Common use of Term and Termination of Order Form Clause in Contracts

Term and Termination of Order Form. An Order Form shall become effective on the date of last signature on a fully executed Order Form (in the case of a purchase order, the date the purchase order is explicitly accepted by Provider) (“Order Form Acceptance Date”) and shall remain in effect until all Services Terms and any Renewal Terms for the Order Form have expired or been terminated. A Services Term begins on the start date specified in the Order Form and continues for the term specified therein. Thereafter, a Services Term shall automatically renew for successive one (1) year terms (each, a “Renewal Term”) immediately following the end of the Services Term, unless either party provides written notice of non-renewal at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the Services Term or a Renewal Term. If a party materially breaches the terms of an Order Form or this Agreement (other than failure to pay a fee) and either that breach is incapable of remedy or the defaulting party fails to correct the breach within ninety (90) days following written notice by the non- defaulting party to the defaulting party specifying the breach then the non-defaulting party may terminate the applicable Order Form or this Agreement, after expiration of such cure period, upon written notice of termination to the defaulting party. The termination of an individual Order Form will not terminate any other Order Form or this Agreement unless otherwise specified in the written notice of termination. Either party may terminate an Order Form, this Agreement, and any other Order Form(s) in existence at the time with immediate effect by written notice to the other party if the other party has been declared bankrupt or if a moratorium of payments has been declared, or if any proceeding of bankruptcy, insolvency or other law for the relief of debtors, including the appointment of any receiver or trustee or assignment for the benefit of creditors shall be instituted.

Appears in 5 contracts

Samples: Master Subscription and Support Agreement, Master Subscription and Support Agreement, Master Subscription and Support Agreement

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Term and Termination of Order Form. An Order Form shall become effective on the date of last signature on a fully executed Order Form (in the case of a purchase order, the date the purchase order is explicitly accepted by Provider) (“Order Form Acceptance Date”) and shall remain in effect until all Services Terms and any Renewal Terms for the Order Form have expired or been terminated. A Services Term begins on the start date specified in the Order Form and continues for the term specified therein. Thereafter, a Services Term shall automatically renew for successive one (1) year terms (each, a “Renewal Term”) immediately following the end of the Services Term, unless either party provides written notice of non-renewal at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the Services Term or a Renewal Term. If a party materially breaches the terms of an Order Form or this Agreement (other than failure to pay a fee) and either that breach is incapable of remedy or the defaulting party fails to correct the breach within ninety (90) days following written notice by the non- defaulting party to the defaulting party specifying the breach then the non-defaulting party may terminate the applicable Order Form or this Agreement, after expiration of such cure period, upon written notice of termination to the defaulting party. The termination of an individual Order Form will not terminate any other Order Form or this Agreement unless otherwise specified in the written notice of termination. Either party may terminate an Order Form, this Agreement, and any other Order Form(s) in existence at the time with immediate effect by written notice to the other party if the other party has been declared bankrupt or if a moratorium of payments has been declared, or if any proceeding of bankruptcy, insolvency or other law for the relief of debtors, including the appointment of any receiver or trustee or assignment for the benefit of creditors shall be instituted.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Master Subscription and Support Agreement, Master Subscription and Support Agreement, Master Subscription and Support Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Term and Termination of Order Form. An The term of an Order Form shall become effective begins on the date of last signature on a once the Order Form is fully executed ("Order Form Effective Date") and continues in full force and effect until the expiration of the term of the Services ordered in the Order Form (including any renewal terms) or until earlier terminated in the case of a purchase orderaccordance with this Agreement. For Professional and Training Services, the date the purchase order is explicitly accepted by Provider) (“Customer must use any Services set forth in an Order Form Acceptance Date”) and shall remain in effect until all Services Terms and any Renewal Terms for during the Order Form have expired or been terminated. A Services Term begins on the start date term specified in the Order Form and continues for the term specified therein. Thereafter, a Services Term shall automatically renew for successive or within one (1) year terms (each, a “Renewal Term”) immediately following the end of the Order Form Effective Date, whichever is shorter; if unused, such Services Termwill expire. Unless otherwise agreed in the applicable Order Form, with respect to Subscription Services and provided that Liferay has provided an email notification of an upcoming renewal to the email address associated with the applicable Customer account at least sixty (60) days prior to the renewal date of the Subscription Services, the term will automatically renew for successive terms of one (1) year each, unless either party provides gives written notice to the other of non-renewal its intention not to renew at least thirty (30) days prior to before the end commencement of the Services Term or a Renewal Termnext renewal term. 10.3 Termination If a either party materially breaches the terms of this Agreement or an Order Form or this Agreement (other than failure to pay a fee) Form, and either that such breach is incapable not cured within thirty (30) days after written notice of remedy or the defaulting party fails to correct the breach within ninety (90) days following written notice by is given to the breaching party, then the non- defaulting breaching party to the defaulting party specifying the breach then the non-defaulting party may terminate the applicable Order Form or this Agreementmay, after expiration of such cure period, upon by giving written notice of termination to the defaulting breaching party, terminate this Agreement and/or any applicable Order Form; provided, however, that (i) no cure period will be required for a breach of Section 9 of this Agreement and (ii) in case of non-payment of Fees the cure period shall only be ten (10) days. The termination of an individual Order Form will not terminate any other Order Form or this Agreement unless otherwise specified in the written notice of termination. Either party may terminate an Order Form, this Agreement, and any other Order Form(s) in existence at the time with immediate effect by written notice to the other party if the other party has been declared bankrupt or if a moratorium of payments has been declared, or if any proceeding of bankruptcy, insolvency or other law for the relief of debtors, including the appointment of any liquidator, examiner, administrator, receiver or trustee or assignment for the benefit of creditors shall be instituted.instituted or other similar or analogous event in any jurisdiction occurs. 10.4 Survival If this Agreement or an Order Form is terminated for any reason, Sections 3, 4, 5.2, 6.2, 7, 9, 10.4, 11, 12, 13.1, 13.4-13.6, and 13.9-13.17 of this Agreement (as they are applicable with respect to each Order Form) will survive. 11. Continuing Business Nothing in this Agreement will preclude or limit Liferay from providing software, materials, or services for itself or other customers, irrespective of the possible similarity of such software, materials or services to those that might be delivered to Customer. The terms of confidentiality in 10. Durée et Résiliation 10.1 Durée et Résiliation du Contrat La durée de ce Contrat commencera à la Date d’Entrée en Vigueur et terminera à l'expiration d’une durée de quatre vingt xxx (90) jours suivant la notification écrite de résiliation donnée par l'une des parties à l'autre partie. La résiliation de ce Contrat ne mettra fin à aucun Bon de Commande en vigueur et les stipulations de ce Contrat resteront en vigueur dans la mesure nécessaire pour xxxxxx effet à tout Bon de Commande en vigueur au moment de la résiliation de ce Contrat et jusqu'à ce que le(s) Bon(s) de commande applicable(s) expire(nt) ou soit(ent) résilié(s) conformément aux Articles 10.2 ou 10.3 ci-dessous. 10.2 Durée et Résiliation d'un Bon de Commande La durée d'un Bon de Commande commence à la date de sa dernière signature dès que le Bon de Commande est exécuté (« Date d’Entrée en Vigueur du Bon de Commande ») et reste en vigueur jusqu'à l'expiration de la durée des Services commandés dans le Bon de Commande (notamment des conditions de renouvellement) ou jusqu'à résiliation anticipée conformément à ce Contrat. Pour les Services Professionnels et de Formation, le Client doit utiliser l'un des Services présentés dans un Bon de Commande pendant la durée indiquée dans le Bon de Commande ou dans l'année (1) qui suit la Date d’Entrée en Vigueur du Bon de Commande, selon le délai le plus court ; en cas de non utilisation, ces Services expireront. Sauf accord contraire dans le Bon de Commande applicable, concernant les Services de Souscription et à condition que Liferay ait fourni un e-mail de notification d'un renouvellement imminent à l'adresse e-mail associée au compte applicable du Client au moins soixante (60) jours avant la date de renouvellement des Services de Souscription, la durée sera automatiquement renouvelée pour des périodes successives de un (1) an, sauf si l'une des parties notifie par écrit à l'autre son intention de ne pas renouveler au moins trente (30) jours avant le début de la prochaine durée de renouvellement. 10.3 Résiliation Si une partie commet un manquement substantiel aux stipulations de ce Contrat ou d'un Bon de Commande, et qu’il n’est pas remédié à ce manquement dans les trente (30) jours suivant la réception d'une notification écrite à la partie enfreignant le Contrat, alors l’autre partie peut, par notification écrite de résiliation à l'autre partie, résilier ce Contrat et/ou tout Bon de Commande applicable ; étant toutefois convenu que (i) aucune période de correction n’est requise en cas de violation de l'Article 9 de ce Contrat, et (ii) la durée maximale de correction ne sera que xx xxx (10) jours en cas de non-paiement des Redevances. La résiliation d'un Bon de Commande individuel ne résiliera pas tout autre Bon de Commande ou ce Contrat, sauf spécification contraire dans la notification écrite de résiliation. Chaque partie peut résilier un Bon de Commande, le Contrat et tout(s) autre(s) Bon(s) de Commande(s) existant(s) avec effet immédiat, moyennant une notification écrite adressée à l’autre partie, si l’autre partie a été déclarée en redressement judiciaire ou si une cessation des paiements a été déclaré, ou si toute procédure collective, d’insolvabilité ou toute autre loi en faveur des débiteurs, y compris la désignation d’un liquidateur, examinateur, administrateur, administrateur judiciaire, séquestre ou fiduciaire ou la cession dans l’intérêt des créanciers est mise en œuvre ou tout autre événement similaire ou analogue dans une quelconque juridiction. 10.4 Subsistance Si ce Contrat ou un Bon de Commande est résilié pour une raison quelconque, les Articles 3, 4, 5.2, 6.2, 7, 9, 10.4, 11, 12, 13.1, 13.4-13.6 et 13.9-13.17 de ce Contrat (comme ils sont applicables par rapport à chaque Bon de Commande) subsistent à cette résiliation. 11. Continuité des affaires Aucune stipulation de ce Contrat n'empêchera ni ne limitera Liferay de fournir des logiciels, du matériel ou des services pour elle-même ou à d'autres clients, quelle que soit l'éventuelle similarité de tels logiciels, matériels ou services par rapport à ceux qui pourraient être délivrés au

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Enterprise Services Agreement

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