SAP Support. SAP 支援 If Customer has a legitimate reason under Data Protection Law to object to the new Subprocessors’ processing of Personal Data, Customer may terminate the SAP Support upon written notice to SAP, such notice to be provided to SAP no later than 30 days from the date SAP informs the Customer of the new Subprocessor. If Customer does not provide SAP with a notice of termination within this 30 days period, Customer is deemed to have accepted the new Subprocessor. Within the 30 days period from the date of SAP informing the Customer of the new Subprocessor, Customer may request that the parties discuss in good faith a resolution to the objection. Such discussions shall not extend the period for providing SAP a notice of termination and does not affect SAP’s right to use the new Subprocessor(s) after the 30 days period. 若客戶依據資料保護法規定之合法理由,拒絕新分處理商處理個人資料,則客戶可在書面通知 SAP 後,終止 SAP 支援,前開通知應由客戶在 SAP 告知其新分包商後 30 日內為之。若客戶未於 30 日內向 SAP 提出終止通知,則應視為客戶接受新分包處理商。客戶得於收到 SAP 通知新分處理商之日起 30 日內,要求合約當事人本於誠信商討此異議之解決方案。前開商討不得延長向 SAP 提出終止通知之期限,且不會影響 SAP 於 30天後聘用新分處理商之權利。
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Data Processing Agreement
SAP Support. SAP 支援 If Customer has a legitimate reason under Data Protection Law to object to the new Subprocessors’ processing of Personal Data, Customer may terminate the SAP Support upon written notice to SAP, such notice to be provided to SAP no later than 30 thirty days from the date SAP informs the Customer of the new Subprocessor. If Customer does not provide SAP with a notice of termination within this 30 thirty days period, Customer is deemed to have accepted the new Subprocessor. Within the 30 thirty days period from the date of SAP informing the Customer of the new Subprocessor, Customer may request that the parties discuss come together in good faith to discuss a resolution to the objection. Such discussions shall not extend the period for providing SAP a notice of termination and does not affect SAP’s right to use the new Subprocessor(s) after the 30 thirty days period. 若客戶依據資料保護法規定之合法理由,拒絕新分處理商處理個人資料,則客戶可在書面通知 SAP 後,終止 支持:如客户依据数据保护法有合理理由反对新的分处理方处理个人数据,客户可向 SAP 支援,前開通知應由客戶在 发出书面 通知终止 SAP 告知其新分包商後 30 日內為之。若客戶未於 30 日內向 支持,但向 SAP 提出終止通知,則應視為客戶接受新分包處理商。客戶得於收到 提供的此类通知不得晚于自 SAP 通知新分處理商之日起 30 日內,要求合約當事人本於誠信商討此異議之解決方案。前開商討不得延長向 向客户发出通知告知其新的分处理方起 三十(30)天。如客户未在此三十(30)天期限内向 SAP 提出終止通知之期限,且不會影響 提供终止通知,即视为客户已接受新的分处 理方。在自 SAP 於 30天後聘用新分處理商之權利向客户发出通知告知其新的分处理方起的三十(30)天期限内,客户可请求双方真诚地 共同探讨异议的解决方案。此类探讨不得延长向 SAP 提供终止通知的期限,也不影响 SAP 在三十(30)天期限后使用新的分处理方的权利。
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Personal Data Processing Agreement
SAP Support. SAP 支援 If Customer has a legitimate reason under Data Protection Law to object to the new Subprocessors’ processing of Personal Data, Customer may terminate the SAP Support upon written notice to SAP, such notice to be provided to SAP no later than 30 thirty days from the date SAP informs the Customer of the new Subprocessor. If Customer does not provide SAP with a notice of termination within this 30 thirty days period, Customer is deemed to have accepted the new Subprocessor. Within the 30 thirty days period from the date of SAP informing the Customer of the new Subprocessor, Customer may request that the parties discuss come together in good faith to discuss a resolution to the objection. Such discussions shall not extend the period for providing SAP a notice of termination and does not affect SAP’s right to use the new Subprocessor(s) after the 30 thirty days period. 若客戶依據資料保護法規定之合法理由,拒絕新分處理商處理個人資料,則客戶可在書面通知 SAP 支援:依據資料保護法,若客戶有合法理由反對新分包處理商處理個人資料,可以書面通知 SAP 後,終止 SAP 支援,前開通知應由客戶在 支援,該項通知應於 SAP 告知其新分包商後 30 日內為之。若客戶未於 30 日內向 告知客戶變更為新分包商後三十日內為之。若客戶未於此三十 日內通知 SAP 提出終止通知,則應視為客戶接受新分包處理商。客戶得於收到 終止,則視為客戶接受新分包處理商。客戶得於收到 SAP 通知新分處理商之日起 30 日內,要求合約當事人本於誠信商討此異議之解決方案。前開商討不得延長向 通知新分包處理商之日起三十 日內,得要求各方當事人就拒絕之意思秉持誠信商討解決方案。此項商討不得延長通知 SAP 提出終止通知之期限,且不會影響 終止之期限,且不會影響 SAP 於 30天後聘用新分處理商之權利於三十天後使用新分包處理商之權利。
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Personal Data Processing Agreement
SAP Support. SAP 支援 支持 If Customer has a legitimate reason under Data Protection Law to object to the new Subprocessors’ processing of Personal Data, Customer may terminate the SAP Support upon written notice to SAP, such notice to be provided to SAP no later than 30 days from the date SAP informs the Customer of the new Subprocessor. If Customer does not provide SAP with a notice of termination within this 30 days period, Customer is deemed to have accepted the new Subprocessor. Within the 30 days period from the date of SAP informing the Customer of the new Subprocessor, Customer may request that the parties discuss in good faith a resolution to the objection. Such discussions shall not extend the period for providing SAP a notice of termination and does not affect SAP’s right to use the new Subprocessor(s) after the 30 days period. 若客戶依據資料保護法規定之合法理由,拒絕新分處理商處理個人資料,則客戶可在書面通知 如客户依据数据保护法有合理理由反对新的分处理方处理个人数据,客户可向 SAP 後,終止 发出书面通知终止 SAP 支援,前開通知應由客戶在 支持,但向 SAP 告知其新分包商後 30 日內為之。若客戶未於 30 日內向 提供的此类通知不得晚于自 SAP 提出終止通知,則應視為客戶接受新分包處理商。客戶得於收到 向客户发出通知告知其新的分处理方起三十(30)天。如客户未在此三十(30)天期限内向 SAP 通知新分處理商之日起 30 日內,要求合約當事人本於誠信商討此異議之解決方案。前開商討不得延長向 提供终止通知,即视为客户已接受新的分处理方。在自 SAP 提出終止通知之期限,且不會影響 向客户发出通知告知其新的分处理方起的三十(30)天期限内,客户可请求双方真诚地共同探讨异议的解决方案。此类探讨不得延长向 SAP 於 30天後聘用新分處理商之權利提供终止通知的期限,也不影响 SAP 在三十(30)天期限后使用新的分处理方的权利。
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Data Processing Agreement