Welding Sample Clauses
Welding. Welding and use of cutting torches or cutoff saws will be permitted only in areas that have been cleared or are free of all material capable of carrying fire. Flammable debris and vegetation must be removed from within a minimum 10-foot radius of all welding and cutting operations. A shovel and a 5-gallon standard backpack water container filled and with handpump attached shall be immediately available for use in the event of a fire start. C8.212 – MARKET-RELATED CONTRACT TERM ADDITION (11/08). The term of this contract may be adjusted when a drastic reduction in wood product prices has occurred in accordance with 36 CFR 223.52. The Producer Price Index used to determine when a drastic reduction in price has occurred is stated in A20. Purchaser will be notified whenever the Chief determines that a drastic reduction in wood product prices has occurred. If the drastic reduction criteria specified in 36 CFR 223.52 are met for 2 consecutive calendar quarters, after contract award date, Contracting Officer will add 1 year to the contract term, upon Purchaser’s written request. For each additional consecutive quarter such a drastic reduction occurs, Contracting Officer will, upon written request, add an additional 3 months to the term during Normal Operating Season, except that no single 3-month addition shall extend the term of the contract by more than one year. Contracting Officer must receive Purchaser’s written request for a market-related contract term addition before the expiration of this contract. No more than 3 years shall be added to a contract's term by market-related contract term addition unless the following conditions are met:
Welding. Welding and use of cutting torches or cutoff saws will be permitted only in areas that have been cleared or are free of all material capable of carrying fire. Flammable debris and vegetation must be removed from within a minimum 10-foot radius of all welding and cutting operations. A shovel and a 5-gallon standard backpack water container filled and with handpump attached shall be immediately available for use in the event of a fire start. C8.64 – DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION CERTIFICATION (3/18). Pursuant to 2 CFR 180 and 2 CFR 417, Purchaser shall certify and obtain certifications from its Subcontractors regarding debarment, suspension, ineligibility, and voluntary exclusion, including additional Subcontractors obtained after award of this contract. “Subcontractors” are participants in lower tier covered transactions. Purchaser may rely upon a certification of a prospective Subcontractor that it is not proposed for debarment under 48 CFR 9.4, debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating in covered transactions or timber sales, unless Purchaser knows that the certification is erroneous. Purchaser shall keep the certifications of its Subcontractors on file until timber sale Termination Date and any extensions thereof, and will provide a copy at the written request of Contracting Officer. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this Subsection. The knowledge and information of Purchaser is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. If Purchaser knowingly enters into a timber sale transaction with a person who is proposed for debarment under 48 CFR 9.4, suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in covered transactions or timber sales, in addition to other remedies available to the Government, Forest Service may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. Contracting Officer shall provide a copy of Forms AD-1047 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters – Primary Covered Transactions and AD-1048 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion – Lower Tier Covered Transactions to the Purchaser. Purchaser shall complete form AD-1047 and provide to the Contracting Officer upon request. Purchaser shall require...
Welding. Welding and use of cutting torches or cutoff saws will be permitted only in areas that have been cleared or are free of all material capable of carrying fire. Flammable debris and vegetation must be removed from within a minimum 10-foot radius of all welding and cutting operations. A shovel and a 5-gallon standard backpack water container filled and with handpump attached shall be immediately available for use in the event of a fire start. C7.21 - WATER HANDLING EQUIPMENT (3/21). The following requirements shall apply during the period stated in A12 and during other such periods as specified by the Forest Service. Purchaser shall provide at a location satisfactory to Forest Service, a serviceable truck or trailer equipped with a firefighting tanker unit to be kept ready for instant use for fire suppression. The unit shall consist of a tank of not less than 100-gallon capacity upon which shall be mounted a live hose reel or live hose basket with 250 feet of a least 3/4-inch inside diameter heavy-duty rubber hose; a portable or power takeoff pump with discharge capacity of at least 20 gallons per minute at 70 P.S.I. pressure. Pumps shall be provided with a bypass or pressure relief valve so the hose nozzle may be shut while the pump is operating. Each tanker unit shall have a hose nozzle of the shut-off type, adjustable for straight stream, spray or fog, an additional 250 feet of 3/4-inch heavy-duty rubber hose or 1-inch cotton jacket rubber-lined or linen hose to be carried on the unit for use as needed. Tools, adapters, accessories and fuel necessary to operate the pump and truck or trailer shall be provided. If a trailer is used, a serviceable vehicle with the proper trailer tow hitch shall be located at a point satisfactory to Forest Service. Where water is available, a supply sufficient for rapidly filling the water tank shall be agreed upon at one or more accessible points along or adjacent to the main truck roads. Water pump intakes shall have at least 12 feet of 1-inch suction hose with an intake screen less than our equal to 3/32 inch in pore size. Skidders, dozers, pumper cats, and engines with mounted or quick connect tanks, meeting current NRCG minimum standards will be an acceptable substitute to a pump and trailer except the use of a Type 7 engines. Type 7 engines may not be used as a substitute for pump and trailer. NORTHERN ROCKIES CCOORDINATING GROUP (NRCG) minimum standards can be found at: xxxxx://xxxx.xxxx.xxx/nrcc/nrcg/committees/busines...
Welding. The Employer agrees to pay Employees covered by this Agreement (excluding Groundmen, Operators and all apprentices) a premium of fifty cents ($0.50) per hour for all hours spent welding, but not less than one-half shift.
Welding. It is recognized that the processes of welding and burning are tools of the trade represented by the Union, and pay for such work shall be as specified in Appendix A for journeyman classifications. Employees required to take a welding test shall be paid for the time consumed in the test if they pass it successfully.
Welding. Whenever the plans and specifications call for welding of joints in reinforcement bars in lieu of lapping them, the bars shall be butt welded so as to transmit their full strength. Welded joints should preferably be located at positions where the steel will not be subject to more than 75% of the maximum permissible stresses and the welds should be so staggered that anyone section not more than 50% of the rods are welded. Only electric welding using a process which will exclude air from the molten metal be accepted. Welding shall conform to Clause No.10-21.
Welding. 10-21-1 Scope :-
10-21-2 Materials :-
Welding. Any certified welder covered by this Agreement, who does certified welding work shall receive a minimum of one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per hour over their basic wage rate, but not less than four (4) hour's pay per day.
Welding. For special structural welds, the Contractor may engage an independent third party consultant to perform non- destructive examinations (RT, LT, HT, UT) in accordance with all applicable codes and standards.
Welding. 1. Welding and welded joints shall be in accordance with AWS standards. Work shall be performed by operators who have been qualified by test in accordance with AWS D1.1, “Structural Welding Code – Steel”, to perform type of work required for this project.
2. All methods, sequence, qualifications and procedures, including preheating, post heating, etc. shall be detailed in writing and submitted for review by the testing laboratory and results provided to Owner. Provisions shall be made in detailing of lengths of members for dimensional changes as a result of shrinkage stresses so as to provide specified finished dimensions.
3. Remove all runoff tabs, and bottom backing bars. Top backup bars to be removed or have continuous fillet weld to column.