Status of Engagement. 9.1 The Consultant status shall be that of an independent contractor and shall not be deemed to be an agent or employee of TEL for any purpose whatsoever.
9.2 The Consultant shall be designated as ‘‘Consultant” and shall be issued with TEL business card and a TEL’s email ID. The Consultant is bound to use TEL’s email ID only for official purpose and should strictly follow the network security policy of TEL.
9.3 Consultant shall render the Services with promptness and diligence and will execute the same in a workmanlike manner, consistent with required levels of quality and performance as agreed upon by the Parties
9.4 Consultant shall use best efforts to do all things necessary or desirable to give full effect to this Agreement.
9.5 Consultant shall not make any binding financial commitments on behalf TEL without prior authorization from TEL.
Status of Engagement. The engagement of crew from outsourcing will be only through manpower supply contract and purely on temporary basis. The individual will not have any claim for absorption in IWAI on a regular basis for having been engaged for a specific period. To ensure such action the contractor should enter into an agreement with every individual to the effect that they will not have any claim for absorption on a regular basis irrespective of duration of engagement.
Status of Engagement. The work of xxxxxxx, operation & maintenance of survey vessels i.e. contract management of vessels is outsourced completely and no individual operating the vessel will have any claim for absorption in IWAI on a regular basis for having been engaged for a specific period. On completion of contract the vessel will be handed over to IWAI without any crew or encumbrance.