Salary Schedule Regulations Sample Clauses
Salary Schedule Regulations. 46.1 All members of the Association’s bargaining unit will be placed on the adopted salary schedules and paid accordingly to their training and experience. Provided, however, notwithstanding any other section of this Article, Articles 47, 48, 49 or any other section of this Master Agreement, or state law, no member shall advance vertically on the salary schedule (years of experience) for the 2012-13 and 2013-14 school years. Members as of the expiration of the 2011-2014 Master Agreement will have earned one year of experience for vertical placement on the salary schedule (service in the 2010-11 school year for advancement of one (1) experience year in 2011-12). The limitations of this proviso do not affect members’ seniority or STRS service credit. Teachers will advance horizontally on the salary schedule during this Master Agreement based on educational attainment. Members shall advance one (1) year beyond their step placement in 2014-15 for one year of service in the 2013-14 school year and for service in each school year thereafter.
46.2 An intern psychologist will be paid according to their appropriate experience and education level on the state minimum salary schedule.
46.3 The following is a description of the classes included on the salary schedule: Class I - B.A. Members with a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university. Class II - B.A. + 15 Members with a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university and 15 additional semester hours of credit from an accredited college or university. Applicable Professional Advancement Credit (PAC) may be used. Members with a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university and an additional 30 semester hours of credit from an accredited college or university. Applicable PAC may be used. When a person has pursued a recognized formal program leading to two degrees, 45 credit hours or applicable PAC earned beyond the requirements of the first degree fulfills the requirement.
(a) The courses for these hours may be selected by the individual with the pre-approval of the Superintendent/designee. The description of the course or courses must be submitted in writing.
(b) These hours shall be applicable only if the scope and content of the course work contributes directly to the development of teacher growth and improvement of teaching.
(c) Any member planning a class change from II to III must have a pre-approved plan for class change on file in the personnel office.
Salary Schedule Regulations. 1. Initial Placement on the Salary Schedule (see attached salary schedule) Outside Experience - Professional employees in their first year of employment with USD 210 will receive a maximum of seven (7) years credit for outside experience; however, the Board reserves the right to grant additional years if it feels it is in the best interest of the District. Education - Professional employees in their first year of employment will receive full credit for their education when determination is made on column placement; provided, however, that credit for hours above a degree will be given only after the date a degree was conferred, or only after the date the employee became eligible to receive his/her teaching license.
Salary Schedule Regulations a. All professional staff members will be placed on the adopted salary schedules and paid according to their training and experience as set forth below.
b. The following is a description of the classes included on the salary schedule, provided that, upon employment, credit not used for a degree resulting in placement in Class I or Class III may be applied for placement in another class only if the coursework involved is determined by the Director of Elementary Education and the Director of Secondary Education to assist the professional staff member in the development of his/her teacher growth, improvement of his/her teaching, or for an education license/endorsement. The member shall obtain a statement from the accredited college or university indicating that the hours were not used to obtain a Master's Degree.
Salary Schedule Regulations. The Bartlesville Board of Education recognizes the need for an adequate plan of salary and wage administration for the employees of the Bartlesville School System. Therefore, the Superintendent shall submit recommendations for salary schedules and wage administration. All salary schedules and additional compensation schedules shall be made a part of the policy handbook, subject to annual review and approval of the Board of Education.
Salary Schedule Regulations. 1. Salaries are based on the school year of one hundred eighty-four (184) days.
2. Training and classification will be based on total credits, filed and certified on September 15 and January 15. For teachers with contracts beginning July 1, these dates are July 15 and November 15.
3. The salary shall be the amount listed according to training and experience.
4. Contracts will be based on 184 paid days.
5. All teachers new to the system will be granted their full experience from Public Schools but not more than a maximum of ten (10) years prior experience will be accepted. Teachers new to the school system with ½ year experience will be granted the next step.
6. No bargaining unit member shall receive less under this schedule in the same training and experience classification than due under previous schedules.
7. Granting of hours for pay purposes (MA15 and MA30) shall be restricted to educationally oriented course work.
Salary Schedule Regulations. Teachers in the Cooperative may advance on the salary schedule by three methods:
1. Horizontal Movement - Teachers may advance horizontally on the salary schedule by earning an advanced college degree, or by presenting a sufficient number of approved college hours.
2. Vertical Movement - Teachers may move vertically on the salary schedule with each additional year of experience. Vertical steps are only an experience factor and do not necessarily reflect the actual number of years taught. Steps above actual years of teaching experience granted only with Board approval.
3. For those teachers who are on the last step on the salary schedule for BS + 30, MS +45 or Ed.S + 15, step increase advancement is available through the IDP’s certification schedule inservice points. This advancement through certification schedule inservice points can be obtained by the teacher earning 25 or more approved certification schedule inservice points from June through May of each year. If vertical movement on the salary schedule is still available for the degree held, this option is not available. The 25 or more approved certification schedule points a teacher earns during the previous year will be reflected in the teacher’s next contract. This step is equals $400.
4. In accordance with the established increments for salary increases, HPEC will award salary scale adjustments to participating certified staff for salary schedule inservice points earned. Only the salary schedule inservice points awarded as established through the Individual Development plan will be considered for salary increase. Horizontal movement achieved by salary schedule inservice points or a combination of salary schedule inservice points and college hours can advance a teacher horizontally but cannot advance beyond a degree. (Example a teacher who has a BS + 30 cannot advance to the MS column without the MS degree.) Salary schedule inservice points will be awarded. 1 point per day - each day if inservice/workshop/clinic, visit to school 1 point per week - supervision of student teacher or mentoring Implementation points - as approved on IDP All teachers will receive the yearly salary increment for which they qualify provided they meet the certification / licensure requirements as developed by the Kansas State Department of Education. Provided, however, teachers will be considered “frozen” on the salary schedule when they reach the maximum incremental salary on a particular column. Said teachers will remain f...
Salary Schedule Regulations. Master’s Degree Payment: Annually, $2,800 shall be paid to unit members holding a Master’s degree. Salary credit will be given for one
(1) Master’s degree only. Payment for a Master’s degree received during the school year will be prorated. The annual Master’s degree payment shall be incorporated into the unit member’s base salary.
Salary Schedule Regulations. The rates of pay set forth in Appendices A, A-1, A-2, and A-3
(1) represent the standard rate of pay for full-time employment for each classification. Compensation for unit members working less than full-time shall be adjusted proportionately; (2) represent the total compensation due unit members, except for overtime compensation and other benefits specifically provided for by City Council or this Memorandum of Understanding; and (3) do not include reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses authorized and incurred incident to City employment.
Salary Schedule Regulations. 1. Instructional Salary Schedule a. Initial Placement
Salary Schedule Regulations. The board will publish a salary schedule that governs the salaries of all educators covered by this agreement will update it annually, based on the results of negotiations. The revised salary schedule will be incorporated into this agreement as Appendix B. The board and Association agree that the current mechanism where base pay increases will be reflected through-out the scale, based on the base salary agreed upon between the board and the association.