Superstructure Sample Clauses
Superstructure. Reinforced cement concrete frame structure or load bearing masonry structure in accordance with applicable earthquake zone and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) codes (refer note 14-j).
Superstructure. 2.1 All external walls to be 220mm thick and internal walls to be 110mm thick, constructed with standard 7 MPA cement bricks.
2.2 Pre-cast, pre-stressed concrete lintels will be used over windows and larger than 900mm door openings Reinforced concrete beams will only be used if so specified by the engineer.
2.3 Surface beds according to Engineers design – minimum thickness 85mm.
Superstructure. The entire bridge structure above the substructure, including anchorage and anchor bolts, but excluding the parapets, backwalls, and wingwalls of abutments.
Superstructure. The part of the Structure above:
Superstructure. (i) Any damage, cracks, spalling/ scaling Temporarymeasures Permanentmeasures within 48 (forty eight) hours within 15 (fifteen) days or as specified by the Authority’s Engineer
Superstructure. If the as-designed bridge superstructure consists of curved girders, as shown on the structure drawings, the alternate design bridge superstructure is also to consist of curved girders.
Superstructure. All weathertight exterior bulkheads shall be hose tested for tightness prior to coating. All weathertight doors, windows, manholes, and hatches shall be hose tested for tightness.
Superstructure. State the type of materials used (e.g. reinforced concrete using Grade 30 concrete manufactured from Portland Cement complying with SS26 steel reinforcement bar complying with SS22).
Superstructure. All of that part of a Bridge structure above bridge seats or skewbacks of arches not classified as Substructure. Supplemental Specifications. Special written or printed clauses supplemental to or superceding the Standard Specifications setting forth requirements peculiar to the specific Work included in the Contract.
Superstructure. Building stability is achieved by stiff reinforced concrete shear walls located within the cores. The superstructure above ground floor slab level consists of fire protected steel columns and beams supporting a steel deck / light weight reinforced concrete composite slab. Fire protection to be 90 minutes in general, provided by intumescent paint. The structure will be perforated to accommodate distribution of engineering services for Category A. Transfer structures exist at levels 1 and 9 to suit amendments to the column alignment The transfer beams are designed to act compositely with the concrete slab. Isolated transfer beams are also present at levels 2, 8, 10 and 11. Vibration performance: to response factor 8. Staircases will be constructed of either folded steel landings and stair treads.