Termination for New Tax. Unless otherwise specified in the Election Sheet or in the terms of an Individual Contract, the provisions of this § 14.8 shall only apply in respect of an Individual Contract if the period from the date on which the Parties concluded such Individual Contract pursuant to § 3.1
Termination for New Tax. [X] the provisions of § 14.8 shall apply to the Swap Transactions under the Contract only in the circumstances specified in the first paragraph of § 14.8
Termination for New Tax. [X] unless otherwise specified in the terms of an Individual Contract the provisions of § 14.8 shall apply to such Individual Contract only in the circumstances specified in the first paragraph of § 14.8, or [ ] subject to the terms of an Individual Contract, the provisions of § 14.8 shall only apply in the following circumstances: [ ]
Termination for New Tax. [ ] subject to the terms of an Individual Contract, the provisions of § 13.5
Termination for New Tax. Unless otherwise specified in the Election Sheet or in the terms of an Individual Contract, the provisions of this § 13.5 shall only apply in respect of an Individual Contract if the period from the date on which the Parties concluded such Individual Contract pursuant to § 3.1 (Conclusion of Individual Contracts) to the end of the Total Supply Period exceeds two (2) years. Where the provisions of this § 13.5 apply in respect of an Individual Contract and:
(a) a New Tax is imposed on a Party ("Taxed Party") in respect of the Contract Quantity;
(b) having used reasonable endeavours to do so, the Taxed Party is unable to contractually pass on the cost of the New Tax to the other Party or a third party; and
(c) the total amount of the New Tax that would be payable in respect of the balance of the Certificates to be Delivered during the remainder of the Total Supply Period ("Remaining Contract Quantity"), unless otherwise specified in the Election Sheet, shall exceed five percent (5%) of the product of the Remaining Contract Quantity and the Contract Price, then the Taxed Party shall be entitled to terminate the Individual Contract, subject to the following conditions:
(a) the Taxed Party must give the other Party ("Non-Taxed Party") at least five (5) Business Days' prior written notice ("Negotiation Period") of its intent to terminate the Individual Contract (and which notice shall be given no later than one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days after the later of the enactment, or the effective date of the relevant New Tax), and prior to the proposed termination date the Taxed Party and the Non-Taxed Party shall attempt to reach an agreement as to the sharing of the New Tax;
(b) if such agreement is not reached, the Non-Taxed Party shall have the right, but not the obligation, upon written notice to the Taxed Party within the Negotiation Period, to pay the New Tax for any continuous period that it so elects on a calendar month to calendar month basis, and in such case the Taxed Party shall not have the right during such continuous period to terminate the Individual Contract on the basis of the New Tax;
(c) should the Non-Taxed Party elect to pay the New Tax on a calendar month to calendar month basis, the Non-Taxed Party may elect to cease the payment of the New Tax upon giving five (5) Business Days' prior written notice to the Taxed Party of its election to cease payment of such New Tax, in which case the Non-Taxed Party shall indemnify the Taxed Party for...
Termination for New Tax. Unless otherwise specified in the Election Sheet or in the terms of an Individual Contract, the provisions of this § 14.8 shall only apply in respect of an Individual Contract if the period from the date on which the Parties concluded such Individual Contract pursuant to § 3.1 (Conclusion of Individual Contracts) to the end of the Total Supply Period exceeds two years. Ziemnym, w sposób odpowiadający uzasadnionym wymogom Sprzedającego. JeŜeli podobne WaŜne Zaświadczenie wymagane na podstawie obowiązujących przepisów nie zostanie dostarczone i/lub wymogi Sprzedającego nie zostaną spełnione w odpowiednim terminie wystawienia faktury, a Sprzedający będzie zobowiązany do zapłacenia Podatku obciąŜającego końcowego odbiorcę lub konsumenta Gazu Ziemnego lub podmiot spalający Gaz Ziemny, Sprzedający obciąŜy Kupującego, a Kupujący zapłaci Sprzedającemu, oprócz Ceny Umownej, kwotę równą kwocie Podatku obciąŜającego końcowego odbiorcę lub konsumenta Gazu Ziemnego lub podmiot spalający Gaz Ziemny od ilości Gazu Ziemnego dostarczonej na podstawie takiej Umowy SprzedaŜy, według stawki obowiązującej w chwili dokonania sprzedaŜy. JeŜeli, po naliczeniu Podatku przez Sprzedającego, Kupujący dostarczy Sprzedającemu WaŜne Zaświadczenie w stosownym terminie (o ile będzie on wyznaczony), Sprzedający zwróci Kupującemu kwotę takiego Podatku zapłaconą przez Kupującego, o ile Sprzedający uzyska zwrot tego Podatku.
Termination for New Tax. Unless otherwise specifiinedtheElection Sheeotr in the terms of an Individual Contract, the provisions of t3h.i5s s§h1all only apply in respect of an Individual Contract if the period from the date on which the Parties concluded such CInodnitvriadcutapl ursuant to §(3C.o1nclusion of Individual Contractsto) the endof the Total Supply Period excteweod(s2) years.
(a) a New Tax is imposed on a Party (thTeax" ed Party") in respect of the Contract Quantity;
(b) having used reasonable endeavours to do so, the Taxed Party is unable contractually to pass on the cost of the New Tax to the other Party or a third party; and
Termination for New Tax. [ ] unless otherwise specified in the terms of an Individual Contract the provisions of § 14.8 shall apply to such Individual Contract only in the circumstances specified in the first paragraph of § 13.8, or [ ] subject to the terms of an Individual Contract, the provisions of § 13.8 shall only apply in the following circumstances: [ ] § 134.9 Withholding Tax: [ ] § 13.9 shall apply, or [ ] § 13.9 shall not apply § 15 Credit Support Documents: Party A shall provide Party B with the following Credit Support Document(s): Party B shall provide Party A with the following Credit Support Document(s):
Termination for New Tax. Unless otherwise specified in the Election Sheet or in the terms of an Individual Contract the provisions of this § 14.8 shall only apply in respect of an Individual Contract if the period from the date on which the Parties concluded such Individual Contract pursuant to § 3.1 (Conclusion of Individual Contracts) to the end of the Total Supply Period exceeds two years. Where the provisions of this § 14.8 apply in respect of an Individual Contract and: a New Tax is imposed on a Party (the “Taxed Party”) in respect of the Contract Quantity; and having used reasonable endeavours to do so, the Taxed Party is unable contractually to pass on the cost of the New Tax to the other Party or a third party; and