Salary and Wages. 3.1 The basic salaries of employees covered by this Contract are set forth in Section 3.6, incorporated in this Contract. In addition to the amounts shown on the Salary Schedule, the school employer shall also pay the teacher's contribution to INPRS, amounting to three (3) percent (3%) of each teacher's salary. 3.2 The extra-curricular pay schedule and guidelines (included for informational purposes only) are set forth in Appendix A. The stipend includes pay for services rendered before school starts, during vacation periods, and after school closes according to the assignment of the school employer. 3.3 Teachers who teach summer school courses, including non-credit driver education, shall be compensated for the duration of this Contract at their per diem rate which is calculated based on teacher’s current pay divided by 185 days. 3.4 Teachers who participate in professional development and curriculum writing outside of contract hours shall be compensated at the hourly rate of $35 per hour. Teachers who present or provide training to other teachers outside of contract hour shall be compensated at the hourly rate of $40 per hour. 3.5 Extra day compensation shall be compensated at the teacher’s per diem rate which is calculated based on teacher’s current pay divided by 185 days. The extra days are a subject of discussion. Therefore, any mention of extra days is included in this agreement for informational purposes only. 3.6 The salary range was $42,165-$83,985 before any increases negotiated under this agreement. The new salary range will be $45,305-$87,125 under this agreement, and no teacher salary shall be below or above this range. 3.7 Newly hired teacher salary will be based on the Salary Schedule/New Hire Placement Chart in 3.18, except that: a) The Superintendent has the authority to hire staff one (1) salary level above the level commensurate with the teacher’s education and experience. b) In addition, the Superintendent has the authority to hire special education staff up to two (2) salary levels above the level commensurate with the teacher’s education and experience following notification to the MVCTA President. 3.8 Employees covered by this contract will be compensated for attendance at special education annual case conferences and annual case reviews for Section 504 students which are held outside the teacher day. Teachers will be compensated at the rate of $40.00 per hour. In the event less than one hour is spent, compensation will be for each fifteen minute increment or portion thereof.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Salary and Wages. 3.1 The basic salaries of employees covered by this Contract contract are set forth in Section 3.6, incorporated in this Contractcontract. In addition to the amounts shown on the Salary Schedule, the school employer shall also pay the teacher's ’s contribution to INPRS, amounting to three (3) percent (3%) of each teacher's salary.
3.2 The extra-curricular pay schedule and guidelines (included for informational purposes only) are set forth in Appendix A. The stipend includes pay for services rendered before school starts, during vacation periods, and after school closes according to the assignment of the school employer.
3.3 Teachers who teach In light of recent changes in State summer school coursesrequirements and budgets, including nonthe Superintendent, in accordance with Indiana Code 20-credit driver education28-6-7, shall be compensated will set the salary for summer school. The School Employer anticipates engaging in Discussion with the duration of MVCTA prior to this Contract at their per diem rate which is calculated based on teacher’s current pay divided by 185 daysdetermination.
3.4 Teachers who participate in professional development and curriculum writing outside of contract hours shall be compensated at the hourly rate of $35 per hour. New teachers who attend New Teacher Orientation shall also be compensated $35 per hour. Teachers who present or provide training to other teachers outside of contract hour shall be compensated at the hourly rate of $40 per hour.
3.5 Extra day compensation shall be compensated at the teacher’s per diem rate which is calculated based on teacher’s current pay divided by 185 days. The extra days are a subject of discussion. Therefore, any mention of extra days is included in this agreement contract for informational purposes only.
3.6 The salary range was $42,165-$83,985 47,345-$87,125 before any increases negotiated under this agreementcontract. The new salary range will be $45,305-$87,125 47,878 - $88,105 under this agreementcontract, and no teacher salary shall be below or above this range.
3.7 Newly hired teacher salary will be based on the Salary Schedule/New Hire Placement Chart in 3.18Appendix A.
3.8 New Hire Incentive: Teachers hired for and remaining employed throughout the current school year are eligible for a total incentive of $2,000, except that:
ahalf of which ($1,000) The Superintendent has the authority to hire staff one (1) salary level above the level commensurate will be paid with the teacher’s education first check, and experiencethe other half of which ($1,000) will be paid with the first pay in June 2025. If such a teacher separates from employment prior to the end of the first semester of the current school year, the teacher will be required to repay the School Employer proportionate to their length of employment, in accordance with applicable Indiana law. If such a teacher separates from employment at any point during the 2nd semester, the 2nd installment of the incentive will be forfeited.
b) In addition, 3.9 Employees whose full-time teaching assignment is identified as providing the Superintendent has Least Restrictive Environment of 52 will receive a stipend of $2,000 to be paid within 45 days of the authority to hire special education staff up to two (2) salary levels above ratification of the level commensurate with the teacher’s education and experience following notification to the MVCTA Presidentcontract.
3.8 3.10 Employees covered by this contract will be compensated for attendance at special education annual case conferences and annual case reviews for Section 504 students which are held outside the teacher day. Teachers will be compensated at the rate of $40.00 per hour. In the event less than one hour is spent, compensation will be for each fifteen minute increment or portion thereof.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement