SECURING APPLICATIONS. Each application for a Contract shall be made on an application form provided by Pacific Mutual, and all payments collected by Selling Broker-Dealer, General Agent or any registered representative and Sub-agent shall be remitted promptly in full, together with such application form and any other required documentation, directly to Pacific Mutual at the address indicated on such application or to such other address as may be designated by Pacific Mutual. All such payments and documents shall be the property of Pacific Mutual. Selling Broker-Dealer and General Agent shall review all such applications for completeness and for compliance with the conditions herein, including the suitability and prospectus delivery requirements set forth above under Sections II.C and III. Check or money order in payment of such Contracts should be made payable to the order of "Pacific Mutual". All applications are subject to acceptance or rejection by Pacific Mutual in its sole discretion.
SECURING APPLICATIONS. All applications for Plans shall be made on application forms supplied by GIAC and all payments collected by Broker-Dealer or any Representative of Broker-Dealer shall be remitted promptly in full, together with such applications, forms and any other required documentation, directly to GIAC at the address indicated on such application or to such other address as GIAC may, from time to time, designate in writing. Broker-Dealer shall review all such applications for completeness. Checks or money orders in payment on any such Plan shall be drawn to the order of "The Guardian Insurance & Annuity Company." All applications are subject to acceptance or rejection by GIAC at its sole discretion.
SECURING APPLICATIONS. All applications for the Plans covered hereby shall be made on application forms supplied by Sun Life of Canada (U.S.), and all payments collected by General Agent or any sub-agent of General Agent shall be remitted promptly in full, together with such application forms and any other required documentation, directly to Sun Life of Canada (U.S.) at the address indicated on such application or to such other address as Sun Life of Canada (U.S.) may, from time to time designate in writing. Checks or money orders in payment on any such Plan shall be drawn to the order of "Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (U.S.)". All applications are subject to acceptance or rejection by Sun Life of Canada (U.S.) at its sole discretion.
SECURING APPLICATIONS. All applications for Variable Contracts shall be made on application forms supplied by Insurer and all payments collected by Broker-Dealer or any Representative thereof shall be remitted promptly in full, together with such application forms and any other required documentation, directly to Insurer at the address indicated on such application or to such other address as Insurer may, from time-to-time, designate in writing. Broker-Dealer shall review all such applications for accuracy and completeness. Checks or money orders in payment on any such Variable Contract shall be drawn to the order of "ReliaStar Bankers Security Life Insurance Company." All applications are subject to acceptance or rejection by Insurer at its sole discretion. All records or information obtained hereunder by Broker-Dealer shall not be disclosed or used except as expressly authorized herein, and Broker-Dealer will keep such records and information confidential, to be disclosed only as authorized or if expressly required by federal or state regulatory authorities.
SECURING APPLICATIONS. All applications for Traditional Life Insurance Policies shall be made on application forms supplied by Insurer and all payments collected by Agency or any Agent, Broker-Dealer or any Representative thereof shall be remitted promptly in full, together with such application forms and any other required documentation, directly to Insurer at the address indicated on such application or to such other address as Insurer may, from time-to-time, designate in writing. Agency shall review all such applications for accuracy and completeness. Checks or money orders in payment on any such Traditional Life Insurance Policy shall be drawn to the order of ReliaStar Bankers Security Life Insurance Company." All applications are subject to acceptance or rejection by Insurer at its sole discretion. All records or information obtained hereunder by Agency shall not be disclosed or used except as expressly authorized herein, and Agency will keep such records and information confidential, to be disclosed only as authorized or if expressly required by federal or state regulatory authorities.
SECURING APPLICATIONS. Each application for a Contract shall be made only on an application form provided by the appropriate ING Insurer. The Distributor shall review all such applications for completeness and for compliance with the conditions herein including, in the case of registered Contracts, the suitability and prospectus delivery requirements set forth above under Sections 2(d) and (e). All payments collected by the Distributor, or any of its Representatives, shall be remitted promptly, in full, without deduction or reduction, together with such application form and any other required documentation directly to the appropriate ING Insurer at the address indicated on such application or to such other address as may be designated by such ING Insurer. All such payments and documents shall be the property of the ING Insurers. Checks or money orders in payment of such Contracts should be made payable to the order of the ING Insurer issuing the Contracts. The ING Insurers reserve the right to reject, in their sole discretion, any Contract application and return any payment made in connection with an application which is rejected. Unless otherwise agreed, Contracts issued on applications accepted by an ING Insurer shall be forwarded to the Representative of the Distributor for prompt delivery to the policyowner.
SECURING APPLICATIONS. All applications for Variable Contracts and Traditional Life Insurance Policies shall be made on application forms supplied by Insurer and all payments collected by Broker-Dealer or any Representative thereof shall be remitted promptly in full, together with such application forms and any other required documentation, directly to Insurer at the address indicated on such application or to such other address as Insurer may, from time-to-time, designate in writing. Broker-Dealer shall review all such applications for accuracy and completeness. Checks or money orders in payment on any such Variable Contract or Traditional Life Insurance Policy shall be drawn to the order of "ReliaStar Bankers Security Life Insurance Company." All applications are subject to acceptance or rejection by Insurer at its sole discretion. All records or information obtained hereunder by Broker-Dealer shall not be disclosed or used except as expressly authorized herein, and Broker-Dealer will keep such records and information confidential, to be disclosed only as authorized or if expressly required by federal or state regulatory authorities.
SECURING APPLICATIONS. Each application for a Contract shall be made on an application form provided by the Company and all payments collected by Selling Broker-Dealer, Producer or any registered representative and Sub-broker shall be remitted promptly in full, together with such application form and any other required documentation, directly to the Company at the address indicated on such application or to such other address as may be designated by the Company. All such payments and documents shall be the property of the Company. Selling Broker-Dealer and Producer shall review all such applications for completeness and for compliance with the conditions herein, including the suitability and prospectus delivery requirements set forth herein. Check or money order in payment of such Contracts should be made payable to the order of "Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (U.S.)". All applications are subject to acceptance or rejection by the Company in its sole discretion.
SECURING APPLICATIONS. All applications for the Plans covered hereby shall be made on application forms supplied by Sentry, and all payments collected by General Agents or any sub-agent of General Agent shall be remitted promptly in full, together with such application forms and any other required documentation, directly to Sentry at the address indicated on such application or to such other address as Sentry may, from time to time designate in writing. Checks or money orders in payment on any such plan shall be drawn to the order of Sentry Life Insurance Company. All applications are subject to acceptance or rejection by Sentry at its sole discretion.
SECURING APPLICATIONS. All applications for Contracts shall be made on application forms supplied by LBL. BD will review all sales for suitability and all applications for completeness and correctness as to form. BD will promptly, but in no case later than the end of the next business day following receipt by BD or a Representative forward to LBL all complete and correct applications for suitable transactions, together with any payments received with the applications, without deduction for compensation, LBL reserves the right to reject any Contract application and return any payment made in connection with an application which is rejected, Contracts issued on accepted applications will be forwarded to BD or its Representative? for delivery to the Contract Owner.