STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies and Procedures for 11 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 limited to: standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 to ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant to 16 this Contract all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards set 17 forth in the said Policies and Procedures. A copy of the said Policies and Procedures shall be posted in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directors.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies and Procedures for 11 27 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 28 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition prohibitio n of 14 30 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 31 to the ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant 32 to 16 this Contract Agreement all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards standard s 33 set 17 forth in the said Policies and Procedures. A copy of the said Policies and Procedures shall be posted 34 in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directors.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services, Agreement for Provision of Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies and Procedures for 11 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 to the ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant 16 to 16 this Contract Agreement all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards 17 set 17 forth in the said Policies and Procedures. A copy of the said Policies and Procedures shall be posted 18 in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directors.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Perinatal Drug Medi Cal Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies policies and Procedures procedures for 11 29 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 30 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 32 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 33 to the ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant 34 to 16 this Contract the Agreement all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards 35 set 17 forth in the said Policies policies and Proceduresprocedures. A copy of the said Policies policies and Procedures procedures shall be provided to 36 each Client upon admission and shall be posted in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directorsfacility.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Drug Medi Cal Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies policies and Procedures procedures for 11 15 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 16 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 18 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 19 to ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant to 16 this 20 the Contract all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards set 17 21 forth in the said Policies policies and Proceduresprocedures. A copy of the said Policies policies and Procedures procedures shall be provided to 22 each Client upon admission and shall be posted in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directorsfacility.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Drug Medi Cal Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies and Procedures for 11 37 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 1 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 3 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 4 to the ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant 5 to 16 this Contract Agreement all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards 6 set 17 forth in the said Policies and Procedures. A copy of the said Policies and Procedures shall be posted 7 in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directors.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Adult Residential Drug Medi Cal Withdrawal Management Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies policies and Procedures procedures for 11 23 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 24 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 26 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 27 to the ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant 28 to 16 this Contract the Agreement all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards 29 set 17 forth in the said Policies policies and Proceduresprocedures. A copy of the said Policies policies and Procedures 30 procedures shall be provided to each Client upon admission and shall be posted in 18 writing in a 31 prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directors.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies and Procedures for 11 17 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 18 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 20 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 21 to the ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant 22 to 16 this Contract Agreement all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards 23 set 17 forth in the said Policies and Procedures. A copy of the said Policies and Procedures shall be posted 24 in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directors.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies policies and Procedures procedures for 11 4 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 5 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 7 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 8 to the ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant 9 to 16 this Contract the Agreement all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards 10 set 17 forth in the said Policies policies and Proceduresprocedures. A copy of the said Policies policies and Procedures procedures shall be provided to 11 each Client upon admission and shall be posted in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directorsfacility.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Drug Medi Cal Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies policies and Procedures procedures for 11 9 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 10 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 12 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 13 to the ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant 14 to 16 this the Contract all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards set 17 15 forth in the said Policies policies and Proceduresprocedures. A copy of the said Policies policies and Procedures procedures shall be provided to each 16 Client upon admission and shall be posted in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and 17 updated annually by the Board of Directors.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies policies and Procedures procedures for 11 30 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 31 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 33 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 34 to ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant to 16 this 35 the Contract all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards set 17 36 forth in the said Policies policies and Proceduresprocedures. A copy of the said Policies policies and Procedures procedures shall be provided to 37 each Client upon admission and shall be posted in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directorsfacility.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Drug Medi Cal Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies and Procedures for 11 15 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 16 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 18 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 19 to the ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant 20 to 16 this Contract Agreement all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards 21 set 17 forth in the said Policies and Procedures. A copy of the said Policies and Procedures shall be posted 22 in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directors.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Adult Residential Drug Medi Cal Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies policies and Procedures procedures for 11 14 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 15 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 17 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 18 to the ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant 19 to 16 this Contract the Agreement all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards 20 set 17 forth in the said Policies policies and Proceduresprocedures. A copy of the said Policies policies and Procedures 21 procedures shall be provided to each Client upon admission and shall be posted in 18 writing in a prominent place 00 xxxxxxxxx xxxxx in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directors.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies and Procedures for 11 5 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 6 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 8 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 9 to the ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant 10 to 16 this Contract the Agreement all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards 11 set 17 forth in the said Policies and Procedures. A copy of the said Policies and Procedures staff code of conduct shall be posted in 18 12 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and be updated annually by the Board of Directors.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Co Occurring Residential Treatment Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies policies and Procedures procedures for 11 13 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 14 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 16 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 17 to ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant to 16 this 18 the Contract all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards set 17 19 forth in the said Policies policies and Proceduresprocedures. A copy of the said Policies policies and Procedures procedures shall be provided to 20 each Client upon admission and shall be posted in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directorsfacility.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Drug Medi Cal Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies policies and Procedures procedures for 11 12 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 13 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 15 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 16 to the ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant 17 to 16 this Contract the Agreement all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards 18 set 17 forth in the said Policies policies and Proceduresprocedures. A copy of the said Policies policies and Procedures procedures shall be provided to 19 each Client upon admission and shall be posted in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directorsfacility.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Drug Medi Cal Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies and Procedures for 11 30 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 31 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition prohibitio n of 14 33 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 34 to the ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant 35 to 16 this Contract Agreement all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards standard s 36 set 17 forth in the said Policies and Procedures. A copy of the said Policies and Procedures shall be posted 37 in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directors.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies policies and Procedures procedures for 11 15 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 16 limited to: , standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 18 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 19 to the ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant 20 to 16 this Contract the Agreement all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards 21 set 17 forth in the said Policies policies and Proceduresprocedures. A copy of the said Policies policies and Procedures procedures shall be provided to 22 each Client upon admission and shall be posted in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directorsfacility.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Drug Medi Cal Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services