TENANT'S CASUALTY INSURANCE OBLIGATIONS. Tenant shall keep all of its machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures and personal property which may be located in, upon, or about the Premises insured for the benefit of Tenant in an amount equivalent to the full insurable value thereof against:
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TENANT'S CASUALTY INSURANCE OBLIGATIONS. Tenant shall be solely responsible for but shall not be obligated to keep all of its machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures and personal property (including all property under the care, custody or control of Tenant) which may be located in, upon, or about the Premises insured in an amount equivalent to the full insurable value thereof against:
TENANT'S CASUALTY INSURANCE OBLIGATIONS. Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, shall obtain and continuously maintain in full force and effect during the Term, commencing with the date that rental (full or partial) commences, policies of insurance covering the Improvements constructed, installed or located on the Demised Premises and which have been delivered to Tenant, naming Landlord and Tenant as insureds as their interest may appear, and the Association as a loss payee with respect to Limited Common Elements only and the Association as an additional insured with respect to liability policies only against (i) loss or damage by fire; (ii) loss or damage from such other risks or hazards now or hereafter embraced by a so-called “extended coverage endorsement,” including, but not limited to, windstorm, hail, explosion, vandalism, riot and civil commotion, damage from vehicles, smoke damage, water damage and debris removal; (iii) loss for flood if the Demised Premises is in a designated flood or flood insurance area; (iv) loss for damage by earthquake if the Demised Premises is located in an earthquake prone area; (v) loss from so-called explosion, collapse and underground hazards; and (vi) loss or damage from such other risks or hazards of a similar or dissimilar nature which are now or may hereafter be customarily insured against with respect to improvements similar in construction, design, general location, use and occupancy to the Improvements, and shall maintain rent loss insurance as required by Section 6.2.3 below. At all times, such insurance coverage shall be in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the then Full Replacement Cost (as herein defined) of the Improvements and shall include a so-called “agreed value endorsement.” The term “Full Replacement Cost” shall mean the cost of replacing the Improvements without deduction for depreciation or wear and tear, and it shall include a reasonable sum for architectural, engineering, legal, administrative and supervisory fees connected with the restoration or replacement of the Improvements in the event of damage thereto or destruction thereof. Such policy may contain a commercially reasonable “deductible” provision. In the event of any loss or damage to the Demised Premises, Tenant shall pay to Landlord upon demand in cash the amount of any such deductible applicable to such loss or damage. Full Replacement Cost shall be determined from time to time (but not more frequently than once every twelve (12) months, at the request of Landlo...
TENANT'S CASUALTY INSURANCE OBLIGATIONS. 22 Section 6.2 Tenant’s Liability and Other Insurance Coverage. 23 Section 6.3 Insurance Provisions. 24 Section 6.4 Self-Insurance. 24 Section 6.5 Landlord’s Liability Insurance. 24 Section 6.6 Waiver of Subrogation. 25 Section 6.7 Unearned Premiums. 25 ARTICLE VII UTILITIES 25 Section 7.1 Payment of Utilities. 25 Section 7.2 Additional Charges. 25 Section 7.3 Interruption. 25 ARTICLE VIII REPAIRS 26 Section 8.1 Tenant’s Repairs. 26 Section 8.2 Maintenance. 26 Section 8.3 Tenant’s Waiver of Claims Against Landlord. 26 Section 8.4 Prohibition Against Waste. 26 Section 8.5 Intentionally Omitted. 26 Section 8.6 Misuse or Neglect. 26 Section 8.7 Landlord’s Replacement Obligations. 26 ARTICLE IX COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND ORDINANCES 29 Section 9.1 Compliance with Laws and Ordinances. 29 Section 9.2 Compliance with Permitted Encumbrances. 29 Section 9.3 Hazardous Materials. 30 Section 9.4 Environmental Audits. 31 Section 9.5 Survival. 32 ARTICLE X MECHANIC’S LIENS AND OTHER LIENS 32 Section 10.1 Freedom from Liens. 32 Section 10.2 Removal of Liens. 32 ARTICLE XI INTENT OF PARTIES 32 Section 11.1 Net Lease. 32 Section 11.2 Entry by Landlord. 33 ARTICLE XII DEFAULTS; REMEDIES 33 Section 12.1 Events of Default. 33 Section 12.2 Remedies. 33 Section 12.3 Landlord’s Damages for Termination of Lease. 34 Section 12.4 Landlord’s Damages for Termination of Possession. 34 Section 12.5 Landlord’s Costs. 34 Section 12.6 Reletting. 35 Section 12.7 No Waiver. 35 Section 12.8 Waiver by Tenant. 35 ARTICLE XIII DESTRUCTION AND RESTORATION 35 Section 13.1 Destruction and Restoration. 35 Section 13.2 Continuance of Tenant’s Obligations. 36 Section 13.3 Insufficient Proceeds. 36 Section 13.4 Effect of Landlord Termination. 37 ARTICLE XIV CONDEMNATION 37 Section 14.1 Condemnation of Entire Demised Premises. 37 Section 14.2 Partial Condemnation/Termination of Lease. 37 Section 14.3 Partial Condemnation/of Lease. 37 Section 14.4 Allocation of Award. 37 Section 14.5 Continuance of Obligations. 38 Section 14.6 Adjustment of Rent. 38 ARTICLE XV ASSIGNMENT, SUBLETTING, ETC. 38 Section 15.1 Restriction on Transfer. 38 Section 15.2 Permitted Assignment and Subleases. 39 Section 15.3 Criteria for Withholding Consent. 39 Section 15.4 Leasehold Mortgage. 39 ARTICLE XVI SUBORDINATION, NONDISTURBANCE, NOTICE TO MORTGAGEE AND ATTORNMENT 41 Section 16.1 Subordination by Tenant. 41 Section 16.2 Landlord’s Default. 41 Section 16.3 Attornment. 42 Section 16.4 Tenant’s Property. 43 ARTICLE XVII SIGNS 43 ...
TENANT'S CASUALTY INSURANCE OBLIGATIONS. Tenant will be solely responsible for determining the amounts and scope of insurance coverage, if any, Tenant deems necessary in connection with the insuring of its machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures, and personal property (including also property under the care, custody, or control of Tenant) that may be located in, on, or about the Premises against


  • Tenant’s Insurance Obligations Tenant, at all times during the Term and during any early occupancy period, at Tenant’s sole cost and expense, will maintain the insurance this Section 10.1 describes.

  • Tenant’s Property Insurance Tenant shall maintain at all times during the Lease Term, and during such earlier time as Tenant may be performing work in or to the Premises or have property, fixtures, furniture, equipment, machinery, goods, supplies, wares or merchandise on the Premises, and continuing thereafter so long as Tenant is in occupancy of any part of the Premises, business interruption insurance and (insurance against loss or damage covered by the so-called “all risk” type insurance coverage with respect to (i) Tenant’s property, fixtures, furniture, equipment, machinery, goods, supplies, wares and merchandise, and (ii) any other improvements which exist in the Premises as of the Lease Commencement Date (excluding the Base Building) (the “Original Improvements”), and all alterations, improvements and other modifications made by or on behalf of the Tenant in the Premises, and (iii) other property of Tenant located at the Premises (collectively “Tenant’s Property”). The business interruption insurance required by this Section shall be in minimum amounts typically carried by prudent tenants engaged in similar operations, but in no event shall be in an amount less than the Base Rent then in effect during any Lease Year, plus any Additional Rent due and payable for the immediately preceding Lease Year. The “all risk” insurance required by this Section shall be in an amount at least equal to the full replacement cost of Tenant’s Property. In addition, during such time as Tenant is performing work in or to the Premises, Tenant, at Tenant’s expense, shall also maintain, or shall cause its contractor(s) to maintain, builder’s risk insurance for the full insurable value of such work. Landlord and such additional persons or entities as Landlord may reasonably request shall be named as loss payees, as their interests may appear, on the policy or policies required by this section. In the event of loss or damage covered by the “all risk” insurance required by this section, the responsibilities for repairing or restoring the loss or damage shall be determined in accordance with Article 11 of this Lease, below. To the extent that Landlord is obligated to pay for the repair or restoration of the loss or damage covered by the policy, Landlord shall be paid the proceeds of the “all risk” insurance covering the loss or damage. To the extent Tenant is obligated to pay for the repair or restoration of the loss or damage, covered by the policy, Tenant shall be paid the proceeds of the “all risk” insurance covering the loss or damage. If both Landlord and Tenant are obligated to pay for the repair or restoration of the loss or damage covered by the policy, the insurance proceeds shall be paid to each of them in the pro rata proportion of their obligations to repair or restore the loss or damage. If the loss or damage is not repaired or restored (for example, if the Lease is terminated pursuant to Section 11.2 of this Lease, below), the insurance proceeds shalt be paid to Landlord and Tenant in the pro rata proportion of their relative contributions to the cost of the leasehold improvements covered by the policy.

  • Casualty Insurance Landlord covenants and agrees to obtain and keep in full force and effect during the Lease Term Casualty Insurance as hereinafter defined. "Casualty Insurance" shall mean fire and extended coverage insurance with respect to the Property, in an amount equal to the full replacement cost of all Improvements, with coinsurance clauses of no less than 80%, and with coverage, at Landlord's option, by endorsement or otherwise, for all risks, vandalism and malicious mischief, sprinkler leakage, boilers, and rental loss, and with a deductible in an amount for each occurrence as Landlord, in its sole discretion, may determine from time to time. Casualty Insurance obtained by Landlord need not name Tenant as an insured party and may, at Landlord's option, name any mortgagee or holder of a deed of trust as an insured party as its interest may appear. Tenant covenants and agrees to pay its Pro Rata Share of the cost of Casualty Insurance obtained by Landlord as Additional Rent, payable pursuant to the provisions hereinabove for Monthly Deposits. TENANT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING, AT TENANT'S OPTION, COST AND EXPENSE, INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR THE PROPERTY OF TENANT LOCATED WITHIN THE DEMISED PREMISES AND FOR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OF TENANT. LANDLORD AND TENANT HEREBY GRANT TO EACH OTHER ON THEIR OWN BEHALF AND ON BEHALF OF ANY INSURER PROVIDING FIRE AND EXTENDED COVERAGE TO EITHER OF THEM COVERING THE IMPROVEMENTS, THE DEMISED PREMISES, OR CONTENTS THEREOF, A WAIVER OF ANY CLAIM OF EITHER AGAINST THE OTHER AND A WAIVER OF ANY RIGHT OF SUBROGATION WHICH ANY SUCH INSURER OF ONE PARTY MAY ACQUIRE AGAINST THE OTHER BY VIRTUE OF A CASUALTY COVERED BY SUCH INSURANCE OR BY VIRTUE OF PAYMENT OF LOSS UNDER ANY SUCH INSURANCE. NEITHER PARTY, NOR ANYONE CLAIMING UNDER THEM BY WAY OF SUBROGATION OR OTHERWISE, SHALL HAVE ANY INTEREST IN THE PROCEEDS OF INSURANCE RECEIVED BY THE OTHER PARTY.

  • Tenant’s Compliance With Landlord’s Fire and Casualty Insurance Tenant shall, at Tenant’s expense, comply with all insurance company requirements pertaining to the use of the Premises. If Tenant’s conduct or use of the Premises causes any increase in the premium for such insurance policies then Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for any such increase. Tenant, at Tenant’s expense, shall comply with all rules, orders, regulations or requirements of the American Insurance Association (formerly the National Board of Fire Underwriters) and with any similar body.

  • Property Insurance Building Improvements and Rental Value 9.2.1 Lessor shall obtain and keep in force a policy or policies of insurance in the name of Lessor, with loss payable to Lessor, any ground-lessor, and to any Lender insuring loss or damage to the Premises. The amount of such insurance shall be equal to the full insurable replacement cost of the Premises, as the same shall exist from time to time, or the amount required by any Lender, but in no event more than the commercially reasonable and available insurable value thereof. If the coverage is available and commercially appropriate, such policy or policies shall insure against all types of direct physical loss or damage (except the perils of flood and/or earthquake unless required by a Lender), including coverage for debris removal and the enforcement of any Applicable Requirements requiring the upgrading, demolition, reconstruction or replacement of any portion of the Premises as the result of a covered loss. Said policy or policies shall also contain an agreed valuation provision in lieu of any coinsurance clause, waiver of subrogation, and inflation guard protection causing an increase in the annual property insurance coverage amount by a factor of not less than the adjusted U.S. Department of Labor Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the city nearest to where the Premises are located. Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations, Trade Fixtures, and Lessee’s personal property shall be insured by Lessee not by Lessor unless the item in question has become the property of Lessor under the terms of this Lease.

  • Tenant’s Liability Insurance Tenant shall carry at its own expense throughout the term of this Lease, commercial general liability insurance covering the Premises and appurtenant areas, and Tenant's use thereof, and protecting Tenant and Landlord (as an additional insured) against claims for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage based upon, involving or arising out of the ownership, use, occupancy or maintenance of the Premises and all areas appurtenant thereto. Such insurance shall be on an occurrence basis providing single limit coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence with an "Additional Insured--Managers or Lessors of Premises" Endorsement and shall contain the "Amendment of Pollution Exclusion" for damage caused by heat, smoke or fumes from a hostile fire. The policy shall not contain any intra-insured exclusions as between insured persons or organizations, but shall include coverage for liability assumed under this Lease as an "insured contract" for the performance of Tenant's indemnity obligations under this Lease. Such insurance shall also cover Tenant's contractual liability under this Lease in an amount periodically adjusted as hereinafter provided to conform to then current standard business practices for comparable business operations, but in no case less than the amounts shown in the applicable Basic Lease Provisions. The liability limit of such insurance shall not, however, limit Tenant's liabilities assumed under this Lease. Tenant shall keep in full force and effect a policy or policies of worker's compensation insurance as required by law, and with employees liability coverage for bodily injury by accident of not less than $2,000,000 for each accident, and for bodily injury by disease of not less than $2,000,000 for each employee and for the policy limit. If required by Landlord, then the amounts of general liability and employers liability insurance shall be increased from time to time (but in no event more frequently than once every three (3) years) to an amount reasonably determined by Landlord as may be required, given the then current economic conditions and the size of damage awards generally, to approximate the same level of protection as was provided on the Commencement Date.

  • LESSEE'S PROPERTY INSURANCE Subject to the requirements of Paragraph 8.5, Lessee at its cost shall either by separate policy or, at Lessor's option, by endorsement to a policy already carried, maintain insurance coverage on all of Lessee's personal property, Trade Fixtures and Lessee-Owned Alterations and Utility Installations in, on, or about the Premises similar in coverage to that carried by Lessor as the Insuring Party under Paragraph 8.3(a). Such insurance shall be full replacement cost coverage with a deductible not to exceed $1,000 per occurrence. The proceeds from any such insurance shall be used by Lessee for the replacement of personal property and the restoration of Trade Fixtures and Lessee-Owned Alterations and Utility Installations. Upon request from Lessor, Lessee shall provide Lessor with written evidence that such insurance is in force.

  • Property Insurance It is acknowledged that the Landlord/Property Management Company/ Agent shall not be liable for any loss of personal property to the Tenant, as a result of an infestation of bedbugs. Xxxxxx agrees to obtain personal property insurance to cover such losses.

  • Liability and Casualty Insurance The Administrative Agent shall have received copies of insurance policies or certificates of insurance evidencing liability and casualty insurance meeting the requirements set forth herein or in the Security Documents. The Administrative Agent shall be named as loss payee and additional insured on all such insurance policies for the benefit of the Lenders.

  • Fire and Casualty Insurance Landlord agrees to keep in full force and effect a policy or policies or broad form, all risk coverage insurance, in amounts not less than eighty percent (80%) of the reasonable reproduction or replacement value of the Premises improvements (including all buildings and structures thereon, and all portions thereof), determined annually, and with no reduction for depreciation, use, wear and tear. Landlord shall obtain at least three (3) separate bids for such insurance (which bids shall be for the same coverage and on comparable terms and conditions), and the least expensive policy shall be selected. With respect to damage or destruction of Premises improvements, which damage or destruction is covered, in whole or in part, by insurance, it is agreed that the proceeds from such insurance which are paid to Landlord shall be used and applied exclusively for the purpose of making replacements or repairs, if and only if such proceeds are sufficient in amount to complete such necessary replacements or repairs, which are paid to Landlord are insufficient therefor, Landlord will provide the deficiency, it being the intent of the parties hereto that Landlord shall have the obligation to rebuild, reconstruct or replace the Premises improvements damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty with improvements of equal value, whether such casualty shall be insured or not insured against, and whether the proceeds of any such insurance are paid to Landlord. The insurance shall be with a good and A-rated insurance company licensed to do business in Tennessee, and a copy of the policy, or a certificate of insurance together with proof of premium payment, shall be delivered to Tenant initially and at each renewal thereof. For the first calendar year of the Term, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, on or before the Commencement Date, the total cost of such fire and casualty insurance for such period of time. For calendar years following the first calendar year of the Term, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, in advance of such calendar year, Landlord’s total estimated cost of such fire and casualty insurance for such upcoming calendar year. Within one hundred twenty (120) days following the expiration of each calendar year, the estimated cost of such fire and casualty insurance shall be reconciled against the actual cost of such insurance, and any deficiency shall be payable by Tenant to Landlord within ten (10) days following demand. If such reconciliation reveals an overpayment by Tenant, such excess shall be credited against the next installment of Rent due hereunder or, if the Term has then expired, such excess shall be refunded to Tenant within ten (10) days following demand. All amounts due Landlord under this section shall be Additional Rental.

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