall abandon the following roads before the termination of this contract. Work must be in accordance with the ROAD ABANDONMENT CROSS SECTIONS DETAIL, Clause 9-22 LIGHT ABANDONMENT and 0-00 XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX. Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxx XX-0000 38+68 to 41+93 light PH-4902 24+31 to 33+73 heavy PH-5100 89+82 to 98+51 heavy PH-5130 0+00 to 5+44 light
ROAD ABANDONMENT. Purchaser shall abandon the following before the termination of this contract. Road Stations BK-0902 5+92 to 9+39 9-22 ABANDONMENT Remove all ditch relief culverts. The resulting slopes must be 1:1 or flatter. Place and compact the removed fill material in a location that will not erode into any Type 1 through 5 waters or wetlands. Remove all culverts in natural drainages. The resulting slopes must be 1:1.5 or flatter. Strive to match the existing native stream bank gradient. The natural streambed width must be re-established. Place and compact the removed fill material in a location that will not erode into any Type 1 through 5 waters or wetlands. Transport all removed culverts off site. All removed culverts are the property of the Purchaser. Construct non-drivable waterbars at natural drainage points and at a spacing that will produce a vertical drop of no more than 20 feet between waterbars and with a maximum horizontal spacing of 400 feet. Skew waterbars at least 30 degrees from perpendicular to the road centerline on roads in excess of 3 percent grade. Key waterbars into the cut-slope to intercept the ditch. Waterbars must be outsloped to provide positive drainage. Outlets must be on stable locations. Inslope or outslope the road as appropriate. Remove bridges and other structures. Pull back unstable fill that has potential of failing and entering any Type 1 through 5 waters or wetlands. Place and compact removed material in a stable location. Remove berms except as designed. Block the road by constructing an aggressive barrier of dense interlocked large woody debris (logs, stumps, root wads, etc.) so that four wheel highway vehicles cannot pass the point of abandonment. Typical barrier dimensions are 10 feet high by 20 feet deep, spanning the entire road prism from top of cutslope to toe of fillslope. Long term effectiveness is the primary objective. If necessary construct a vehicular turn-around near the point of abandonment. Apply grass seed to all exposed soils resulting from the abandonment work and in accordance with Section 8 EROSION CONTROL SECTION 10 MATERIALS
ROAD ABANDONMENT. Purchaser shall abandon the following roads before the termination of this contract. Work must be in accordance with the ROAD ABANDONMENT CROSS SECTIONS DETAIL. Road Stations Type 2702A 47+30 to 49+50 Medium
ROAD ABANDONMENT. Purchaser shall abandon the following roads before the termination of this contract. Work must be in accordance with the ROAD ABANDONMENT CROSS SECTIONS DETAIL. Road Stations Type D‐3000F 0+00 to 1+81 Light D‐3000G 0+00 to 1+08 Light D‐3000H 0+00 to 1+30 Light
ROAD ABANDONMENT. Purchaser shall abandon the following before the termination of this contract. Road Stations SK-1903 0+00 to 14+66 SK-2807 0+00 to 8+73 SK-2808 0+00 to 8+87
ROAD ABANDONMENT. Purchaser shall abandon the following roads before the termination of this contract. Road Stations Type G‐2151 Ext. 4+46 to 11+49 Medium G‐2175 5+92 to 15+48 Medium
ROAD ABANDONMENT. Purchaser shall abandon the following before the termination of this contract. Road Stations FG‐04 0+00 to 15+04 FG‐10 0+00 to 15+84
ROAD ABANDONMENT. Purchaser shall abandon the following before the termination of this contract. Road Stations WH-02 0+00 to 5+16 WH-04 0+00 to 20+26 WH-08 43+67 to 48+42 WH-0802 3+11 to 13+61 WH-0802-01 0+00 to 5+15 WH-09 0+00 to 24+37