Supplantation Sample Clauses

Supplantation. Funds pursuant to this Agreement are provided pursuant to Proposition 10 and are intended to supplement, expand upon, and enhance activities funded from existing sources. Grantee shall not use funds under this Agreement to supplant existing resources or services.
Supplantation. Sub-recipents are required to provide assurance that grant funds will not be used to supplant or replace local or state funds or other resources that would otherwise have been available for homeland security activities. In compliance with that mandate, the Sub-Recipient certifies that the receipt of federal funds through North Carolina Emergency Management shall in no way supplant or replace state or local funds or other resources that would have been made available for homeland security activities.
Supplantation. Corporation assistance may not be used to replace State and local public funds that had been used to support programs of the type eligible to receive Corporation support. For any given program, this condition will be satisfied if the aggregate non-Federal public expenditure for that program in the fiscal year that support is to be provided is not less than the previous fiscal year.
Supplantation. Action of an employee who by virtue of his seniority rights, is ousted from his post by another employee.
SupplantationGrant Fund Devices are intended to provide supplemental support, not supplant federal, state, or private resources.
Supplantation. AmeriCorps assistance may not be used to replace State and local public funds that had been used to support programs of the type eligible to receive AmeriCorps support. For any given program, this condition will be satisfied if the aggregate non-Federal public expenditure for that program in the fiscal year that support is to be provided is not less than the previous fiscal year.
Supplantation. Lorsque l’employé(e) choisit le droit à la supplantation, les lignes directrices suivantes s’appliqueront : (a) L’employé(e) a le droit de supplanter un(e) employé(e) ayant moins d’ancienneté, quelque soit le niveau de classification considéré, pourvu qu’il (elle) possède les titres et qualités nécessaires pour s’acquitter de ses tâches. (b) Les employés ayant choisi le droit à la supplantation seront pris en considération par ordre d’ancienneté. La liste des employés qui se prévalent de leur droit de supplantation sera régulièrement modifiée xxxxxx le processus de supplantation, afin de toujours xxxxxx la priorité à ceux qui ont le plus d’ancienneté. (c) L’Employeur évaluera si un(e) « employé(e) possède les titres et qualités nécessaires pour s’acquitter de ses tâches » pour tous les postes choisis par suite du droit ou xxxxxx le processus de supplantation. (d) L’Employeur fournira une réponse à l’employé(e) dans les deux (2) jours ouvrables qui suivent la réception du Formulaire de choix du droit. (e) Si l’employé(e) doit occuper un poste dont le niveau de salaire dans le barème des salaires est le même que celui du poste xxxxx ou excédentaire, il (elle) continuera de recevoir son taux de salaire habituel.
SupplantationThe Contractor shall not supplant any federal, state, or county funds intended for the purpose of this Contract with any funds made available under any other Contract. The Contractor shall not claim reimbursement from the COUNTY for, or apply any sums received from the COUNTY, with respect to the portion of its obligations, which have been paid by another source of revenue. The Contractor agrees that it will not use funds received pursuant to this Contract, either directly or indirectly, as a contribution or compensation for purposes of obtaining state funds under any state program or county funds under any county programs without prior approval of the COUNTY.
Supplantation. SUBRECIPIENT shall not supplant any federal, state or COUNTY funds intended for the purpose of this Agreement with any funds made available under any other agreement. SUBRECIPIENT shall not claim reimbursement from COUNTY for any sums which have been paid by another source of revenue. SUBRECIPIENT agrees that it will not use funds received pursuant to this Agreement, either directly or indirectly, as a contribution or compensation for purposes of obtaining state funds under any state program or COUNTY funds under any COUNTY programs without prior approval of COUNTY.
Supplantation. SUBRECIPIENT shall not use HHAP-1, HHAP-2, and HHAP-3 funds under this Agreement to supplant any existing local funds for Homeless housing, assistance, or prevention. SUBRECIPIENT shall not claim reimbursement from CITY for any sums which have been paid by another source of revenue. SUBRECIPIENT agrees that it will not use funds received pursuant to this Agreement, either directly or indirectly, as a contribution or compensation for purposes of obtaining state funds under any state program or CITY funds under any CITY programs without prior approval of CITY.