Common use of SKIRTING Clause in Contracts

SKIRTING. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the optional MasterTech™ skirting will not crack or rip due to defects in material for a period of five (5) years from the date of the original retail purchase. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail pur- chaser that the DuraMaster Polymer™ skirting will not crack or rip for the life of the spa. Bowing that can occur under some conditions is considered normal and not covered by this limited warranty. If the skirting on the spa fails due to defects in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective skirting. The cost of shipping and installation of any replacement skirting is the sole responsibility of purchaser (Parts only). LED LIGHT SYSTEM Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser, for a period of one (1) year from the date of original retail purchase that the optional, factory installed LED light system will not malfunction due to defects in workmanship and materials. If the LED light system or any component thereof malfunctions, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective components. This limited warranty on LED light systems covers the labor for a period of one (1) year from the original date of purchase. After one (1) year the purchaser is solely responsible for any labor costs associated with the repair or replacement of a defective component. OZONATORS Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the factory installed ozonators will not malfunction due to defects in the ozonator for a period of one (1) year from the date of original retail purchase. If the ozonators malfunction due to a defect in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defec- tive components including parts and labor. LEGACY WHIRLPOOL BY MASTER SPAS: LIMITED WARRANTY

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SKIRTING. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the optional MasterTech™ skirting will not crack or rip due to defects in material for a period of five (5) years from the date of the original retail purchase. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail pur- chaser that the DuraMaster Polymer™ skirting will not crack or rip for the life of the spa. Bowing that can occur under some conditions is considered normal and not covered by this limited warranty. If the skirting on the spa fails due to defects in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective skirting. The cost of shipping and installation of any replacement skirting is the sole responsibility of purchaser (Parts only). LED LIGHT SYSTEM Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser, for a period of one (1) year from the date of original retail purchase that the optional, factory installed LED light system will not malfunction due to defects in workmanship and materials. If the LED light system or any component thereof malfunctions, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective components. This limited warranty on LED light systems covers the labor for a period of one (1) year from the original date of purchase. After one (1) year the purchaser is solely responsible for any labor costs associated with the repair or replacement of a defective component. OZONATORS Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the factory installed ozonators will not malfunction due to defects in the ozonator for a period of one two (12) year years from the date of original retail purchase. If the ozonators malfunction due to a defect in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defec- tive components including parts and labor. LEGACY WHIRLPOOL MAST3RPUR SYSTEM Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the factory installed Mast3rPur system will not malfunction due to defects in the unit for a period of one (1) year from the date of origi- nal retail purchase. If the Mast3rPur system malfunctions due to a defect in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective components including parts and labor. H2X BY MASTER SPAS: LIMITED WARRANTY

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SKIRTING. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the optional MasterTech™ skirting will not crack or rip due to defects in material for a period of five (5) years from the date of the original retail purchase. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail pur- chaser that the DuraMaster Polymer™ skirting will not crack or rip for the life of the spa. Bowing that can occur under some conditions is considered normal and not covered by this limited warranty. If the skirting on the spa fails due to defects in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective skirting. The cost of shipping and installation of any replacement skirting is the sole responsibility of purchaser (Parts only). LED LIGHT SYSTEM Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser, for a period of one (1) year from the date of original retail purchase that the optional, factory installed LED light system will not malfunction due to defects in workmanship and materials. If the LED light system or any component thereof malfunctions, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective components. This limited warranty on LED light systems covers the labor for a period of one (1) year from the original date of purchase. After one (1) year the purchaser is solely responsible for any labor costs associated with the repair or replacement of a defective component. OZONATORS Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the factory installed ozonators will not malfunction due to defects in the ozonator for a period of one two (12) year years from the date of original retail purchase. If the ozonators malfunction due to a defect in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defec- tive components including parts and labor. LEGACY WHIRLPOOL HEALTHY LIVING HOT TUBS BY MASTER SPAS: LIMITED WARRANTY

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SKIRTING. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the optional MasterTechMastertech™ skirting will not crack or rip due to defects in material for a period of five (5) years from the date of the original retail purchase. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail pur- chaser that the DuraMaster duraMaster Polymer™ skirting will not crack or rip for the life of the spa. Bowing that can occur under some conditions is considered normal and not covered by this limited warranty. If the skirting on the spa fails due to defects in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective skirting. The the cost of shipping and installation of any replacement skirting is the sole responsibility of purchaser (Parts only). LED LIGHT LiGHT SYSTEM Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser, for a period of one three (13) year years from the date of original retail purchase that the optional, factory installed LED Led light system will not malfunction due to defects in workmanship and materials. If the LED Led light system or any component thereof malfunctions, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective components. This this limited warranty on LED Led light systems covers the labor for a period of one (1) year from the original date of purchase. After one (1) year the purchaser is solely responsible for any labor costs associated with the repair or replacement of a defective component. tWILIGHt SPAS BY MASteR SPAS: EXTENDED WARRANTY OZONATORS Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the factory installed ozonators will not malfunction due to defects in the ozonator for a period of one two (12) year years from the date of original retail purchase. If the ozonators malfunction due to a defect in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defec- tive components including parts and labor. LEGACY WHIRLPOOL EXcLuSiONS this limited warranty is enforceable only by the original retail pur- chaser. Light bulbs, light lenses, fuses, covers, spa pillows or any dealer installed accessories are specifically excluded from this limited warranty. All warranties are void if the spa is placed in commercial service. In the event it is necessary to remove the spa from the resi- dential premises to repair or replace any warrantable item, any and all cost of spa removal and replacement including but not limited to removal of the original spa and transportation of the replacement spa, damages to landscaping, decking, fencing or other structural alteration, or any cost related to obtaining access to the spa are the sole responsibility of the purchaser. LiMiTATiONS this limited warranty does not apply to malfunctions if the spa has been subject to misuse, alteration or attempted alteration, repairs or attempted repairs by a non-approved service center or if a failure or malfunction is due to improper installation, improper water chem- istry, improper maintenance, an act of God, weather conditions or other damage from causes beyond the control of Master Spas, Inc.. Misuse or abuse shall mean operation of the spa other than in con- formity with the Master Spas, Inc. Owners Manual. Such misuse and abuse shall include but not be limited to the following: • Damage of the spa surface caused by leaving the spa uncovered or due to covering the spa with plastic film of any kind. • Damage to the spa surface caused by contact with unapproved cleaners or solvents. • Damage caused by operation of the spa at water temperatures outside the range of 34˚ F - 104˚ F. • Freeze damage • Damage caused by unapproved sanitizers such as calcium, sodium hypochlorite, “tri-chlor” type chlorines or any sanitizing chemical that may remain un-dissolved on the spa surface. • Damages or malfunction due to a dirty, clogged, calcified filters or use of an unapproved filter cartridge. • Damages or malfunction caused by failure to provide even proper support for the spa. • Damages or malfunction caused during installation of the spa. Master Spas, Inc. reserves the rights to void the equipment warranty should any damages occur to the system from the use of filter car- tridges other than those approved by Master Spas, Inc. Master Spas, Inc. in its sole discretion shall determine if any damage to equipment is the result of the use of an unapproved filter. WARRANTY REGiSTRATiON AND WARRANTY cLAiM pROcEDuRE the original retail purchaser must within ten (10) days from the date of the original retail purchase, register on line at www.masterspas. com. In the event of a warranty claim of a defect or malfunction covered under the provisions of this limited warranty, the original retail purchaser must first notify in writing the retail dealer who sold the spa within ten (10) days of the initial malfunction or discovery of defect. If the retail dealer does not provide service, then the purchas- er should contact Master Spas, Inc. customer service department, via the web site, or provide written notice of the malfunction or defect at the address below. Within a reasonable time of receipt of the notice of the warranty claim, the retail dealer or an approved inde- pendent service center representative will inspect the spa to deter- mine if the malfunction or defect is a covered malfunction or defect under this limited warranty. If it is determined that the malfunction is not covered by this limited warranty, the cost of the service call is the sole responsibility of the purchaser. If it is determined that the malfunction or defect is covered under this limited warranty, Master Spas, Inc. through the retail dealer, or approved independent ser- vice center will repair or replace the covered item. Master Spas, Inc. reserves the right for it’s dealers or approved service centers to col- lect from the retail purchaser reasonable travel expenses. In addition, access charges will be assessed if the spa is not reasonably assessable for inspection, repair or replacement. this limited warranty is extend- ed only to the original retail purchaser and is not transferable. this limited warranty becomes void upon the transfer of ownership of the spa or moving of the spa to a different location. DiScLAiMERS MASteR SPAS, InC. neItHeR ASSUMeS nOR dO We AUtHORIZe AnY OtHeR PeRSOn tO ASSUMe FOR US, AnY OtHeR LIABILItY In COnneCtIOn WItH tHe SALe OF SPAS MAnUFACtURed BY MASTER MASteR SPAS: LIMITED WARRANTY, InC. tHIS LIMIted WARRAntY SHALL Be tHe exCLUSIVe ReMedY AVAILABLe tO A PURCHASeR And MASteR SPAS, InC. SHALL nOt Be LIABLe FOR AnY InCIdentAL OR COnSeQUentIAL dAMAGeS ReSULtInG FROM MISUSe OF tHe SPA OR CAUSed BY AnY deFeCt, FAILURe OR MALFUnCtIOn OF tHe SPA, WHetHeR A CLAIM IS BASed UPOn WARRAntY, COntRACt, neGLIGenCe OR OtHeRWISe. SOMe StAteS dO nOt ALLOW tHe exCLUSIOn OF InCIdentAL OR COnSeQUentIAL dAMAGeS, SO tHIS LIMItAtIOn MAY nOt APPLY tO YOU. tO tHe extent PeRMItted BY APPLICABLe LAW, tHIS LIMIted WARRAntY SPeCIFICALLY exCLUdeS AnY And ALL IMPLIed WARRAntIeS OF MeRCHAntABILItY And/OR FItneSS FOR A PARtICULAR PURPOSe, OtHeRWISe ALL IMPLIed WARRAntIeS ARe LIMIted In dURAtIOn tO tWO (2) YeARS FROM tHe ORIGInAL dAte OF RetAIL PURCHASe. SOMe StAteS dO nOt ALLOW tHe LIMItAtIOn OF tHe dURAtIOn OF IMPLIed WARRAntIeS, SO tHIS LIMItAtIOn MAY nOt APPLY tO YOU. tHeRe ARe nO OtHeR WARRAntIeS, eItHeR exPReSSed OR IMPLIed, OF AnY KInd OR nAtURe WHICH extend BeYOnd tHe deSCRIPtIOn On tHe FACe HeReOF. SOMe StAteS dO nOt ALLOW tHe LIMItAtIOnS OF ReMedIeS SO tHeSe LIMItAtIOnS MAY nOt APPLY tO YOU. 0000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx • Fort Xxxxx IN 46804 260.436.9100 • 000-000-0000

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SKIRTING. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the optional MasterTech™ skirting will not crack or rip due to defects in material for a period of five (5) years from the date of the original retail purchase. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail pur- chaser that the DuraMaster Polymer™ skirting will not crack or rip for the life of the spa. Bowing that can occur under some conditions is considered normal and not covered by this limited warranty. If the skirting on the spa fails due to defects in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective skirting. The cost of shipping and installation of any replacement skirting is the sole responsibility of purchaser (Parts only). LED LIGHT SYSTEM Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser, for a period of one two (12) year years from the date of original retail purchase that the optional, factory installed LED light system will not malfunction due to defects in workmanship and materials. If the LED light system or any component thereof malfunctions, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective components. This limited warranty on LED light systems covers the labor for a period of one (1) year from the original date of purchase. After one (1) year the purchaser is solely responsible for any labor costs associated with the repair or replacement of a defective component. OZONATORS Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the factory installed ozonators will not malfunction due to defects in the ozonator for a period of one two (12) year years from the date of original retail purchase. If the ozonators malfunction due to a defect in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defec- tive components including parts and labor. LEGACY WHIRLPOOL LEGEND SERIES SPAS BY MASTER SPAS: LIMITED WARRANTY

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SKIRTING. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the optional MasterTechMastertech™ skirting will not crack or rip due to defects in material for a period of five (5) years from the date of the original retail purchase. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail pur- chaser that the DuraMaster duraMaster Polymer™ skirting will not crack or rip for the life of the spa. Bowing that can occur under some conditions is considered normal and not covered by this limited warranty. If the skirting on the spa fails due to defects in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective skirting. The the cost of shipping and installation of any replacement skirting is the sole responsibility of purchaser (Parts only). LED LIGHT LIGhT SYSTEM Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser, for a period of one (1) year from the date of original retail purchase that the optional, factory installed LED Led light system will not malfunction due to defects in workmanship and materials. If the LED Led light system or any component thereof malfunctions, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective components. This this limited warranty on LED Led light systems covers the labor for a period of one (1) year from the original date of purchase. After one (1) year the purchaser is solely responsible for any labor costs associated with the repair or replacement of a defective component. OZONATORS Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the factory installed ozonators will not malfunction due to defects in the ozonator for a period of one (1) year from the date of original retail purchase. If the ozonators malfunction due to a defect in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defec- tive components including parts and labor. LEGACY LeGACY WHIRLPOOL BY MASTER MASteR SPAS: LIMITED WARRANTYEXTENDED WARRANTY EXcLuSIONS this limited warranty is enforceable only by the original retail pur- chaser. Light bulbs, light lenses, fuses, covers, spa pillows or any dealer installed accessories are specifically excluded from this limited warranty. All warranties are void if the spa is placed in commercial service. In the event it is necessary to remove the spa from the resi- dential premises to repair or replace any warrantable item, any and all cost of spa removal and replacement including but not limited to removal of the original spa and transportation of the replacement spa, damages to landscaping, decking, fencing or other structural alteration, or any cost related to obtaining access to the spa are the sole responsibility of the purchaser. LIMITATIONS this limited warranty does not apply to malfunctions if the spa has been subject to misuse, alteration or attempted alteration, repairs or attempted repairs by a non-approved service center or if a failure or malfunction is due to improper installation, improper water chem- istry, improper maintenance, an act of God, weather conditions or other damage from causes beyond the control of Master Spas, Inc.. Misuse or abuse shall mean operation of the spa other than in con- formity with the Master Spas, Inc. Owners Manual. Such misuse and abuse shall include but not be limited to the following: • damage of the spa surface caused by leaving the spa uncovered or due to covering the spa with plastic film of any kind. • damage to the spa surface caused by contact with unapproved cleaners or solvents. • damage caused by operation of the spa at water temperatures outside the range of 34˚ F - 104˚ F. • Freeze damage • damage caused by unapproved sanitizers such as calcium, sodium hypochlorite, “tri-chlor” type chlorines or any sanitizing chemical that may remain un-dissolved on the spa surface. • damages or malfunction due to a dirty, clogged, calcified filters or use of an unapproved filter cartridge. • damages or malfunction caused by failure to provide even proper support for the spa. • damages or malfunction caused during installation of the spa. Master Spas, Inc. reserves the rights to void the equipment warranty should any damages occur to the system from the use of filter car- tridges other than those approved by Master Spas, Inc. Master Spas, Inc. in its sole discretion shall determine if any damage to equipment is the result of the use of an unapproved filter.

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SKIRTING. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the optional MasterTech™ skirting will not crack or rip due to defects in material for a period of five (5) years from the date of the original retail purchase. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail pur- chaser that the DuraMaster Polymer™ skirting will not crack or rip for the life of the spa. Bowing that can occur under some conditions is considered normal and not covered by this limited warranty. If the skirting on the spa fails due to defects in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective skirting. The cost of shipping and installation of any replacement skirting is the sole responsibility of purchaser (Parts only). LED LIGHT SYSTEM Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser, for a period of one (1) year from the date of original retail purchase that the optional, factory installed LED light system will not malfunction due to defects in workmanship and materials. If the LED light system or any component thereof malfunctions, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective components. This limited warranty on LED light systems covers the labor for a period of one (1) year from the original date of purchase. After one (1) year the purchaser is solely responsible for any labor costs associated with the repair or replacement of a defective component. OZONATORS Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the factory installed ozonators will not malfunction due to defects in the ozonator for a period of one two (12) year years from the date of original retail purchase. If the ozonators malfunction due to a defect in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defec- tive components including parts and labor. LEGACY WHIRLPOOL H2X BY MASTER SPAS: LIMITED WARRANTY

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SKIRTING. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the optional MasterTech™ and DreamStone™ skirting will not crack or rip due to defects in material for a period of five (5) years from the date of the original retail purchase. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail pur- chaser purchaser that the DuraMaster Polymer™ skirting will not crack or rip for the life of the spa. Bowing that can occur under some conditions is considered normal and not covered by this limited warranty. If the skirting on the spa fails due to defects in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective defec- tive skirting. The cost of shipping and installation of any replacement skirting is the sole responsibility of purchaser (Parts only). LED LIGHT SYSTEM Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser, for a period of one (1) year from the date of original retail purchase that the optional, factory installed LED light system will not malfunction due to defects in workmanship and materials. If the LED light system or any component thereof malfunctions, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective components. This limited warranty on LED light systems covers the labor for a period of one (1) year from the original date of purchase. After one (1) year the purchaser is solely responsible for any labor costs associated with the repair or replacement of a defective component. OZONATORS Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the factory installed ozonators will not malfunction due to defects in the ozonator for a period of one two (12) year years from the date of original retail purchase. If the ozonators malfunction due to a defect in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defec- tive components including parts and labor. LEGACY WHIRLPOOL MAST3RPUR SYSTEM Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the factory installed Mast3rPur system will not malfunction due to defects in the unit for a period of one (1) year from the date of origi- nal retail purchase. If the Mast3rPur system malfunctions due to a defect in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective components including parts and labor. HEALTHY LIVING HOT TUBS BY MASTER SPAS: LIMITED WARRANTY

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SKIRTING. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the optional MasterTech™ and DreamStone™ skirting will not crack or rip due to defects in material for a period of five (5) years from the date of the original retail purchase. Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail pur- chaser purchaser that the DuraMaster Polymer™ skirting will not crack or rip for the life of the spa. Bowing that can occur under some conditions is considered normal and not covered by this limited warranty. If the skirting on the spa fails due to defects in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective defec- tive skirting. The cost of shipping and installation of any replacement skirting is the sole responsibility of purchaser (Parts only). LED LIGHT SYSTEM Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser, for a period of one (1) year from the date of original retail purchase that the optional, factory installed LED light system will not malfunction due to defects in workmanship and materials. If the LED light system or any component thereof malfunctions, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defective components. This limited warranty on LED light systems covers the labor for a period of one (1) year from the original date of purchase. After one (1) year the purchaser is solely responsible for any labor costs associated with the repair or replacement of a defective component. OZONATORS Master Spas, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser that the factory installed ozonators will not malfunction due to defects in the ozonator for a period of one (1) year from the date of original retail purchase. If the ozonators malfunction due to a defect in materials or workmanship, Master Spas Inc. will either repair or replace the defec- tive components including parts and labor. LEGACY WHIRLPOOL BY MASTER SPAS: LIMITED WARRANTY

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