Term and Maximum Compensation. 1.4.1. The term of this CONTRACT is for three (3) years, commencing upon Board of Supervisor approval, with a maximum allowable compensation of one million, five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000), with the option to renew for two (2) additional years, with Board approval; except as permitted in Paragraph 1.5 below.
Term and Maximum Compensation. The term of this Contract is for three (3) years commencing upon Board of Supervisor approval or upon execution of all necessary signatures, whichever occurs later, with the option to renew or extend for up to two (2) additional years with Board of Supervisors approval, WITH A MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE COMPENSATION OF ONE MILLION, 1.5 below.
Term and Maximum Compensation. Amendment No. 1 Contract Renewal (2 years)
Term and Maximum Compensation. The term of this aggregate Contract is for three (3) years commencing July 26, 2021 through July 25, 2024, with the option to renew for up to two (2) additional years with Board of Supervisors approval. The maximum aggregate allowable compensation is Nine Million Dollars ($9,000,000), except as permitted in Paragraph 1.6 below.
Term and Maximum Compensation. 1.4.1. The term of this CONTRACT is for three (3) years renewable for two additional years, upon approval by the COUNTY Board of Supervisors with a maximum allowable compensation of ten million five hundred thousand dollars ($10,500,000), except as permitted in Paragraph 1.5 below.
Term and Maximum Compensation. 1.4.1 The term of this CONTRACT commences upon approval by the Board of Supervisors through September 26, 2021, with a maximum allowable compensation of one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000), except as permitted in Paragraph 1.5 below.
Term and Maximum Compensation. The term of this Contract is for three (3) years effective November 19, 2024 through November 18, 2027 with a Maximum Aggregate Allowable Compensation of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000), except as permitted in Paragraph 1.5 below. The Parties have the option to extend for up to two (2) additional years with Board of Supervisors approval.
Term and Maximum Compensation. 24 The term of this AGREEMENT is for three (3) years commencing on 25 the date of execution by the Board of Supervisors, with a maximum allowable 26 compensation of three-hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00), except as 1 permitted in Paragraph J below.
Term and Maximum Compensation. 1.4.1. The term of this AGREEMENT is for five (5) years commencing upon approval by the COUNTY Board of Supervisors, with a maximum allowable compensation of $1,500,000, except as permitted in Paragraph 1.5 below.
Term and Maximum Compensation. Amendment No. 1