System Additions. During the Term of this SLA, the Judicial Council may, at its sole option and in its sole discretion, notify Licensee that it desires additional solar power generating capacity to be installed upon negotiated pricing terms and conditions similar to those of the existing SPPA and this SLA. The Judicial Council and Licensee shall meet and confer to determine the amount of additional solar power generating capacity which Licensee believes can be technically and economically installed. In the event that the Judicial Council and Licensee agree that additional solar power generating capacity can be installed, the SPPA and this SLA will be amended to reflect the installation and operation of the additional solar power generating capacity. The Judicial Council reserves the right in its sole discretion to pursue other suppliers of renewable power generating capacity at the Site and Licensee has no exclusive option or right to provide such additional renewable power generating capacity.
System Additions. During the Term of this Lease, the Judicial Council may, at its sole option and in its sole discretion, notify Lessor that it desires additional solar power generating capacity to be installed upon negotiated pricing terms and conditions similar to those of this Lease. The Judicial Council and Lessor shall meet and confer to determine the amount of additional solar power generating capacity which Lessor believes can be technically and economically installed. In the event that the Judicial Council and Lessor agree that additional solar power generating capacity can be installed, the Lease and the SLA will be amended to reflect the installation and operation of the additional solar power generating capacity. The Judicial Council reserves the right in its sole discretion to pursue other suppliers of renewable power generating capacity at the Site and Lessor has no exclusive option or right to provide such additional renewable power generating capacity.
System Additions. During the term of this SLA, the DGS may, at its sole option and in its sole discretion, notify LICENSEE that it desires additional solar power generating capacity to be installed upon negotiated pricing terms and conditions similar to those of the existing SPPA and this SLA. The DGS, HOST and LICENSEE shall meet and confer to determine the amount of additional solar power generating capacity which LICENSEE believes can be technically and economically installed. In the event that the DGS, HOST and LICENSEE agree that additional solar power generating capacity can be installed, the SPPA and this SLA will be amended to reflect the installation and operation of the additional solar power generating capacity. The DGS and HOST reserve the right in their sole discretion to pursue other suppliers of renewable power generating capacity at the Site and LICENSEE has no exclusive option or right to provide such additional renewable power generating capacity.
System Additions. 1. Without regard to the FOC's timetable for the completion of Phases 1, 2 and 3, the installation of those system additions described in Exhibit D must be completed by the FOC no later than July 31, 1998. If the system additions are not completely installed and operational on the designated routes and locations, the FOC must provide alternative, comparable and acceptable service to the MHTC no later than July 31, 1998. At the sole option of the MHTC, if any system additions are incomplete and no alternate, comparable and acceptable service is provided by the FOC by July 31, 1998, under this Agreement and Exhibit D, any partial Fiber Optic Cable System installations within those designated routes may be reconsidered for disposition by the MHTC. If an alternate service is provided to a designated route shown in Exhibit D, the designated route shown in Exhibit D may be removed at any time after July 31, 2000, at the sole discretion of the MHTC.
2. Further, the FOC shall connect all of the MoDOT District Headquarters office buildings to the Fiber Optic Cable System either from the original system, the system additions, or by other means of access, no later than July 31, 1998. The FOC's obligation shall be to connect the system to the exterior of one such building within each district headquarters complex at a location to be specified by the Division Engineer for Traffic. The authority to install any system additions in locations outside of the utility corridor is conditioned upon compliance with this provision.
(2) EXTENSIONS FOR WORK TO BE COMPLETED BY THE FOC: At the sole option of the MHTC, the MHTC may allow an extension of time for the FOC to complete the work required under this Agreement or in any of the amendments to the Agreement. The FOC shall formally request an extension in writing to the MHTC regarding such an