TERMINATION OF TENANCIES a Unless paragraph 1(d) governs this Agreement, any notice of termination shall be by written notice of at least thirty (30) days before the end of any monthly rental period, given by either party to the other. If for any reason, including death or movement to an ALF not owned by Ageia Health Services, Resident vacates the premises prior to the expiration hereof or without notice as required by this paragraph; Resident shall be liable for 30 days of additional rent as provided for in RCW 59.18.310. In the event of death, the 30 day notice period will commence on the day of death and the Residents’ estate will be responsible for payment. Any notice of termination must provide for the vacation of the premises by all occupants unless otherwise agreed to by Owner in writing.
TERMINATION OF TENANCIES. Resident understands that this tenancy shall terminate at a.m. / p.m. on the last day of occupancy. It is Resident’s obligation to have the premises vacant and thoroughly clean by that hour. Unless paragraph 1(d) governs this Agreement, any notice of termination shall be by written notice of at least twenty (20) days before the end of any monthly rental period, given by either party to the other. Any notice of termination must provide for the vacation of the premises by all occupants unless otherwise agreed to by Owner in writing. If Resident vacates the premises prior to the expiration hereof or without notice as required by this paragraph, Resident shall be liable for additional rent as provided for in RCW
TERMINATION OF TENANCIES. Any notice of termination shall be by written notice of at least twenty (20) days before the end of any monthly rental period, given by either party to the other. If Resident vacates the premises prior to the expiration hereof or without notice as required by this paragraph, Resident shall be liable for additional rent as provided for in RCW 59.18.310. Any notice of termination must provide for the vacation of the premises by all occupants unless otherwise agreed to by Owner in writing.
TERMINATION OF TENANCIES. 9.1 The Council reserves to itself the right to terminate any of the Allotment tenancies by notice to quit and also the right to exercise the powers of re-entry and all other powers and remedies conferred upon it by the Allotment Acts 1908 to 1950 or by the Allotment Rules.
TERMINATION OF TENANCIES. Resident understands that this tenancy shall terminate at a.m. / p.m. on the last day of occupancy. It is Resident’s obligation to have the premises vacant and thoroughly clean by that hour. Unless paragraph 1(d) governs this Agreement, any notice of termination shall be by written notice of at least twenty (20) days before the end of any monthly rental period, given by either party to the other. If Resident vacates the premises prior to the expiration hereof or without notice as required by this paragraph, Resident shall be liable for additional rent as provided for in RCW 59.18.310. Any notice of termination must provide for the vacation of the premises by all occupants unless otherwise agreed to by Owner in writing. Any items left behind in the unit by the Resident after termination of tenancy as per RCW 59.12.030(2) will be considered garbage and be disposed of as the Owner sees fit.
TERMINATION OF TENANCIES. Unless this Agreement will cease at the expiration of the above-stated initial term of lease as specified in paragraph 1 above, any notice of termination shall be by written notice of at least sixty (60) days before the end of any monthly rental period, given by either party to the other. Any notice of termination must provide for the vacation of the premises by all occupants unless otherwise agreed to by Owner in writing. Resident understands that this tenancy shall terminate at 11:00 p.m. on the last day of occupancy. It is Resident's obligation to have the premises vacant and thoroughly clean by that hour. If absent without explanation for two weeks while rent remains unpaid then the premises will be considered abandoned. If the Resident abandons or vacates the premises the Owner at his option may terminate this Agreement and regain possession as prescribed by law. If Resident vacates the premises prior to the expiration of this Lease or without required notice, Resident shall be liable for additional rent as provided for in RCW 59.18.130. Any items left behind in the unit by the Resident after termination of tenancy will be handled as required under RCW 59.18.310. The issuance of three or more 10 Day Notice to Comply or 14 Day Pay Rent or Vacate notices within any 12-month period shall be grounds for termination of this Agreement. If one or more Resident(s) vacate without a signed, accepted Substitute then their share of the security deposit shall be chargeable to cover their unpaid share of rent during the term of this lease. After the date upon which their share is used up, if a substitute Resident has not been accepted by the Owner and remaining Resident(s) and signed to a Substitution Addendum to this lease, and if rent continues partly unpaid, then this lease shall terminate subject to the Owner issuing a 20 day notice to terminate this lease, which shall terminate on the schedule in the notice.
TERMINATION OF TENANCIES. (a) If any tenant shall fail to comply with the provisions of any lease or other agreement affecting the Premises, or any part thereof, prior to the Closing, Seller shall have the right to commence summary proceedings against such tenant(s) in the event of non-payment of rent, and to prosecute such proceedings to money judgment (but not a judgment of possession) after the Closing (with Purchaser's cooperation, at no cost to Purchaser if such action relates to unpaid rents due exclusively to Seller for any period(s) prior to the Closing).
(b) Seller makes no representation and assumes no responsibility with respect to continued occupancy of the Premises or any part thereof by any tenant or tenants now in possession. Prior to the Closing, (i) Seller shall not settle any suit, action or proceeding commenced to enforce the collection of rents or Additional Rents due Seller from past, present or future tenants of the Building without obtaining Purchaser's prior consent (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed) if such settlement would materially adversely affect Purchaser's rights, after the Closing, in any respect; and (ii) Seller shall be entitled, but not obligated, to enforce the rights under any lease or any tenancy by summary proceedings or otherwise; however, Seller shall not terminate any lease without Purchaser's prior consent.
TERMINATION OF TENANCIES. 3.1 How a tenancy covered by the RTA can be ended 13
TERMINATION OF TENANCIES. Unless this Agreement will cease at the expiration of the above-stated initial term of lease as specified in paragraph 1 above, any notice of termination shall be by written notice of at least twenty (20) days before the end of any monthly rental period, given by either party to the other. Any notice of termination must provide for the vacation of the premises by all occupants unless otherwise agreed to by Owner in writing. If Resident vacates the premises prior to the expiration hereof or without notice as required by this paragraph, Resident shall be liable for additional rent as provided for in RCW 59.18.310. Any items left behind in the unit by the Resident after termination of tenancy will be handled as required under RCW 59.18.310. The issuance of three or more Ten Day Notice to Comply notices within any 12-month period shall be grounds for termination of this agreement.
TERMINATION OF TENANCIES. Resident understands that this tenancy shall terminate at