Examples of Significance Level in a sentence
According to Significance Level of the identified stakeholders, the conditions will be considered as follows: Any stakeholders that are not identified at this stage of the Project may directly contact KOSGEB PIU to make themselves and their needs known to facilitate the effective implementation of the SEP.
Team work moderates the relationship between communication skills and project success.Moderation –Interpersonal Skills (Moderator: Team Work)StepsIVDVR2F StatBBetaT valueSig.1.TINPERS(IV)TPS(DV).07814.8921.120.2793.859.000**2.TINPERS(IV)TTW(MV).09919.354.886.3154.399.000**3.TTW(MV)TPS(DV).626294.0451.127.79117.148.000**4.(IVxMV)TPS(DV).454146.530.079.67412.105.000**** Significance Level p<0.01 Step 1: Independent variable effect on dependent variable.
Conservation Significance Level 3.The Square-tailed Kite, Southern Emu-wren, Scarlet Robin and White-breasted Robin are of local conservation significance and all have declined in areas of clearing and development, such as around Perth (DEP 2000).
Conservation Significance Level 3The Brushtail Possum and Western Freetail Bat both appear to be uncommon in the region.
Table 2 List of Stakeholders Stakeholders Stakeholders Significance Level (Interest and Influence) provides information about the level of participation, how to establish a relationship with the stakeholders, how they will be informed, and the continuity and level of the established communication, in line with the needs of the stakeholders, depending on their sensitivity related to their impact-interest level.
Hypothesis tested at Significance Level α=0.05H03: There is no statistically significant relationship between church based cultural programmes and male initiates’ attitude towards responsible adulthood in Meru County, Kenya.
ADF Result at Significance Level VariablesADF Test Statistic1%5%10%lagOrder of integrationGDP MCAP TNIVLT-2.1471750.016253-0.904397-1093589-3.7204-3.7204-3.7204-3.7204-2.9850-2.9850-2.9850-2.9850-2.6318-2.6318-2.6318-2.63181122Non-stationary Non-stationary Non-stationaryNon-stationarySource: Researchers’ E-view 7.0 result.
Team work moderates the relationship between interpersonal skills and project success.Moderation –Coordination skills (Moderator: Team Work)StepsIVDVR2F StatBBetaT valueSig.1.TCOORD(IV)TPS(DV).708425.9482.089.84120.639.000**2.TCOORD(IV)TTW(MV).398116.2301.099.63110.781.000**3.TTW(MV)TPS(DV).626294.0451.127.79117.148.000**4.(IVxMV)TPS(DV).832871.274.072.91229.517.000**** Significance Level p<0.01 Step 1: Independent variable effect on dependent variable.
Table 6: Structural EstimatesHypothesisEffect ofEffect On(*** Significance level – 0.001; * - Significance Level- 0.1) It was imperative to compute the explanatory power of the research model based on the explained variance (R2) of the endogenous constructs.
Each of these periods has a Significance Level (SL) of SL <1% with the definition of SL as a test of the proba- bility of rejecting the null hypothesis given thatit is true.