Statistical Methodology Sample Clauses

Statistical Methodology. 4.1 For all submeasurements with benchmark standards (“benchmark submeasurements”), as designated in the PIDs, the determination of CenturyLink QC’s conformance with Plan and PID standards will involve comparing performance levels reported for submeasurements against benchmarks established in the PIDs on a “stare- and-compare” basis (i.e., with no additional statistical methodology applied). 4.2 For all submeasurements with parity standards (“parity submeasurements”), as designated in the PIDs, the determination of CenturyLink QC’s conformance with Plan and PID standards will involve comparing statistical z-scores associated with performance levels reported for submeasurements against statistical critical values as defined in Section 5.0. The calculation of z-scores will be based on a statistical test, called the “modified z- test,” as defined in Section 4.4 below, to determine whether a parity condition exists between the results for CenturyLink QC and for CLEC. 4.3 For the purpose of this Section, the CenturyLink QC results will be the CenturyLink QC monthly retail results as specified in the PIDs. 4.4 The modified z-test shall be applicable if the CLEC sample size is greater than 30 for a given submeasurement. The formula for determining parity using the z-test is: z = DIFF / σDIFF Where: DIFF = MCenturyLink QC – MCLEC MCenturyLink QC = CenturyLink QC average or proportion MCLEC = CLEC average or proportion σDIFF = square root [σ2 CenturyLink QC (1/ n CLEC + 1/ n CenturyLink QC)] σ2CenturyLink QC = Calculated variance for CenturyLink QC nCenturyLink QC = number of observations or samples used in CenturyLink QC submeasurement nCLEC = number of observations or samples used in CLEC submeasurement In calculating the difference between CenturyLink QC and CLEC performance, the above formula applies when a larger CenturyLink QC value indicates a better level of performance. In cases where a smaller CenturyLink QC value indicates a higher level of performance, the order is reversed, i.e., MCLEC - MCenturyLink QC . 4.5 For parity submeasurements for which the number of data points is less than or equal to 30, CenturyLink QC will apply a permutation test to determine statistical significance. For such parity submeasurements reported as percentages, where the number of data points is less than or equal to 30, CenturyLink QC will apply an exact proportions test (a form of permutation testing that applies to metrics reported as percentages). The permutation test for...
Statistical Methodology. 4.1 For all submeasurements with benchmark standards (“benchmark submeasurements”), as designated in the PIDs, the determination of CenturyLink QC’s conformance with Plan and PID standards will involve comparing performance levels reported for submeasurements against benchmarks established in the PIDs on a “stare-and-compare” basis (i.e., with no additional statistical methodology applied). For all submeasurements with parity standards (“parity submeasurements”), as designated in the PIDs, the determination of CenturyLink QC’s conformance with Plan and PID standards will involve comparing statistical z-scores associated with performance levels reported for submeasurements against statistical critical values as defined in Section 5.0. The calculation of z-scores will be based on a statistical test, called the “modified z-test,” as defined in Section 4.4 below, to determine whether a parity condition exists between the results for CenturyLink QC and for CLEC.
Statistical Methodology. The primary analysis planned for this study is to evaluate the PK of LOXO-305 after a single dose in subjects with mild, moderate, or severe hepatic impairment, compared to subjects with normal hepatic function. To evaluate the effect of hepatic function group on the PK of a single dose of LOXO-305, paired t-tests will be performed for each hepatic impairment group (by CP classification) versus the normal group with respect to 1-to-1 matching. In addition, an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) will be performed on the natural log (ln)- transformed AUC0-t, AUC0-inf, and Cmax. The ANCOVA model will contain a categorical factor of population for subjects with varied-degree hepatic impairment (severe, moderate, and mild by CP classification) and healthy matched-control subjects, a categorical covariate (sex), and continuous covariates (age and BMI). Ratios of least squares means and 90% confidence intervals (CIs) will be calculated using the exponentiation of the difference between hepatic function cohort least squares means from the ANCOVA analyses on the ln-transformed AUC0-t, AUC0-inf, and Cmax. In addition, an ANCOVA will be performed on the natural log (ln)-transformed unbound AUC0-t, unbound AUC0-inf, and unbound Cmax. The specific procedures will be documented in the SAP. Similar ANCOVA analysis will be applied for evaluating the effect of hepatic function group by NCI-ODWG classification.

Related to Statistical Methodology

  • Statistical Data The statistical, industry-related and market-related data included in the Registration Statement, the Sale Preliminary Prospectus, and/or the Prospectus are based on or derived from sources that the Company reasonably and in good faith believes are reliable and accurate, and such data materially agree with the sources from which they are derived.

  • Methodology 1. The price at which the Assuming Institution sells or disposes of Qualified Financial Contracts will be deemed to be the fair market value of such contracts, if such sale or disposition occurs at prevailing market rates within a predefined timetable as agreed upon by the Assuming Institution and the Receiver. 2. In valuing all other Qualified Financial Contracts, the following principles will apply: