SUPPLY AND INSURANCE OF TOOLS. 19.1 The employer will provide necessary tools of the trade to all employees, and to apprentices in the first year of employment, and these tools for apprentices will become the property of the employee once training is completed. Where, by agreement employees are required to provide tools, they will be paid an allowance of
19.2 The employer will insure tools against loss by theft up to a maximum of $1,500.00 and provide lock up facilities for tools.
19.3 The company will supply all employees, including those on regular daily hire smoothedge and adhesives.
SUPPLY AND INSURANCE OF TOOLS. 24.1.1 The employer will provide necessary tools of the trade to all employees, and to apprentices in the first year of employment, and these tools for apprentices will become the property of the employee once training is completed. Where, by agreement, employees provide tools, they will be paid an allowance of $23.60 per week for maintenance and replacement of tools and will be responsible for maintaining in good order and condition a kit of tools necessary for the performance of their duties.
24.1.2 The employer will insure tools against loss by theft up to a maximum of $1,500.00 and provide lock up facilities for tools. Provided that the employer will provide, where necessary, power tools.
SUPPLY AND INSURANCE OF TOOLS. 15.1. The employer will provide necessary tools of the trade to all inside employees, and to apprentices in the first year of employment, and these tools for apprentices will become the property of the employee once training is completed. Where, by agreement, outside employees are required to provide tools, they will be paid an allowance of $20.00 per week for maintenance and replacement of tools and will be responsible for maintaining in good order and condition a kit of tools necessary for the performance of their duties.
15.2. The employer will insure tools against loss by theft up to a maximum of $1,500.00 and provide lock up facilities for tools. Provided that the employer will provide, where necessary, power tools, pneumatic tools, suckers, spirit levels and all types of glass cutters.
SUPPLY AND INSURANCE OF TOOLS. 19.1 The employer will provide necessary tools of the trade to all employees, and to apprentices in the first year of employment, and these tools for apprentices will become the property of the employee once training is completed. Where, by agreement employees are required to provide tools, they will be paid an allowance of
19.2 The employer will insure tools against loss by theft up to a maximum of $1,500.00 and provide lock up facilities for tools.
19.3 The company will supply all employees, including those on regular daily hire smoothedge and adhesives or as mutually agreed between the parties when it can be demonstrated a RDH employee profits by supplying such goods.
SUPPLY AND INSURANCE OF TOOLS. 23.11.1 The employer will pay each employee an allowance of $23.30 per week or such higher rate as contained in the award for supplying and maintaining hand tools ordinarily required for the performance of their work.
23.11.2 This allowance will not apply where the employer supplies the hand tools ordinarily required for the performance of their work.
23.11.3 The employer will insure tools against loss by theft up to a maximum of $1,500.00 and provide lock up facilities for tools. Provided that the employer will provide, where necessary, power tools.
SUPPLY AND INSURANCE OF TOOLS. 17.1 The employer will provide necessary tools of the trade to all inside employees, and to apprentices in the first year of employment, and these tools for apprentices will become the property of the employee once training is completed. Where, by agreement, outside employees are required to provide tools, they will be paid an allowance of
17.2 The employer will insure tools against loss by theft up to a maximum of $1,500.00 and provide lock up facilities for tools. Provided that the employer will provide, where necessary, power tools, pneumatic tools, suckers, spirit levels and all types of glass cutters.
SUPPLY AND INSURANCE OF TOOLS. 9.1 Tool allowance and laundry allowances are incorporated in the Enterprise and Construction rates in the agreement.
SUPPLY AND INSURANCE OF TOOLS. 21.1 The employer will provide necessary tools of the trade to all inside employees, and to apprentices in the first year of employment, and these tools for apprentices will become the property of the employee once training is completed. Where, by agreement, outside employees are required to provide tools, they will be paid an allowance of $43.75 per week for maintenance and replacement of tools and will be responsible for maintaining in good order and condition a kit of tools necessary for the performance of their duties. Tool allowance will be adjusted annually in accordance with CPI (All Groups, Melbourne) movements measured in the twelve month period ending the previous December quarter effective as of the 1st March from 2024 onwards, rounded to the nearest 5 cents.
21.2 The employer will insure tools against loss by theft up to a maximum as stipulated in clause 21.4(e)(ii) of the Award and provide lock up facilities for tools. Provided that the employer will provide, where necessary, power tools, pneumatic tools, suckers, spirit levels and all types of glass cutters.
SUPPLY AND INSURANCE OF TOOLS. 9.1 The employer shall provide necessary tools of the trade to employees, as defined by company policy, or the tool allowance as defined in the award. Tool allowance is not applicable where tools are supplied.
9.2 The provisions contained in sub clause 9.1 shall not apply to persons employed in accordance with Section B, Construction Site Rates & Conditions, as the tool allowance forms part of the base rate.
9.3 The employer shall insure tools of trade against loss by theft. Provided that the employer shall provide, where necessary, power tools, pneumatic tools, and suckers.
SUPPLY AND INSURANCE OF TOOLS. 23.1.1 The employer will provide necessary tools of the trade to all employees, and to apprentices in the first year of employment, and these tools for apprentices will become the property of the employee once training is completed. Where, by agreement, employees provide tools, they will be paid an allowance of $23.30 per week for maintenance and replacement of tools and will be responsible for maintaining in good order and condition a kit of tools necessary for the performance of their duties.
23.1.2 Where employees provide basic hand tools, they will be paid an allowance of $11.30 per week.