Symbols. Bosnia and Herzegovina shall have such symbols as are decided by its Parliamentary Assembly and approved by the Presidency.
Symbols. The units of measurement described in the Xxxx of Quantities are metric units abbreviated as follows: % percent h hour ha hectare kg kilogram kl kilolitre km kilometre km-pass kilometre-pass kPa kilopascal kW kilowatt l litre m metre mm millimetre m2 square metre x0-xxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx x0 xxxxx xxxxx x0-xx cubic metre-kilometre MN meganewton MN.m meganewton-metre MPa megapascal No. number sum Lump sum t tonne (1000kg)
Symbols i = axle index (i = 1, front axle; i = 2, rear axle) Pi = normal reaction of road surface on axle i under static conditions Ni = normal reaction of road surface on axle i under braking Ti = force exerted by the brakes on axle i under normal braking conditions on the road fi = Ti/Ni , adhesion utilized by axle i 1 J = deceleration of the vehicle g = acceleration due to gravity : g = 9.81 m/s2 z = braking rate of vehicle = J/g P = mass of vehicle h = height of centre of gravity specified by the manufacturer and agreed by the Technical Services conducting the approval test E = wheelbase k = theoretical coefficient of adhesion between tyre and road
Symbols. Windows Interface provides 7 basic symbol buttons for applying directly. The basic symbols have half shape and full shape . Click the Half Shape button or Full Shape button to switch. If you need other symbols, you can click button to see more symbols.
Symbols. The symbols are explained in Annex 4A, paragraph 1.4. and Annex 4B, paragraph 3.2. respectively.
Symbols. The CFFA Intellectual Property must be displayed with the appropriate “TM” or “®” legends as per the Guidelines and may only be used with the specific required graphical representation that is supported by the results of the CFFA procedures, and in compliance with CFFA-VPL-101P.
Symbols. The symbols used on the Zoning Map attached hereto, refer to the appropriate zones established by this By-law.
Symbols. Notes in this manual are identified by their level of importance, as defined below.
Symbols. 1. Write a few characters.
2. Move the mouse over the character you want to add a symbol for a couple of seconds for the Flotation Menu to show up.
3. Move the mouse over the Symbol button to open the symbol menu and select and input ordinary punctuation in full or half width.