Duties of Teachers. 20.1 For the purpose of this clause Teacher includes Head Teachers, Special Program Coordinators and Adult Literacy Officers.
20.2 Teachers perform a broad range of duties that include the following activities: Direct Teaching Activities Duties Related to Teaching Direct teaching activities include but are not Duties related to teaching include but are not limited to: limited to: - face to face teaching in any environment or setting, including but not limited to: preparation; marking; - classrooms, support and advice to clients; - workshops, enrolment and administration; - industry - in the field; course, curriculum and program development and review; industry and community liaison and promotion; - distance mode and online; training and professional development; development of learning materials; - workplace training and assessment. research; attendance at staff meetings; recognition of prior learning; workplace consultancy and advisory services; skills analysis and audit; work placement coordination and supervision; leading approved staff development activities; student selection; course coordination as specified in curriculum documents.
20.3 Head Teachers also perform administrative, leadership and management duties. Special Program Coordinators and Adult Literacy Officers perform administrative and coordination duties.
Duties of Teachers. Teachers shall carry out their duties in accordance with the regulations of Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning and of the school system under the direction of the principal.
1. Teachers shall be responsible for taking all reasonable precautions to safeguard the health and general well-being of pupils in their charge and for any or all pupils of the school as assigned by the principal of the school. They shall enforce the rules governing the conduct of pupils as such rules may be prescribed by Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning, the School Board, the Superintendent, or the principal. They shall establish conditions and practices in their classrooms that will contribute to the physical and mental health of the pupils and they shall report promptly to the principal any serious accident or illness affecting pupils in their charge.
2. Teachers shall register in person in their respective buildings and be on duty at least fifteen (15) minutes before the opening hour in the morning and five (5) minutes before the opening hour in the afternoon.
3. Teachers shall be responsible for the order in their rooms and the adjacent hall, and during the assembling or dismissing of the school shall, under the direction of the principal, supervise the movement of pupils to and from the room.
4. The following regulations shall be followed when a teacher is absent:
(a) When a teacher is going to be absent, the teacher shall telephone the Absence Reporting and Substitute system or any other place that may be designated by the Administration and record the absence, the reason for the absence, and whether or not the absence requires a substitute, prior to 7:15 a.m. on the morning of the day on which the substitute is required.
(b) If a teacher is going to cancel an absence previously recorded on the Absence Reporting and Substitute System, the teacher shall telephone the System to cancel. If the cancellation is less than 24 hours prior to the start of the absence, or part-way through the absence, the teacher shall telephone the System Help Line to cancel. In the case of a teacher returning in the afternoon, the teacher shall telephone the System Help Desk and the school before 11:00 a.m.
(c) When, through the default of a teacher, a substitute reports for duty and is not required, the teacher concerned will be charged with the salary of the substitute, for the extra session.
(d) When a teacher requires a substitute for an absence other than illness, after permission for...
Duties of Teachers. A. The certificated personnel are expected to function within the policies and guidelines as established by the Employer, Superintendent, and building principals. Every Teacher will be furnished a schedule by the building principal stating his/her additional assignments of hall duty, bus duty, and lunch duty. These assignments will be divided equally/equitably among all Teachers in the building as part of his/her regular responsibilities.
B. Teachers shall conform to the school hours set by the Employer, including deviations from the regular school day as determined by the Superintendent.
C. Teachers shall attend all faculty meetings called by the Principal, Department Head, Coordinator, or Superintendent, before, during or after school unless excused by the person calling the meeting prior to the time of the meeting.
1. Teachers shall not be required to attend more than one (1) faculty meeting of sixty (60) minutes per month except in cases of urgent necessity. Additional meetings may be determined at the discretion of the Superintendent, not to exceed two (2) one (1) hour meetings per month through June 30, 2021.
2. Secondary Teachers assigned to more than one building shall be responsible for assigned extra duties at the home base only, unless mutually agreed to. The amount of duties shall be the same amount as other Teachers at the home base building.
3. Special area elementary Teachers will have the same amount of duties as regular elementary Teachers.
D. The primary duty of a Teacher is to carry on the actual instructional program which includes not only the teaching of the subject matter but also assisting with duties and activities which further the growth of the whole child and assists in his/her overall development. Extra-curricular activities are considered an integral part of the overall school program. Consequently, Teachers are expected to share in supervising non-classroom or extra-curricular activities during the Teacher day. Teachers shall be expected to attend their school's open house. Teachers may volunteer but shall not be required to perform any additional curricular or extra- curricular duties beyond the Teacher's contract day (more than once per year). This provision shall not be construed in such a manner as to provide the Employer with the authority to assign Teachers in a "police" function.
E. The primary role of a building principal shall be to administer his/her building and to serve as an educational leader in the building. In...
Duties of Teachers. The duties of the teachers shall include but shall not be limited to the following:
Duties of Teachers. Recognizing that the professional tasks of teachers involves considerably more time and effort than that devoted to actual class instruction and recognizing that all instructional personnel must work together and are the key to a successful educational experience for all students, the following partial list of regulations regarding specific duties of teachers will be adhered to:
Duties of Teachers. Teachers, except Teachers Teaching on Call and those teachers whose assignment is that of permanent Teacher Teaching on Call, shall not be required:
a. to perform the instructional duties of a teacher who is absent; or
b. to supervise the students of a teacher who is absent; or
c. to supervise study sessions or other classroom supervision except in the following circumstances:
i. within the assigned instructional time limit of 1325 minutes per week at elementary levels and 1352 minutes per week at secondary levels; or
ii. by mutual agreement; or
iii. in the case of an emergency.
Duties of Teachers. 1401 A principal may schedule one (1) regular faculty meeting per month with at least two (2) days prior notice. Faculty meetings may be called before or after school. Such meeting shall be held to a maximum of forty-five (45) minutes beyond the teacher day. The principal reserves the right to call additional meetings for matters that are not regular or routine.
Duties of Teachers. 11.01 It is the duty of a teacher in a public school to:
(i) respect the rights of students;
(ii) teach diligently the subjects and courses of study prescribed by the regulations that are assigned to the teacher by the Education Entity;
(iii) implement teaching strategies that xxxxxx a positive and inclusive learning environment aimed at helping students achieve learning outcomes;
(iv) respond to and encourage students in the pursuit of learning;
(v) monitor the effectiveness of the teaching strategies by analyzing outcomes achieved;
(vi) acknowledge and, to the extent reasonable, accommodate differences in learning styles;
(vii) participate in individual program planning and implement individual program plans, as required, for students with special needs;
(viii) communicate regularly with students regarding their learning expectations and progress and provide feedback to xxxxxx success;
(ix) conduct ongoing assessments and evaluations of students as are necessary to monitor and document student progress;
(x) administer such evaluation and assessment instruments as required by the Education Entity or by the Minister;
(xi) take all reasonable steps necessary to create and maintain an orderly and safe learning environment;
(xii) maintain appropriate order and discipline in the school or room in the teacher’s charge and report to the principal or other person in charge of the school the conduct of any student who is persistently defiant or disobedient;
(xiii) maintain an attitude of concern for the dignity and welfare of each student and encourage in each student an attitude of concern for the dignity and welfare of others and a respect for religion, morality, truth, justice, love of country, humanity, equality, industry, temperance, and all other virtues;
(xiv) attend to the health, comfort, and safety of the students;
(xv) report immediately to the principal the existence of any infectious or contagious disease in the school or the existence of any unsanitary condition in the school buildings or surroundings, and perform such duties as are from time to time prescribed by or under the Health Protection Act;
(xvi) take all reasonable steps to secure full and regular attendance at school of the students under the teacher’s supervision;
(xvii) keep accurate attendance records and report absent students to the principal as prescribed by the regulations;
(xviii) communicate regularly with parents in accordance with policies established by the Education Entity;
Duties of Teachers. The teacher has a right to be warned in writing that his or her work is not satisfactory or up to expectations. The superintendent, at his discretion, may impose a probationary period of not to exceed one school year, in order to allow the teacher to correct his/her deficiency. The warning should deal with specific things and state the consequences if improvement is not forthcoming.
Duties of Teachers. The teacher must comply with and carry out all rules and regulations as prescribed by current Montana Law.