Selection of projects and financial parameters. 4.1 Open calls and availability of funds (including number of calls, duration of calls, and estimated size):
Selection of projects and financial parameters. 4.1 Open calls and availability of funds (including number of calls, duration of calls, and estimated size): Indicative timing Available amount Minimum/Maximum grant applied for Call for proposals 2nd half 2019 Total: € € 200 000 / € 2 000 000 Norwegian FM 11 578 235,00 Outcome 1 (GII – 7 567 882 “Increased competitiveness of Slovak enterprises within the focus areas: Green Industry Innovation and Welfare Technology and Ambient Assisted Living technologies” WT/AAL – 0 000 000) Call for proposals EEA FM Outcome 1 1st half 2020 Total: € 5 415 883,00 (GII- 3 540 000 € 200 000 / € 2 000 000 “Increased competitiveness of Slovak enterprises within the focus areas: Green Industry Innovation and Welfare Technology and Ambient Assisted Living technologies” WT/AAL – 1 875 883) SGS no. 1 Norwegian FM Outcome 1 “Increased competitiveness of Slovak enterprises within the focus areas: Green Industry Innovation and Welfare Technology and Ambient Assisted Living technologies” 1st half 2020 Total: € 1 058 824,00 (GII – 692 079 WT/AAL – 366 745) € 100 000 / € 200 000 SGS no. 2 Norwegian FM Outcome 2 Institutional cooperation supported - “Education and Employment potential enhanced in Slovakia in Green Industry Innovation and Welfare and Ambient Assisted Living Technologies” 2nd half 2019 Total: € 2 470 588,00 € 5 000 / € 200 000 SGS no. 3 EEA FM Outcome 2 International mobility supported - “Education and Employment potential enhanced in Slovakia in Green Industry Innovation and Welfare and Ambient Assisted Living Technologies” 2nd half 2019 Total: € 1 058 824,00 € 5 000 / € 200 000
Selection of projects and financial parameters. 4.1 Open calls and availability of funds (including number of calls, duration of calls, and estimated size): Indicative timing Total available amount Maximum/Minimum grant applied for Call for proposals Outcome 3“Slovak-Ukrainian institutional cooperation enhanced” Second semester 2019 € 2,500,000 € 1,000,000/ € 200,000 SGS Outcome 3“Slovak-Ukrainian institutional cooperation enhanced” Second semester 2019 €0 N/A
Selection of projects and financial parameters. 4.1 Open calls and availability of funds (including number of calls, duration of calls, and estimated size): One call shall be launched for Outcomes 1, 3 and 4. If appropriate and if there are uncommitted funds after the first deadline, a second deadline for applications shall be published no later than in the first half of 2021. The calls shall be launched in accordance with the timetable indicated below: Call / SGS Outcomes Total available amount Maximum grant applied for Minimum grant applied for Indicative timing Call#1 Outcome 1 €6,063,862 €1,000, 000 €200 000 1st half 2020 first Outcome 3 €3,235,294 €500,000 €200 000 deadline NOR Grants 1st half 2021 second In Outcomes 1, 3 and 4 partnerships with entities from the Donor State are encouraged and will receive extra points in the selection procedure.
Selection of projects and financial parameters. 4.1 Open calls and availability of funds (including number of calls, duration of calls, and estimated size): There shall be one call for all the outcomes of the programme. The Call shall be launched in the first half of 2020 and will be open for at least 2 months. If appropriate and if there are non-committed funds, the second deadline for applications will be no later than in the 1st half of 2021. The Call shall be published on the programme website (xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/) in Slovenian and in English. The Call shall be widely publicised with a view to reach all potential applicants. Call / SGS number Outcome(s) Total available amount Maximum grant rate (%) Maximum grant applied for Minimum grant applied for Estimated Timing Outcome 1 €5,000,000.00 90% €4,000,000 €200,000 1st half of 2020 first deadline for project Outcome 2 €4,881,135.90 90% €2,000,000 €200,000 applications Outcome 3 €2,683,569.98 90% €800,000 €200,000 1st half of 2021 second deadline Outcome 4 €3,000,000.00 90% 1,200,000 €200,000 for project applications, if necessary
Selection of projects and financial parameters. 4.1 Open calls and availability of funds (including number of calls, duration of calls, and estimated size): Indicative timing Total available amount Maximum/Minimum grant applied for Callfor proposals Outcome1“Cultural heritage conditions enhanced” 1stsemester2019 €10,539,725 €1,000,000/€200,000 SGS 1stcall:1st semest er2019 1stcall: €1,500,000 Outcome 2“Access to contemporary arts improved” 2ndcall: 1stsemester 2020 2ndcall:€1,000,000 €200,000/€50,000
Selection of projects and financial parameters. 4.1 Open calls and availability of funds (including number of calls, duration of calls, and estimated size): Indicative timing Total available amount Maximum/Minimum grant applied for Call no. 1 on intervention teams at local level on services for victims of domestic and gender-based violence, including children Outcome 2 “Victims of domestic and gender- based violence protected and supported” 05/2019 € 3,329,412 € 600,000/ € 200,000 Call no. 2 on improvement of the quality of services so that they meet the required standards, including specific services for children victims Outcome 2 “Victims of domestic and gender- based violence protected and supported” 09/2019 € 2,000,000 € 500,000/ € 200,000 Call no. 3 on specialised services targeted at vulnerable groups, as well as perpetrators of violence Outcome 2 “Victims of domestic and gender- based violence protected and supported” 09/2019 € 1,000,000 € 350,000/ € 200,000 SGS Launched: € 1,440,000 € 200,000/ € 100,000 Outcome 1 05/2019 “Understanding of 4 deadlines: gender equality 30.09.2019 increased” 31.03.2020 30.09.2020 01.02.2021 The Programme Operator shall aim to ensure the geographical distribution of funds.
Selection of projects and financial parameters. 4.1 Open calls and availability of funds (including number of calls, duration of calls, and estimated size): Call / SGS number Total available amount Maximum grant applied for Minimum grant applied for Indicative timing SGS#1 Outcome 2 “Improved strategic and contingency planning” €508.183,00 €200.000,00 €50.000,00 2nd half 2021
Selection of projects and financial parameters. 4.1 Open calls and availability of funds (including number of calls, duration of calls, and estimated size): Implementation modality Indicative timing Total available amount (€) Maximum / Minimum grant applied for (€) Call 1(outcome 1) 1st quarter 2020 €800,000 €600,000 / €200,000 Call 2(outcome 2 and 3)Output 2.2 1st quarter 2021 €2,853,000 €1,000,000 / €200,000 Call 3(outcome 2)Output 2.3 and 3.1 1st quarter 2020 €1,400,000 (€500,000 for output 2.3; €900,000 for output 3.1) Output 2.3: €500,000 / €200,000 Output 3.1: €900,000 / €200,000 Call 4(outcome 3)Output 3.2 1st quarter 2021 €900,000 €450,000 / €200,000 SGS 1(outcome 2) 1st quarter 2020 €400,000 €50,000 / €5,000
Selection of projects and financial parameters. 4.1 Open calls and availability of funds (including number of calls, duration of calls, and estimated size): Call / SGS number Total available amount Maximum grant applied for Minimum grant applied for Indicative timing Call#1 Outcome 1 ”Social and economic development of the least developed districts strenghtened” €7 700 000 €1 000 000 €200 000 1st half 2020 Call#2 Outcome 2 ”Social Inclusion of marginalized Roma communities enhanced”: €6 000 000 €1 000 000 €200 000 1st half 2020 SGS Outcome 2 “Social Inclusion of marginalized Roma communities enhanced” €1 247 059 €200 000 €25 000 1st half 2020