Long Term Force Majeure. An event of Force Majeure affecting one or both Parties for more than twelve (12) consecutive months.
Long Term Force Majeure. If the Claiming Party is unable to deliver or accept delivery for reasons of Force Majeure and this inability lasts for more than ninety (90) consecutive calendar days or one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days in total in a calendar year, the other Party may, by notice in writing to the Claiming Party, and subject to the provisions of § 15.5 (Notification and Mitigation of Force Majeure), extend the period of release for such longer period and on so many occasions as may be specified by the other Party.
Long Term Force Majeure. If the performance by the Affected Party of substantially all of its obligations under this Contract is materially prevented, hindered or delayed by reason of a Force Majeure Event for a period of more than ninety (90) consecutive Calendar Days ("Long Term Force Majeure"), the other party may terminate this Contract with immediate effect by notice to the Affected Party on or at any time after the expiry of such ninety (90) Calendar Day period.
Long Term Force Majeure. If the Claiming Party is unable to Deliver or accept Delivery for reasons of Force Majeure and this inability lasts for more than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days, the other Party may, by notice in writing to the Claiming Party, and subject to the provisions of § 6.3 (Notification and Mitigation of Force Majeure), either:
(a) extend the period of release for such longer period and on so many occasions as may be specified by the other Party, acting reasonably; or
(b) terminate the affected Individual Contract(s). No obligation to pay damages pursuant to this Agreement will accrue to the Claiming Party with respect to those quantities not Delivered or accepted due to the occurrence of Force Majeure under this § 6.
Long Term Force Majeure. On the assumption that a Case of Force Majeure were to prevent one of the Parties from performing all or part of its obligations under the Contract for a period in excess of thirty (30) days, the Parties will meet one another in order to examine the adaptations to be made to their respective obligations under the Contract to take account of this new situation. If the prevention is definitive, the TSO and the Shipper may then terminate the Contract and each party will thus be released from its obligations.
Long Term Force Majeure. In the event a Force Majeure occurs and continues for an uninterrupted period of one (1) Year, either Seller or Buyer may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the other Party within ninety (90) Days after the expiration of such one (1) Year period; provided, however, in the event a Party can reasonably demonstrate during such one (1) Year period that such Force Majeure can be cured within two (2) Years from the commencement of the Force Majeure, the other Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement only if such Force Majeure continues uninterrupted for two (2) Years, otherwise this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect for the full remaining Term thereof.
Long Term Force Majeure. If the Claiming Party is unable to deliver or accept delivery for reasons of Force Majeure and this inability lasts for more than ninety (90) consecutive calendar days or one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days in total in a calendar year, the other Party may, by notice in writing to the Claiming Party, and subject to the provisions of § 15.5 obowiązek, do odmowy odbioru Dostawy Certyfikatów związanych z energią elektryczną w okresie, w którym Sprzedający będzie zwolniony z rzeczonego obowiązku, nawet jeśli Xxxx Wyższa nie będzie miała wpływu na zdolność Sprzedającego do dostarczania Certyfikatów. Jeśli Kupujący skorzysta z prawa do odmowy przyjęcia Certyfikatów na podstawie niniejszego § 15.4, wówczas niezwłocznie zwróci Sprzedającemu Certyfikaty Dostarczone przez Sprzedającego, odnoszące się do energii elektrycznej wytworzonej w okresie, w którym Sprzedający będzie zwolniony z rzeczonego obowiązku.
Long Term Force Majeure. If the C la im in g P a rty is una b le to De liver or a cce pt De live ry fo r reasons of Force Ma jeu re a nd th is ina b ility las ts for more tha n th irty (30) cons ecutive ca le nda r da ys, the other P a rty ma y, by notic e in writing to the C la im in g P a rty, a nd s ub jec t to the provis io ns of § 6.3 (Notification and Mitigation of Force Majeure), either:
(a) extend the period of release for such longer period and on so many occasions as may be specified by the other Party, acting reasonably; or
(b) terminate the affected Individual Contract(s). No ob lig a tio n to pay damages pursuant to th is Ag re ement will accrue to the C la im ing Pa rty with re spect to xxxx x xxx ntitie s not De live red or a cce pted due to the occurre nce of Force Ma jeu re unde r th is § 6 .
Long Term Force Majeure. In the event a Party determines that there is not a reasonable likelihood that a Force Majeure affecting either Party’s performance hereunder can be corrected or eliminated at a reasonable expense within one hundred twenty (120) days (a “Long Term Force Majeure”), such Party shall give written notice thereof to the other Party and shall thereafter be entitled to the remedies specified in Section 11.1.
Long Term Force Majeure. If the Claiming Party is unablDe etloiver or accepDtelivery for reasons of Force Majeure and this inability lasts for more than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days, the other Part may, by notice in writing to the Claiming Party, and subject to the provis6i.o3n(sNootfifi§cation and Mitigation of Force Majeu)r,eeither:
(a) extend the period roefleasefor such longer period and on so many occasions as may be specified by the othPearrty; or
(b) terminate thaeffectedIndividual Contract.(s) No obligation to pay damages pursuant to this Agreement will accrue to the Claiming Party with respect to tho quantities noDtelivered oarcceptedue to the occurrence of Force Majeure unde6r. this §