Secret Ballots. The Association building representative or designee shall be present when any secret ballot is tabulated unless an electronic survey is used. If voting is conducted electronically the building representative will be given a print out of the results upon request.
Secret Ballots. It is agreed that employees may elect to vote on important issues by way of a secret ballot.
Secret Ballots. Whenever an agreement is sought from a group of employees or all employees, the company is required by law to conduct a secret (valid majority) ballot of all the applicable employees concerned. However, this does not prohibit agreement to be reached with individual employees Furthermore this clause does not over- ride legislation concerning secret ballots and payment for. The employees and/or their bargaining agents must also apply to the Australian Industrial Relations Commission to conduct a secret ballot for the consideration of any industrial action including strikes, bans, limitations or work to rule regulations, providing that the industrial action is lawful and in pursuit of a new collective agreement and not a prohibited matter or supporting pattern bargaining.