Development Fees To assist the City in meeting expenses resulting from ongoing development, a Developer shall pay development fees for direct capital expenses incurred by the City that it incurs related the property. (“Development Fees”) as follows, as set forth in the Table below. Non-Residential per 1,000 SF $721.00 A. All Development Fees shall be collected at the time of a Developer obtaining a building permit and placed in separate interest-bearing accounts established for direct capital expenses. The City may expend these funds for any purposes designed to meet a discrete need of the property or a discrete need created by the development of the property. B. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained within this Agreement, the Development Fees are being paid in lieu of any other impact fees, development fees or any other similar fees presently existing or adopted by the City at any time hereafter during the term of this Agreement; provided, however, the Owner and/or Developers shall be subject to the payment of any and all present or future permitting fees enacted by the City that are of City-wide application and that relate to processing applications, development permits, building permits, review of plans, or inspections (but no other capital improvement related impact, development or other extractions). C. Except as set forth in this Agreement, nothing herein shall be construed as relieving Owner, Developers, or their successors and assigns, from payment of any such fees or charges as may be assessed by entities other than the City imposes, or is permitted by City to impose, fees or obligations similar in nature to the provisions of this paragraph shall not preclude the City or another governmental authority from imposing a fee of a nature which is not for services or improvements contemplated under this Agreement (i.e., police, fire, and other obligations contemplated under this Agreement or services and improvements contemplated by this Agreement), which are imposed on a consistent basis throughout the area regulated by such governmental authority imposing such obligations. The City or other governing body shall not be precluded by this Agreement from charging fees for delivery of services to citizens or residents (i.e., an EMS response fee or the like), nor from charging fees statutorily authorized in the future (i.e., a real estate transfer fee or the like) which are not collected as a prerequisite to approval of a plat, plan, or construction. The City shall, at Owner’s request, together with Owner, challenge any developer fee, impact fee or other obligation imposed by other governmental authorities to the extent that such fees or obligations are not specifically permitted to be imposed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. The Owner and/or Developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with such challenge and may be required to make a deposit of such costs in advance with the City. D. The parties hereto recognize that Jasper County may, now or in the future, impose certain development impact fees upon the Property. The intent hereof is that the Owner shall not be charged in both jurisdictions for the same impact fee (development fee) categories, however, should a dispute arise as to whether Owner/Developer shall pay fees to the County or to the City, the Owner/Developer shall be responsible for settling such dispute with each party. The City shall not offset any development fee contained herein against such fees payable to Jasper County. The same principle shall apply regarding all applicable Development Fee categories hereunder. Owner and City Manager may meet and agree to resolve any issues that may arise in the future regarding the application of these principles to Development Fees due hereunder, and any such future agreement shall not be deemed a material amendment or breach hereof. E. Any Development Fees paid and/or credits for Development Fees with respect to property conveyed, services performed and/or money paid as provided in this Agreement may be assigned by the Owner and/or Developer owning such credits and all such credits shall remain valid until utilized. The Owner and/or Developer shall provide written notice of transfer of such credits to the City. The City shall recognize all such written assignments of such rights and shall credit same against any Development Fees which are owned pursuant to this Agreement. F. The Development Fees set forth in the Fee Chart are based upon 2022 figures. The Development Fee amounts shall be increased annually according to the Adjustment Factor. G. The City, County, or other governmental entity, may establish, solely or in conjunction with each other, a Tax Increment, fee in lieu of tax (FILOT), Multi-County Business Park, or any other special tax district or financing vehicle authorized by applicable provisions of the Code of Laws of South Carolina (1976), as amended, which does not impose additional ad valorem taxes or assessments against the Project. The establishment by the City, County, or other governmental entity, solely or in conjunction with each other, of a special tax district or financing vehicle authorized by applicable provisions of the Code of Laws of South Carolina (1976), as amended, which increases the assessments within the Property solely, shall require the consent of the Owner, Developer, or a Secondary Developer, a Municipal Improvement District may be implemented with the consent of the City for the Project as set forth in this Agreement. H. If the Property contains more wetlands than are necessary to meet Developer’s requirements for open space or for wetlands mitigation on the Property, to the extent that there are excess wetlands available, if Owner, Developer or a Secondary Developer creates a mitigation bank with such excess wetlands and the City has a need for mitigation bank credits in connection with road improvements it is obligated to undertake, then the City may purchase such mitigation bank credits from Owner, Developer, or a Secondary Developer, as applicable. Such purchases shall be at the fair market value of such mitigation bank credits and shall be paid by the City in form of credit to Development Fees, cash, or in such other form as agreed upon by the parties. I. Owner and/or Developer agrees to pay the actual costs and reasonable, actual expenses of the City’s consultants and professionals incurred in negotiating, processing and evaluating the Development Agreement and the PDD Standards. Owner and/or Developer requesting amendments, assignments, estoppel letters or any other documentation as contemplated by this Agreement, shall pay the actual costs and reasonable, actual expenses of the City’s consultant and professionals incurred in negotiating, processing and evaluating such documentation based upon the City’s fee schedule available upon request. City will provide invoices and sufficient documentation of these charges. Owner and/or Developer, as applicable, shall pay such fees within sixty (60) days of the delivery by the City of the invoice(s).
Development Fee A fee for the packaging of a Property or Mortgage, including the negotiation and approval of plans, and any assistance in obtaining zoning and necessary variances and financing for a specific Property, either initially or at a later date.
Employee Development The Employer may provide employees the opportunity to participate in appropriate seminars, workshops or short courses. When possible and appropriate the Employer will provide to all staff information on seminars, workshops or short courses by posting a notice on the Employer’s internal web site.
Career Development The City and the Union agree that employee career growth can be beneficial to both the City and the affected employee. As such, consistent with training needs identified by the City and the financial resources appropriated therefore by the City, the City shall provide educational and training opportunities for employee career growth. Each employee shall be responsible for utilizing those training and educational opportunities made available by the City or other institutions for the self- development effort needed to achieve personal career goals.
Program Development NWESD agrees that priority in the development of new applications services by XXXXX shall be in accordance with the expressed direction of the XXXXX Board of Directors operating under their bylaws.
License Fees If so provided in the Prospectus, the Depositor may enter into a Licensing Agreement (the "Agreement") with a licensor (the "Licensor") described in the Prospectus in which the Trust(s), as consideration for the licenses granted by the Licensor for the right to use its trademarks and trade names, intellectual property rights or for the use of databases and research owned by the Licensor, will pay a fee set forth in the Agreement to the applicable Licensor or the Depositor to reimburse the Depositor for payment of the expenses. If the Agreement provides for an annual license fee computed in whole or part by reference to the average daily net asset value of the Trust assets, for purpose of calculating the accrual of estimated expenses such annual fee shall accrue at a daily rate and the Trustee is authorized to compute an estimated license fee payment (i) until the Depositor has informed the Trustee that there will be no further deposits of additional Securities, by reference to an estimate of the average daily net asset value of the Trust assets which the Depositor shall provide the Trustee, (ii) thereafter and during the calendar quarter in which the last business day of the period described in clause (i) occurs, by reference to the net asset value of the Trust assets as of such last business day, and (iii) during each subsequent calendar quarter, by reference to the net asset value of the Trust assets as of the last business day of the preceding calendar quarter. The Trustee shall adjust the net asset value (Trust Fund Evaluation) as of the dates specified in the preceding sentence to account for any variation between accrual of estimated license fee and the license fee payable pursuant to the Agreement, but such adjustment shall not affect calculations made prior thereto and no adjustment shall be made in respect thereof. (17) Sections 2.05(a) and 2.05(b) are hereby amended and replaced in their entirety with the following:
Development Phase contractual phase initiated with the approval of ANP for the Development Plan and which is extended during the Production Phase while investments in xxxxx, equipment, and facilities for the Production of Oil and Gas according to the Best Practices of the Oil Industry are required.
Joint Development If joint development is involved, the Recipient agrees to follow the latest edition of FTA Circular 7050.1, “Federal Transit Administration Guidance on Joint Development.”
Software Development Software designs, prototypes, and all documentation for the final designs developed under this agreement must be made fully transferable upon direction of NSF. NSF may make the software design, prototype, and documentation for the final design available to competitors for review during any anticipated re-competition of the project.
Milestone Fees Licensee will pay Milestone Fees indicated in Section 3.1(b) of the Patent & Technology License Agreement by the Quarterly Payment Deadline for the Contract Quarter in which the milestone events set forth in Section 3.1(b) of the Patent & Technology License Agreement are achieved.